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P�gina principal : UIT-D : SG 01 : Contribuciones� Nuevo�-� Busque los documentos de la reuni�n
UIT-D�SG 01� C�


Comisiones de Estudio 1

Resultados :21 documentos
Contribuciones �[�Origen:�China (People�]���Documents / Contributions

T�tulo Origen AI/Cuesti�n
[ 458 ]
Proposal to update the content "Working document - Draft Final Report for ITU-D Question 7/1" � China (People's Republic of) Q7/1 2021-03-09
[ 457 ]
CTTL-Terminals develops standards for mobile terminal information accessibility � China (People's Republic of) Q7/1 2021-03-09
[ 456 ]
China has made remarkable progress in developing broadband network � China (People's Republic of) Q1/1 2021-03-09
[ 434 ]
Proposal for updating the WTDC document content about ITU-D Study Group 1 future research � China (People's Republic of) Q7/1 2021-02-02
[ 433 ]
Proposal to update the content of "Annex preliminary terms of reference of ITU-D Questions" about SG1 Q5/1 which is drafted in "Liaison statement from the Chairmen of ITU-D SG1 and SG2 to TDAG-WG-RDTP on discussions related to WTDC Resolution 1, future study group Questions, streamlining of WTDC Resolutions and WTDC Declaration" � China (People's Republic of) Q5/1 2021-02-02
[ 431 ]
China government issues policies and regulations to promote information accessibility construction � China (People's Republic of) Q7/1 2021-02-07
[ 377 ]
Draft text for Q7/1 final report related to Chapter 1 � China (People's Republic of) Q7/1 2020-03-02
[ 376 ]
Proposal to update the content of "Working document - Draft Question 7/1 Output Report" which is drafted in document SG1RGQ/192 � China (People's Republic of) Q7/1 2020-02-03
[ 351 ]
Latest progress in broadband network development strategies in major countries � China (People's Republic of) Q1/1 2020-01-16
[ 346 ]
Draft text for Chapter 5 of the Question 5/1 Output Report � China (People's Republic of) Q5/1 2020-01-15
[ 340 ]
The stereoisomeric solution of 5G power system � China (People's Republic of) Q1/1 2020-01-07
[ 332 ]
Information accessibility practices in China � China (People's Republic of) Q7/1 2020-01-02
[ 331 ]
Construction and deployment of management-based big data platforms to promote universal telecommunication services � China (People's Republic of) Q5/1 2020-01-02
[ 330 ]
Overview of cloud-edge collaboration application in China � China (People's Republic of) Q3/1 2020-01-02
[ 241 ]
Implementation and effectiveness of China's telecom infrastructure co-deployment and sharing policy � China (People's Republic of) Q1/1 2019-03-05
[ 220 ]
Special study on China's information consumption status and user rights protection progress � China (People's Republic of) Q6/1 2019-03-02
[ 167 ]
Let everyone enjoy the wonderful life brought by science and technology � China (People's Republic of) Q7/1 2019-01-31
[ 166 ]
A general overview of the development of cloud security standards in China � China (People's Republic of) Q3/1 2019-01-31
[ 69 ]
Expanding the new space for rural information consumption � China (People's Republic of) Q5/1 2018-04-16
[ 68 ]
Proposal for the draft outline of Question 6/1 in SG1 and work plan consideration � China (People's Republic of) Q6/1 2018-04-15
[ 39 ]
China's policy for the development of big data sector � China (People's Republic of) Q3/1 2018-03-15
Resultados :21 documentos
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