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P�gina principal : UIT-D : SG 01 RAPPORTEUR GROUPS : Contribuciones� Nuevo�-� Busque los documentos de la reuni�n


Reuniones de los Grupos de Relator de la Comisi�n de Estudio 1 del UIT-D

Resultados :18 documentos
Contribuciones �[�Origen:�China (People�]���Documents / Contributions

T�tulo Origen AI/Cuesti�n
[ 356 ]
"Technology Lightens the Darkness"-An example of an accessibility Solutions � China (People's Republic of) Q7/1 2020-09-04
[ 355 ]
Mobile devices making telecommunication/ICT services accessible to persons with disabilities � China (People's Republic of) Q7/1 2020-09-04
[ 354 ]
Participants are invited to have a discussion on this document and incorporate the case study in the document into the Final Report of Question 7/1 � China (People's Republic of) Q7/1 2020-09-04
[ 353 ]
An Internet diagnosis and treatment App to help the visually impaired seek medical treatment accessibly without leaving home � China (People's Republic of) Q7/1 2020-09-04
[ 352 ]
Information accessibility standard research and development work by China Academy of Information and Communications Technology (CAICT) � China (People's Republic of) Q7/1 2020-09-04
[ 351 ]
Technology helps Travel and makes Life Better for the visually impaired � China (People's Republic of) Q7/1 2020-09-04
[ 350 ]
Taobao Digital Accessibility Practice � China (People's Republic of) Q7/1 2020-09-04
[ 349 ]
Equal Digital Service to users with visual impairments � China (People's Republic of) Q7/1 2020-09-04
[ 341 ]
Exploration and Practice of Network Poverty Alleviation in China � China (People's Republic of) Q5/1 2020-08-21
[ 336 ]
An Innovative Practice of Accessible Calling � China (People's Republic of) Q7/1 2020-08-16
[ 335 ]
Adding new content for Q7/1 final report related to section 3.2 - ICT accessible technology helps visually impaired persons accept distance e-education in China � China (People's Republic of) Q7/1 2020-08-16
[ 334 ]
Adding new content for Q7/1 final report related to Chapter 3 - Requirements for accessible mobile phones and APPs for the elderly � China (People's Republic of) Q7/1 2020-08-16
[ 333 ]
Proposal to update the content about China accessibility standard and product development in "Working document - Draft Question 7/1 Output Report" which is drafted in document 296 (latest version is SG1 RGQ/306) � China (People's Republic of) Q7/1 2020-08-16
[ 332 ]
Proposal to update the content of "Working document - Draft Question 7/1 Output Report" which is drafted in document 296 (latest version is SG1 RGQ/306 ) and its possible updated document to encourage all countries strengthening accessibility construction � China (People's Republic of) Q7/1 2020-08-16
[ 312 ]
Overview of cloud computing development on the part of telecom operators in China � China (People's Republic of) Q3/1 2020-08-06
[ 217 ]
Strengthening the construction of rural information infrastructure � China (People's Republic of) Q5/1 2019-09-02
[ 188 ]
Descriptive video service - "listening to" movies and videos � China (People's Republic of) Q7/1 2019-08-07
[ 79 ]
Information accessibility practice in China � China (People's Republic of) Q7/1 2018-09-04
Resultados :18 documentos
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