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P�gina principal : UIT-R : WP7B : Contribuciones� Nuevo�-� Busque los documentos de la reuni�n


Sistemas de radiocomunicaci�n espaciales

Resultados :39 documentos
Contribuciones �[�Origen:�United States of America�]���Documents / Contributions

T�tulo Origen AI/Cuesti�n
[ 159 ]
The use of short term probabilities in interference criteria documents with a Preliminary Draft Revision to Recommendation ITU-R SA.1026-3 � United States of America 141/7, 139/7 2007-01-23
[ 158 ]
Draft new question concerning Wideband requirements for deep space research � United States of America 2007-01-23
[ 157 ]
Proposal for a PDNR on "frequency sharing between Space Research Service (SRS) and Fixed Satellite Service (FSS) (Space-to-Earth) in the 37.5-38 GHz band" � United States of America 211/7 2007-01-23
[ 144 ]
Proposed draft CPM Text for WRC-07 Agenda Item 1.2 (Resolution 746 (WRC-03), 18 GHz) � United States of America 2006-08-14
[ 143 ]
Working document towards a draft new report for "Frequency sharing between SRS lunar missions and FSS GSO and HEO systems in the 37.5-38 GHz band" � United States of America 211/7 2006-08-14
[ 142 ]
A supplement to ITU-R WP 7B Document 7B/112 (Chairman's Report/Annex 9) "Proposal to revise the working document towards sharing between the SRS (Space VLBI Telemetry) and the FSS in the 37.5-38 GHz band" � United States of America 211/7 2006-08-14
[ 134 ]
Proposed revision to Recommendation ITU-R SA.1026 "Interference criteria for space-to-earth data transmission systems operating in the earth exploration-satellite and meteorological-satellite services using satellites in low-earth orbit" � United States of America 141/7, 139/7 2006-08-18
[ 127 ]
Draft of liaison statement to WP 8F concerning sharing issues between Space research Earth stations and IMT-2000 receivers in the 2 110-2 120 MHz band � United States of America 2006-04-24
[ 109 ]
Draft liaison statement to the special committee on regulatory/procedural matters regarding optional information for the advance publication of a non-geostationary-satellite network not subject to coordination under Section II of Article 9 � United States of America 2005-11-08
[ 102 ]
Revision of proposed preliminary draft new Report ITU-R SA.[SRS ANT] - Mathematical gain models of large-aperture SRS earth station antennas for compatibility analysis involving a large number of distributed interference sources � United States of America 2005-10-18
[ 101 ]
Proposed report on Characteristics of the Space VLBI systems � United States of America 203/7 2005-10-18
[ 100 ]
Use of the 8 025-8 400 MHz band by Earth exploration satellites � United States of America 139/7 2005-10-18
[ 99 ]
Proposal to revise Recommendation ITU-R SA.1344 - Preferred frequency bands and bandwidths for the transmission of space VLBI data � United States of America 203/7 2005-10-18
[ 98 ]
Proposal to revise Recommendation ITU-R SA.1015 - Bandwidth requirements for deep-space research � United States of America 2005-10-18
[ 97 ]
Revision of proposed PDNR ITU-R SA.[PATTERN SRS]: Reference antenna patterns of large-aperture space research service earth station to be used for compatibility analyses involving a large number of distributed interference entries in the bands 31.8-32.3 GHz and 37.0-38.0 GHz � United States of America 2005-10-18
[ 76 ]
Proposed disposition of Doc. 7B/61, Annex 2 - Criteria and calculation method to establish requirements to coordinate SRS and EESS applications operating in a DRS network with space networks of other services in the band 22.55 - 23.55 GHz and 25.25 - 27.5 GHz � United States of America 118/7 2005-02-25
[ 75 ]
Criteria and calculation method to determine the level of interference to geostationary data relay satellites from the emissions of fixed-satellite service earth stations operating in the 27.0 - 27.5 GHz band � United States of America 118/7 2005-02-25
[ 74 ]
Proposal to revise the "Working document towards sharing between space research service (space VLBI telemetry) and fixed satellite service in the 37.5-38 GHz band" � United States of America 202/7 2005-02-25
