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P�gina principal : UIT-D : TDAG : Documentos de informaci�n� Nuevo�-� Busque los documentos de la reuni�n


22th Telecommunication Development Advisory Group (TDAG-2016)

Resultados :11 documentos
Documentos de informaci�n

T�tulo Origen Fecha
[ 11 ]
Using CPI for WTDC-17 - Preparing proposals for the Conference � Director, Telecommunication Development Bureau 2017-05-16
[ 10 ]
Understanding the relationship between the Draft ITU-D Contribution to the ITU Strategic Plan for 2020-2023, the WTDC-17 Action Plan and Declaration � Director, Telecommunication Development Bureau 2017-05-16
[ 9 ]
Roadmap towards WTDC-17 � Director, Telecommunication Development Bureau 2017-05-16
[ 8 ]
Argentina reconverts the Paradigm of the "Enabling Environment for the Development of Telecommunications/icts" through the Universal Service � Argentine Republic 2017-05-02
[ 7 ]
WSIS Action Line Roadmaps for C2, C5 and C6 2016 � Chairman, Council Working Group on WSIS (CWG-WSIS) 2017-04-20
[ 6 ]
Argentina: investment opportunities in the ICT Sector � Argentine Republic 2017-04-21
[ 5 ]
This document is now TDAG17-22/69 � N/A (no se aplica) � 2017-04-11
[ 4 ]
Federal fiber optic network - ARSAT � Argentine Republic 2017-04-21
[ 3 ]
Available number � N/A (no se aplica) � 2017-04-10
[ 2 ]
Partnerships signed during the period of 2013-2016 � Director, Telecommunication Development Bureau 2017-04-07
[ 1 ]
CPI for TDAG17-22 user guide � Director, Telecommunication Development Bureau 2017-04-07
Resultados :11 documentos
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