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UIT-D�SG01� C�


Commisi�n de Estudio 1

Resultados :15 documentos
Contribuciones �[�AI/Cuesti�n:�SG2-QALL�]���Documents / Contributions

T�tulo Origen AI/Cuesti�n
[ 302 ]
Liaison Statement from the Chairman of ITU-D Study Group 1: Agreed Working Definition of the Term "ICT" � Chairman, ITU-D Study Group 1 SG2-QALL, SG1-QALL, LS, CG 2013-10-30
[ 301 ]
Informe final de la Presidenta � Chairman, ITU-D Study Group 1 SG2-QALL, SG1-QALL, CG 2013-11-13
[ 294 ]
Liaison Statement from the ITU-T Focus Group on Innovation to ITU-D SG1 and SG 2 on Collaboration on document successful cases of ICT Innovations in emerging economies � ITU-T Focus Group on Innovation SG2-QALL, SG1-QALL, LS 2013-09-02
[ 293 ]
Improving efficiency of ITU-D Study Group activities � Russian Federation SG2-QALL, SG1-QALL 2013-08-30
[ 292 ]
Bridging Standardization Gap (BSG) activities � Director, Telecommunication Standardization Bureau SG2-QALL, SG1-QALL 2013-08-30
[ 276 ]
Informe de la Presidenta sobre la labor realizada por el Grupo por Correspondencia sobre la elaboraci�n de una definici�n pr�ctica del t�rmino "TIC" � Chairman, ITU-D Study Group 1 SG2-QALL, SG1-QALL, CG 2013-07-29
[ 272 ]
WSIS Stocktaking: Success Stories 2013 � General Secretariat SG2-QALL, SG1-QALL 2013-07-09
[ 270 ]
WSIS+10 Visioning Challenge, WSIS Beyond 2015 � General Secretariat SG2-QALL, SG1-QALL 2013-07-09
[ 267 ]
Report on the WSIS Stocktaking 2013 � General Secretariat SG2-QALL, SG1-QALL 2013-07-09
[ 231 ]
Liaison Statement from ITU-T JCA-AHF to ITU-D Study Groups 1 and 2 on Nomination of JCA-AHF representatives [to ITU-D Study Groups] � ITU-T JCA-AHF SG2-QALL, SG1-QALL, LS 2013-05-23
[ 211 ]
ITU-D Study Groups Innovation Challenge - June 2012 � Telecommunication Development Bureau SG2-QALL, SG1-QALL, QALL 2012-09-24
[ 178 ]
WSIS Stocktaking:Success Stories 2012 � General Secretariat SG2-QALL, SG1-QALL, QALL 2012-08-10
[ 177 ]
Report on the WSIS Stocktaking 2012 � General Secretariat SG2-QALL, SG1-QALL, QALL 2012-08-10
[ 176 ]
WSIS Forum 2012 Outcome Document:Identifying Emerging Trends and a Vision Beyond 2015 � General Secretariat SG2-QALL, SG1-QALL, QALL 2012-08-09
[ 152 ]
Talleres presenciales, cursos de formaci�n y de aprendizaje a distancia relacionados con la Academia de la UIT que revisten importancia para las Comisiones de Estudio 1 y 2 del UIT-D en 2012 � BDT Programme 4 SG2-QALL, SG1-QALL, QALL 2012-07-09
Resultados :15 documentos
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