[ 73 ]
Proposal to revise PDNR ITU-R SA.[SRS-MS(AERONAUTICAL)] - Sharing between the mobile service (aeronautical mobile) and the space research service (space-to-Earth) in the frequency band 37-38 GHz � United States of America 211/7 2005-02-25
[ 72 ]
Working document towards a PDNR to define frequency bands for human and robotic exploration of the Moon compatible with deep space missions � United States of America 222/7 2005-02-25
[ 57 ]
Proposed conversion of the Annexes 1,3 and 4 of Recommendation ITU-R SA.1158 to an ITU-R Report � United States of America 2004-09-27
[ 50 ]
Protection criteria applicable to space research (including deep space) and space operating services systems for the use of Task Group 1/8 in their compatibility studies � United States of America 2004-09-15
[ 49 ]
Proposed revision of Recommendation ITU-R SA.1157 - Protection criteria for deep-space research � United States of America 2004-09-15
[ 48 ]
Proposed report on means of calculating low-orbit satellite visibility statistics � United States of America 2004-09-15
[ 47 ]
Proposed Report on protection of the Space VLBI telemetry link � United States of America 2004-09-15
[ 46 ]
Proposed report on telecommunnication relay network for Mars exploration � United States of America 2004-09-15
[ 45 ]
Technical report - Mathematical gain models of lLarge-aperture SRS earth station antennas for compatibility analysis involving a large number of distributed interference sources � United States of America 2004-09-15
[ 44 ]
Proposed preliminary draft Report on sharing between the SR, EES and fixed-satellite services in the 13.75-14 GHz band � United States of America 2004-09-15
[ 43 ]
Proposed revision of preliminary draft new Recommendation - Criteria and calculation method to establish requirements to coordinate SRS and EESS applications operating in a DRS network with space networks of other services in the bands 22.55-23.55 GHz and 25.25-27.5 GHz � United States of America 240/7 2004-09-15
[ 42 ]
Proposal to revise preliminary draft new Recommendation ITU-R SA.[PATTERN SRS] - Reference space research service Earth station antenna patterns to be used for compatibility analyses involving a large number of distributed interference sources � United States of America 2004-09-15
[ 21 ]
Draft liaison statement from WP 7B to WP 1A concerning technical parameters for consideration in an informational recording procedure � United States of America 228/11 2004-03-08
[ 20 ]
Comments on WP 7B Document 7B/5 - Proposal for preliminary draft new Recommendation ITU-R SA.[PATTERN SRS] � United States of America 211/7 2004-03-08
[ 19 ]
Corrigendum to draft new Recommendation ITU-R SA.[THZ] - Technical and operational characteristics of interplanetary and deep-space systems operating in the space-to-Earth direction around 283 THz � United States of America 235/7 2004-03-08
[ 18 ]
Correcting typographical and rounding errors in Recommendation ITU-R SA.1157 - Protection criteria for deep-space research � United States of America 2004-03-08
[ 17 ]
Working document toward sharing between space research service, space VLBI telemetry and fixed satellite service in the 37.5-38 GHz band � United States of America 211/7 2004-03-08
[ 16 ]
Preliminary draft new Recommendation - Protection criteria for space VLBI Telemetry in the 37-38 GHz band � United States of America 211/7 2004-03-08
[ 4 ]
Preliminary draft revision of Recommendation ITU-R SA.1156 � United States of America 2003-09-29
[ 3 ]
Preliminary draft new Recommendation on technical and operational characteristics of interplanetary and deep-space systems operating in the space-to-Earth direction around 283 THz (1.06 um) � United States of America 235/7 2003-09-29
[ 2 ]
Preliminary draft new Recommendation - Criteria and method to determine the need for coordination between stations in other space networks and data relay satellite networks operating in the bands 22.55-23.55 GHz and 25.25-27-5 GHz � United States of America 240/7 2003-09-29
Resultados :39 documentos
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