Formato |
Tama�o |
Puesta a disposici�n |
English |
121344 octetos |
0001-10-1 |
[47]�Revision 1- [6/47r1] Draft new Recommendation [Document 6/47] - Equivalent power flux density limits, epfddown to protect the broadcasting satellite service in the 12 GHz band from interference caused by non-GSO FSS systems |
179712 octetos |
0001-10-1 |
[47]�- [6/47] Draft new Recommendation [Document 6/47] - Equivalent power flux-density limits, epfd down, to protect the broadcasting-satellite service in the 12 GHz band from interference caused by non-GSO FSS systems |
Espa�ol |
141824 octetos |
0001-10-1 |
[47]�Revision 1
- [6/47r1] Proyecto de nueva Recommendaci�n [Documento 6/47] - L�mites de la m�xima densidad de flujo de potencia equivalente para la protecci�n del servicio de radiodif.por sat.en la banda de 12 GHz contra la interferencia causada por sist.del SFS no OSG |
Fran�ais |
541184 octetos |
0001-10-1 |
[47]�Revision 1- [6/47r1] Projet de nouvelle Rec. [Document 6/47] - Limites de puissance surf.�quivalente sur la liaison descendante, epfddown, visant � prot�ger le serv.de radiodif.par sat.dans la bande des 12 GHz contre les brouillages caus�s par les syst. non-OSG du SF |
Documento :
T�tulo :
Draft new Recommendation [Document 6/47] - Equivalent power flux-density limits, epfd down, to protect the broadcasting-satellite service in the 12 GHz band from interference caused by non-GSO FSS systems
Recibido en :
Origen :
SG 6
Reuni�n :
Disponibilidad :
Restringido a usuarios de TIES�[UIT-R]