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UIT-D�SG01� C�


Commisi�n de Estudio 1

Resultados :33 documentos
Contribuciones �[�AI/Cuesti�n:�Q23/1�]���Documents / Contributions

T�tulo Origen AI/Cuesti�n
[ 291 ]
The Non-Ionizing Radiation Measurement Practice of the National Media and Infocommunications Authority of Hungary � Hungary Q23/1 2013-08-30
[ 285 ]
Comments to Draft Report on Question 23/1 (Strategies and policies concerning human exposure to electromagnetic fields) � GSM Association Q23/1 2013-08-20
[ 278 ]
A case study from India on EMF � India (Republic of) Q23/1 2013-08-01
[ 273 ]
Droits et responsabilit�s des consommateurs : Historique et signification � African Ict Consumers Network (AICN) QALL, Q24/1, Q23/1, Q20-1/1, Q18-2/1, Q12-3/1, Q07-3/1 2013-07-09
[ 258 ]
Electromagnetic sensitivity to EMFs � THALES Communications Q23/1 2013-06-06
[ 256 ]
Propuesta de revisi�n de la Cuesti�n 23/1 � THALES Communications Q23/1 2013-06-03
[ 253 ]
Proyecto de Informe sobre la Cuesti�n 23/1 (Estrategias y pol�ticas relativas a la exposici�n de las personas a los campos electromagn�ticos) � Rapporteur for Question 23/1 Q23/1, OR 2013-07-18
[ 240 ]
Informe de la reuni�n del Grupo de Relator para la Cuesti�n 23/1, Ginebra, 24 de abril de 2013 � Rapporteur for Question 23/1 Q23/1 2013-09-11
[ 228 ]
Activities in Benin regarding protection of the public against non-ionizing radiation (NIR) � Benin (Republic of) Q23/1 2013-05-08
[ 190 ]
Electromagnetic Fields (EMF) Analysis Simulations and Measurements for Public Safety � LS telcom AG Q23/1 2012-08-29
[ 187 ]
Las radiaciones no ionizantes y el despliegue de redes inal�mbricas. Una problem�tica latinoamericana � Argentine Republic Q23/1 2012-08-22
[ 181 ]
Reglamentaci�n y situaci�n de la investigaci�n de los efectos de los CEM para el cuerpo humano en Corea � Korea (Republic of) Q23/1 2012-08-10
[ 175 ]
Problemas causados por las antenas repetidoras instaladas en zonas habitadas de Madagascar � Madagascar (Republic of) Q23/1 2012-08-08
[ 163 ]
Revised Draft Report for Question 23/1 � Rapporteur for Question 23/1 Q23/1 2012-07-23
[ 161 ]
An overview of ITU activities related to human exposure to electromagnetic fields � BDT Focal Point for Question 23/1 Q23/1 2012-07-13
[ 158 ]
Proyecto de revisi�n de las Directrices para la Cuesti�n 23/1 � Rapporteur for Question 23/1 Q23/1 2012-07-12
[ 138 ]
Liaison Statement to ITU-T Study Group 5 and ITU-R WP1C, WP6A, WP5A, WP5D � ITU-D Study Group 1, Question 23/1 Q23/1, LS 2012-06-01
[ 136 ]
Liaison Statement from ITU-T Study Group 5 to ITU-D SG 1 Question 23/1: Consent on new Recommendation ITU-T K.91 (K.guide) � ITU-T Study Group 5 Q23/1, LS 2012-04-27
[ 135 ]
La exposici�n de personas a los campos electromagn�ticos - Estudio de caso de Israel, propuestas y sistema de control permanente por software � Israel (State of) Q23/1 2012-03-22
[ 132 ]
Informe de la reuni�n del Grupo de Relator sobre la Cuesti�n 23/1, Ginebra, 18 de abril de 2012 � Rapporteur for Question 23/1 Q23/1 2012-06-04
[ 111 ]
An overview of ITU activities concerning the human exposure to electromagnetic fields � BDT Focal Point for Question 23/1 Q23/1 2011-08-26
[ 110 ]
Report on Contributions to Question 23/1 � Acting Rapporteur for Question 23/1 Q23/1 2011-08-25
[ 98 ]
Guideline for Regulations and policy of EMF human exposure restriction � Korea (Republic of) Q23/1 2011-08-22
[ 88 ]
Human exposure to eletromagnetic fields � Brazil (Federative Republic of) Q23/1 2011-08-18
[ 82 ]
Regulaci�n en Venezuela sobre "Condiciones de seguridad ante las emisiones de radiofrecuencia producidas por estaciones radioel�ctricas fijas en el rango de 3 kHz a 300 GHz" � Compa��a An�nima Nacional Tel�fonos de Venezuela (CANTV) Q23/1 2011-08-10
[ 59 ]
Informe de la reuni�n del Grupo de Relator sobre la Cuesti�n 23/1, Ginebra, 10 de mayo de 2011 � Vice-Rapporteur for Question 23/1 Q23/1 2011-06-08
[ 49 ]
Liaison Statement from ITU-D Question 23/1 to ITU-R Study Group 1 � ITU-D Study Group 1, Question 23/1 Q23/1, LS 2011-04-18
[ 47 ]
Draft Work Programme for Question 23/1 � Rapporteur for Question 23/1 WP, Q23/1 2011-02-16
[ 44 ]
PowerPoint presentation by Dr. E van Deventer (World Health Organization) � WHO Q23/1 2010-11-03
[ 43 ]
PowerPoint presentation by Mr. Hiroshi Ota (TSB) � Telecommunication Standardization Bureau Q23/1 2010-09-28
[ 40 ]
Protection of the personnel and the materials with respect to the radio waves � VIABLE France (France) Q23/1 2010-09-20
[ 32 ]
PowerPoint presentation by BDT Focal Point � BDT Focal Point for Question 23/1 Q23/1 2010-09-13
[ 18 ]
Regulations and policy of EMF human exposure restriction in Korea � Korea (Republic of) Q23/1 2010-09-10
Resultados :33 documentos
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