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Resultados :22 documentos
Contribuciones �[�AI/Cuesti�n:�142/9�]���Documents / Contributions

T�tulo Origen AI/Cuesti�n
[ 178 ]
Development of DNR ITU-R M.[8A-9B/RLAN-DFS] � JRG 8A-9B Joint DFS CG Coordinator 142/9, 212/8 2003-01-20
[ 176 ]
Development of DNR ITU-R M.[Method NWA spectrum] � Telia AB (Spectrum Requirement CG Coordinator) 142/9, 212/8 2003-01-17
[ 175 ]
Request for comments on technical comparison between UWB communication devices and other short-range wireless communication devices � Canada 142/9, 212/8 2003-01-17
[ 174 ]
Proposed modifications to the [preliminary] draft new Recommendation ITU-R M.[8A-9B/RLAN-DFS] � France 142/9, 212/8 2003-01-17
[ 170 ]
Internet access/RLAN applications in 5 GHz � Alvarion 142/9, 212/8 2003-01-16
[ 167 ]
Additional comments on the work of JRG 8A-9B Correspondence Group concerning Development of DNR ITU-R M.[METHOD NWA SPECTRUM] � Japan 142/9, 212/8 2003-01-14
[ 165 ]
Proposed modifications to Annex 4 of DFS PDNR - Methodology for conducting sharing studies involving WAS including RLANs and radiodetermination systems in the 5 GHz band � United States of America 142/9, 212/8 2003-01-14
[ 160 ]
Liaison statement to JRG 8A-9B - WRC-03, Agenda item 1.5, Resolution 736 (WRC-2000) Resolves 1 and 3: Sharing between wireless access systems in the mobile service (including RLANS), and the EES/SR (active) services in the bands 5 250-5 350 MHz and 5 470-5 570 MHz � WP 7C 142/9, 212/8, 218/7 2002-10-09
[ 159 ]
Liaison statement to Joint Rapporteur Group 8A-9B for use in the DFS Correspondence Group - Response to Doc. 8B/300 regarding probability of detection of radiodetermination systems by DFS systems during in-service monitoring � WP 8B 142/9, 212/8 2002-10-04
[ 158 ]
Liaison statement to JRG 8A-9B - Key characteristics of amateur and amateur satellite systems for studies of compatibility with radio local area networks (RLANs) in the band 5 650-5 725 MHz � WP 8A 142/9, 212/8 2002-10-03
[ 154 ]
Analysis of the potential for sharing between wireless access systems (WAS) and other services allocated to the frequency bands 5 150-5 350 MHz and 5 470-5 725 MHz � United States of America 142/9, 212/8, 218/7 2002-09-13
[ 153 ]
Analysis of potential sharing between radiodetermination systems and wireless access systems (WAS) in the 5 250-5 350 and 5 470-5 725 MHz bands � United States of America 142/9, 212/8 2002-09-13
[ 152 ]
Report: WP8B-JRG 8A-9B joint DFS Correspondence Group Chairmen � Correspondence Group 142/9, 212/8 2002-09-13
[ 151 ]
Co-existence between Wireless Access Systems including RLANs and Earth Exploration Satellite Systems at 5 GHz range � Canada 142/9, 212/8, 218/7 2002-09-13
[ 150 ]
Sharing between radar systems and Radio Local Area Networks (RLANs) - Analysis of adjacent channel interference � France 142/9, 212/8 2002-09-12
[ 149 ]
Sharing between an aggregate of Radio Local Area Networks (RLANs) and radar systems in the 5 GHz band � Sweden 142/9, 212/8 2002-09-12
[ 148 ]
Comments on Document 8A-9B/138 related to the work of PDNR ITU-R M.[8A-9B/RLAN-DFS] � France 142/9, 212/8 2002-09-10
[ 147 ]
Sharing between EESS (active) and WAS/RLANs in the mobile service using an EIRP mask in the band 5 250-5 350 MHZ � Netherlands (Kingdom of the) 142/9, 212/8 2002-09-10
[ 144 ]
Conversion of PDNR ITU-R M.[Method NWA Spectrum] into a draft new Recommendation � Japan 142/9, 212/8 2002-09-05
[ 143 ]
Proposal for additional modification to Recommendation ITU-R M.1450-1 � Japan 142/9, 212/8 2002-09-05
[ 142 ]
Proposal for modifications of the text of PDNR [was 5Hz-EESS] � Japan 142/9, 212/8, 218/7 2002-09-05
[ 140 ]
Aggregate interference analysis of one proposed wireless access system presented in recommends of PDNR [WAS5GHz expansion-EESS]: wireless access systems including RLANs in the mobile service sharing with the EESS (active) in the band 5 470-5 570 MHz � United States of America 142/9, 212/8 2002-08-30
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