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P�gina principal : UIT-D : TDAG : Contribuciones� Nuevo�-� Busque los documentos de la reuni�n


Nineteenth Telecommunication Development Advisory Group Meeting

Resultados :21 documentos
Contribuciones �[�Origen:�Director, Telecommunication Development Bureau�]���Documents / Contributions

T�tulo Origen Fecha
[ 31 ]
Final list of documents � Director, Telecommunication Development Bureau 2015-04-10
[ 27 ]
Final list of participants � Director, Telecommunication Development Bureau 2014-10-02
[ 21 ]
Quarterly Performance Report: January-June 2014 � Director, Telecommunication Development Bureau 2014-09-15
[ 20 ]
Emergency Telecommunications: Support to Response Effort to Philippines in 2013 � Director, Telecommunication Development Bureau 2014-08-01
[ 19 ]
11th and 12th World Telecommunication/ICT Indicators Symposium (WTIS) � Director, Telecommunication Development Bureau 2014-07-30
[ 18 ]
ITU Global Symposium for Regulators 2014 (GSR14) � Director, Telecommunication Development Bureau 2014-08-01
[ 15 ]
Private Sector issues � Director, Telecommunication Development Bureau 2014-07-16
[ 14 ]
Partnership Building and Resource Mobilization � Director, Telecommunication Development Bureau 2014-07-16
[ 13 ]
ITU-D Sector Membership � Director, Telecommunication Development Bureau 2014-07-16
[ 12 ]
Report of the Chairman of Group on Capacity Building Initiatives to TDAG � Director, Telecommunication Development Bureau 2014-07-16
[ 11 ]
ITU-D events electronic working methods � Director, Telecommunication Development Bureau 2014-07-16
[ 10 ]
Revised draft four-year rolling Operational Plan of the Telecommunication Development sector for 2015-2018 � Director, Telecommunication Development Bureau 2014-08-11
[ 9 ]
WSIS+10 High Level Event and the Outcomes � Director, Telecommunication Development Bureau 2014-07-16
[ 8 ]
Scope of work of ITU-D Study Group 2 for the 2014-2018 study period � Director, Telecommunication Development Bureau 2014-07-16
[ 7 ]
Scope of work of ITU-D Study Group 1 for the 2014-2018 study period � Director, Telecommunication Development Bureau 2014-07-16
[ 6 ]
Performance report 2013 � Director, Telecommunication Development Bureau 2014-07-16
[ 5 ]
Inter-sectoral team on issues of mutual interest to the three sectors � Director, Telecommunication Development Bureau 2014-07-28
[ 4 ]
Strategic considerations for the implementation of the Dubai Action Plan � Director, Telecommunication Development Bureau 2014-07-16
[ 3 ]
TDAG's new scope of work - Resolution 24, (Rev. Dubai, 2014) � Director, Telecommunication Development Bureau 2014-07-16
[ 2 ]
Report on the World Telecommunication Development Conference (WTDC 14) � Director, Telecommunication Development Bureau 2014-07-23
[ 1 ]
Draft Agenda � Director, Telecommunication Development Bureau 2014-06-19
Resultados :21 documentos
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