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P�gina principal : UIT-R : WP8F : Contribuciones� Nuevo�-� Busque los documentos de la reuni�n


Sistemas posteriores a las IMT-2000

Resultados :29 documentos
Contribuciones �[�Origen:�ITU-T SG�]���Documents / Contributions

T�tulo Origen AI/Cuesti�n
[ 1334 ]
List of liaison statements agreed at the ITU-T SG 15 meeting (Geneva, 4-15 June 2007) � ITU-T SG 15 2007-06-29
[ 1071 ]
Liaison statement - Invitation to participate in GSC Task Force in support of Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) � ITU-T SG12 2006-12-01
[ 1070 ]
Liaison statement to TSAG, ITU SGs and eHSCG members on first version of the ITU-T Roadmap for Telemedicine � ITU-T SG 16 28/16 2006-12-04
[ 1061 ]
Reply to Liaison statement on the access network transport standardization (ANTS) � ITU-T SG15 2006-11-16
[ 1060 ]
New versions of the Access Network Transport (ANT) standards overview and workplan � ITU-T SG 15 2006-11-16
[ 1046 ]
Liaison statement to Working Party 8F (Copy for information to ITU-D SG 2) - Development of the Handbook on deployment of IMT-2000 Systems � ITU-T SG 19 2006-09-11
[ 1042 ]
Development of the handbook on deployment of IMT-2000 systems � ITU-T SG 19 2006-09-04
[ 916 ]
Response Liaison to WP 8F on the development of PDNR ITU-R.M [IP CHAR] � ITU-T SG 19, ITU-T SG 13 2006-08-07
[ 761 ]
Liaison statement to WPs 4B, 8F and 9B - New versions of the Access Network Transport (ANT) Standaradization Plan and Work Plan � ITU-T SG 15 2006-02-23
[ 760 ]
Liaison statement to Working Party 8F - Reply on ANTS � ITU-T SG15 ITU-T 1/15 2006-02-23
[ 756 ]
Preparation of the Handbook on IMT-2000 � ITU-T SG 19 2006-01-30
[ 755 ]
Development of a PDNR in response to Question ITU-R 223 � ITU-T SG's 13 & 19 2006-01-30
[ 545 ]
Liaison statement to ITU-R Working Party 8F � ITU-T SG 19 2005-06-08
[ 540 ]
New versions of the Access Network Transport Standardization Plan and Work Plan � ITU-T SG 15 2005-06-02
[ 539 ]
Liaison statement to Working Party 8F - Access Network Transport � ITU-T SG 15 2005-06-02
[ 401 ]
Trial of public access to Study Group 19 documentation � ITU-T SG 19 2005-01-24
[ 373 ]
Liaison statement - Trial of public access to SG 19 documentation � ITU-T SG 9 2005-01-20
[ 354 ]
Liaison statement - New versions of the Access Network Transport (ANT) Standardization Plan and Work Plan � ITU-T SG 15 2004-12-17
[ 201 ]
Liaison statement - New versions of the Access Network Transport (ANT) Standardization Plan and Work Plan � ITU-T SG 15 2004-05-12
[ 191 ]
Liaison statement on the ITU-T IP project � ITU-T SG 13 2004-02-25
[ 190 ]
Liaison statement on NGN studies � ITU-T SG 13 2004-02-25
[ 93 ]
Liaison statement from ITU-T SG 15 - Reply to comments on the new versions of the ANT standardization plan and workplan � ITU-T SG 15 2003-11-19
[ 88 ]
Liaison statement to Working Parties 4B, 8A, 8F and 9B - New versions of the Access Network Transport (ANT) Standards overview and work plan � ITU-T SG 15 2003-11-11
[ 87 ]
Liaison statement to WP 8F from ITU-T SG 15 - Reply to comments on the new versions of the ANT standardization plan and workplan � ITU-T SG 15 2003-11-06
[ 81 ]
Next generation network studies � Chairman, ITU-T SG 13 2003-10-14
[ 77 ]
Request for comments on a new draft Recommendation X.MSEC � ITU-T SG 17 2003-10-09
[ 6 ]
Liaison statement on the NGN 2004 ITU-T project � ITU-T SG 13 2003-08-25
[ 5 ]
Liaison statement on the ITU-T IP project � ITU-T SG 13 2003-08-25
[ 4 ]
Liaison statement - Comments on QoS work based on draft ITU-T Recommendation Y.qsar � ITU-T SG 13 2003-08-25
Resultados :29 documentos
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