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P�gina principal : UIT-D : SG02 Rapporteur group meeting : Contribuciones� Nuevo�-� Busque los documentos de la reuni�n
UIT-D�SG02 Rapporteur group meeting� C�

UIT-D�SG02 Rapporteur group meeting

Reuniones de los Grupos de Relator de la Comisi�n de Estudio 2 del UIT-D

Resultados :9 documentos
Contribuciones �[�Origen:�Haiti (Republic of)�]���Documents / Contributions

T�tulo Origen AI/Cuesti�n
[ 123 ]
Development of amateur radio skills � Haiti (Republic of) Q5/2 2024-02-29
[ 122 ]
Regulatory decision on limit values for human exposure to electromagnetic fields in Haiti � Haiti (Republic of) Q7/2 2024-02-29
[ 121 ]
Taking control of cybersecurity in Haiti � Haiti (Republic of) Q3/2 2024-02-29
[ 120 ]
Challenges of digital transformation in health care � Haiti (Republic of) Q2/2 2024-02-29
[ 119 ]
Proposed text for the Final Report: Chapter 2, Section "Challenges faced by emerging economies due to the digital divide to combat harmful effects and assessment of climate change" � Haiti (Republic of) Q6/2 2024-02-29
[ 118 ]
Proposed text for the Final Report: Chapter 5, Section "Action to be undertaken by consumers to reduce the generation of e-waste" � Haiti (Republic of) Q6/2 2024-02-29
[ 30 ]
Factors related to exposure level to EMF for mobile phones in use � Haiti (Republic of) Q7/2 2023-03-31
[ 27 ]
Incentives in favour of dematerialization and online services � Haiti (Republic of) Q6/2 2023-03-30
[ 26 ]
Benefits of AI to telemedicine � Haiti (Republic of) Q2/2 2023-03-30
Resultados :9 documentos
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