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[18]� Proposal for the new ITU Arab Regional Priorities 2026-2028



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Documento :

UIT-D�RPM ARB� Contribuci�n� 18

T�tulo :

Proposal for the new ITU Arab Regional Priorities 2026-2028

Recibido en :


Origen :

United Arab Emirates

Reuni�n :


Disponibilidad :

Restringido a usuarios de TIES�[UIT-D]

Abstracto :

The Telecommunications and Digital Government Regulatory Authority (TDRA), UAE Conducted a Regional Workshop in Collaboration with the ITU, Focused on Curating a well studied set of Arab Regional Priorities for the next cycle of 2026-2028, The workshop was attended by Member state Representatives, Sector Members and other ITU Membership from the region to ensure a diverse set of expertise contributed efficiently. The outcome document of this Workshop yielded a draft proposal for the new Regional initiatives for member states consideration.

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Actualizado el :�2025-01-28