Formato |
Tama�o |
Puesta a disposici�n |
English |
86528 octetos |
2004-10-08 |
[47]�Annex 11- Liaison statement to WP 8D - Protection of the space research service (passive) from harmful interference from MSS stations in the band 1 668-1 668.4 MHz |
210944 octetos |
2004-10-08 |
[47]�Annex 10- Working document toward a PDNR ITU-R M.[MSS-RAS-1.4 GHz] - Protection of the radio astronomy service in the band 1 400-1 427 MHz from unwanted emissions of MSS feeder links operating in the bands 1 390-1 392 MHz (Earth-to-space) and 1430-1 432 MHz ... |
104448 octetos |
2004-10-08 |
[47]�Annex 9- Liaison statement to Working party 6E - Sharing and compatibility studies between RAS systems operating in the band 606 (or 608) - 614 MHz and DVB-T systems |
431616 octetos |
2004-10-08 |
[47]�Annex 8- Working document - Protection distance from radio astronomy stations operating in the band 1 400-1 427 MHz for MSS feeder link earth stations operating in the band 1 390-1 392 MHz |
350208 octetos |
2004-10-08 |
[47]�Annex 7- Working document towards a PDRR ITU-R RA.1031 - Protection of the radio astronomy service in frequency bands shared with other services |
69632 octetos |
2004-10-04 |
[47]�Annex 6- Liaison statement to Working Party 6E - WRC-07 Agenda item 1.11 |
754688 octetos |
2004-10-05 |
[47]�Annex 5- Liaison statement to WP 1A - Assessment of compatibility between radio astronomy stations and high data rate power-line communication systems |
90624 octetos |
2004-10-05 |
[47]�Annex 4- Liaison statement to Working Party 1A - Information on radio astronomy activities between 275 and 3 000 GHz |
52736 octetos |
2004-10-04 |
[47]�Annex 3- Liaison statement to Working Party 1A - Bands above 3 000 GHz |
60416 octetos |
2004-10-05 |
[47]�Annex 2- Liaison statement to Working Party 4A regarding preliminary draft new Recommendation - Practical levels of unwanted emissions |
73728 octetos |
2004-11-04 |
[47]�Annex 1- List of output (TEMP) documents |
105472 octetos |
2004-11-05 |
[47]�- Report on the meeting of Working Party 7D (Geneva, 27 September - 1 October 2004) |