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Resultados :23 documentos
Contribuciones �[�AI/Cuesti�n:�1/6�]���Documents / Contributions

T�tulo Origen AI/Cuesti�n
[ 171 ]
Commentary on the recent proposals relating to studying and addressing the expressed interest for an ITU Recommendation on 1280 x 720, 16 x 9, progressively captured image format for production and international programme exchange in the 50Hz environment � Canada 1/6 2005-10-03
[ 170 ]
1 280 x 720, 16 x 9 progressively-scanned captured image format for production and international programme exchange in the 50 Hz environment � France 1/6 2005-09-30
[ 162 ]
Comments on the proposal for the adoption of 1 280 x 720, 16 x 9, progressively captured image format for production and international programme exchange in the 50 Hz environment � Iran (Islamic Republic of) 1/6 2005-09-27
[ 140 ]
Comments on the proposal for ITU Recommendation on 1280 x 720, 16 x 9, progressively captured image format for production and international programme exchange in the 50 Hz environment � Japan 1/6 2005-07-21
[ 136 ]
1 280 X 720,16 X 9 progressively-scanned captured image format for production and international programme exchange in the 50 Hz environment � Denmark 1/6 2005-05-16
[ 132 ]
This document has been withdrawn � BR Study Group Department 1/6 2005-04-28
[ 130 ]
1 280 X 720,16 X 9 progressively-scanned captured image format for production and international programme exchange in the 50 Hz environment � Norway 1/6 2005-04-21
[ 129 ]
1 280 x 720,16 x 9 progressively-scanned captured image format for production and international programme exchange in the 50 Hz environment � Belgium 1/6 2005-04-12
[ 125 ]
1280 x 720, 16 x 9 progressively-scanned captured image format for production and international programme exchange in the 50 Hz environment � Sweden 1/6 2005-04-08
[ 122 ]
1 280 x 720,16 x 9 progressively-scanned captured image format for production and international programme exchange in the 50 Hz environment � Turkey 1/6 2005-04-05
[ 121 ]
1 280 X 720 X, 16 X 9 Progressively-captured image format for production and international programme exchange in the 50 Hz environment � United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 1/6 2005-03-30
[ 120 ]
1 280 x 720,16 x 9 progressively-scanned captured image format for production and international programme exchange in the 50 Hz environment � Germany (Federal Republic of) 1/6 2005-03-30
[ 117 ]
1 280 x 720, 16 x 9 progressively-scanned captured image format for production and international programme exchange in the 50 Hz environment � Poland (Republic of) 1/6 2005-03-16
[ 116 ]
1 280 x 720, 16 x 9 progressively-scanned captured image format for production and international programme exchange in the 50 Hz environment � Czech Republic 1/6 2005-03-11
[ 115 ]
1 280 x 720, 16 x 9 progressively-scanned captured image format for production and international programme exchange in the 50 Hz environment � Slovak Republic 1/6 2005-03-09
[ 113 ]
1 280 x 720, 16 x 9 progressively-scanned captured image format for production and international programme exchange in the 50 Hz environment � Spain 1/6 2005-02-23
[ 112 ]
1 280 x 720, 16 x 9 progressively-captured image format for production and international programme exchange in the 50 Hz environment � European Broadcasting Union (EBU) 1/6 2005-02-14
[ 102 ]
PDNR ITU-R BT.[XXX] - 1 280 x 720, 16 x 9 progressively-captured image format for production and international programme exchange in the 50 Hz environment � Sweden 1/6 2004-10-21
[ 99 ]
Quality of colour reproduction in television: use of colour appearance models � Vice-Chairman, SG 6 and Vice-Chairman, WP 6P 97/6, 81/6 2004-10-22
[ 97 ]
Television picture quality in the flat panel display environment � Germany (Federal Republic of) 1/6 2004-10-19
[ 56 ]
Television picture quality in the flat panel display environment � Sweden 1/6 2004-04-20
[ 54 ]
Television picture quality in the flat panel display environment � Norwegian Post & Telecom (PT) Administration 1/6 2004-04-20
[ 47 ]
Proposed draft Recommendation ITU-R BT.XXXX - 1 280 x 720, 16 x 9 progressive image format for broadcasting in the 50 Hz environment � British Broadcasting Corporation(BBC) 1/6 2004-04-14
Resultados :23 documentos
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