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P�gina principal : UIT-R : WP6A : Contribuciones� Nuevo�-� Busque los documentos de la reuni�n


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Resultados :13 documentos
Contribuciones �[�Origen:�WP 6P�]���Documents / Contributions

T�tulo Origen Fecha
[ 53 ]
Liaison statement to WP 6R and WP 6A - Metadata for production and post-production in broadcasting � Chairman, WP 6P 2002-09-11
[ 52 ]
Liaison statement to Working Party 6A - Corrections to the ISO/IEC MPEG-1 and MPEG-2 specifications � WP 6P 2002-09-11
[ 50 ]
Possible correction of subclauses, 2.7.9, H.0 of international standard ISO/IEC 13818-1 � Vice-Chairman, SG 6 and , Vice-Chairman, WP 6P 2002-09-02
[ 49 ]
Possible correction of Subclauses,,, 2.6.55 and D.0.6 of International Standard ISO/IEC 13818-1 � Vice-Chairman, SG 6 & WP 6P 2002-09-03
[ 48 ]
Possible correction of subclauses,, Tables 2-3, 2-18, 2-29, subclauses, 2.6.55 of international standard ISO/IEC 13818-1 � Vice-Chairman, SG6 and Vice-Chairman, WP 6P 2002-09-03
[ 46 ]
Report: Colour reproduction quality assessment in television � Vice-Chairman SG6 & Special Rapporteur of WP 6P 2002-09-02
[ 44 ]
Proposal on modification of ISO/IEC 11172-22: Possible technical and editorial correction � Vice-Chairman, SG 6 and , Vice-Chairman, WP 6P 2002-09-02
[ 43 ]
Proposed modification of standard MPEG-2 "Video": updating of the Table 6-9 "Matrix Coefficients" in the subclause 6.3.6 "Sequency Display Extension" for the 625-Line Systems � Vice-Chairman, SG 6, Vice-Chairman, WP 6P 2002-08-30
[ 42 ]
Proposed modification of standard MPEG-2 "Video": Updating of assignment of opto-electronic transfer characteristic of signal source in video sequence extension for 625-lines systems � Vice-Chairman, SG 6, Vice-Chairman, WP 6P 2002-09-02
[ 41 ]
Proposal on modification of ISO/IEC 13818-2: Possible editorial changes � Vice-Chairmen, SG 6 and WP 6P 2002-08-30
[ 40 ]
Possible editorial correction of C-Code specification of syntax and semantics and of digital signal transformations algorithms in ISO/IEC 13818-1, 13818-2, 13818-3 Standards � Vice-Chairman, SG 6, Vice-Chairman, WP 6P 2002-08-30
[ 39 ]
Proposed modification of standard MPEG-2 "Video" updating of the Table 6-7 "Colour Primaries" in the subclause 6.3.6 "Sequence Display Extension" for 625-Line Systems � Vice-Chairman, SG 6 , Vice-Chairman, WP 6P 2002-08-30
[ 23 ]
Liaison statement from WP 6P - Preliminary draft new Question: File format for the exchange or audio, video, data and metadata... � WP 6P 2002-03-19
Resultados :13 documentos
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