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P�gina principal : UIT-D : SG01 : Reuni�n�2012-09-10�: Contribuciones� Nuevo�-� Busque los documentos de la reuni�n
UIT-D�SG01� C�(2012-09-10)�


Commisi�n de Estudio 1

Reuni�n� del 2012-09-10 al 2012-09-14

Lugar : Suiza [Ginebra]

Otras reuniones : 2013-09-092011-09-052010-09-20

Resultados :89 documentos
Resultados :� 1 - 2 �-�Siguiente Next
Contribuciones��Documents / Contributions

T�tulo Origen AI/Cuesti�n
[ 214 ]
Innovation in the ITU-D Study Groups - Update on the input received � Chairman, ITU-D Study Group 1 QALL 2013-01-22
[ 213 ]
Liaison Statement from ITU-D Study Group 1: Invitation to participate in and provide input to the work of the Correspondence Group on the Elaboration of a Working Definition of the Term "ICT" � Chairman, ITU-D Study Group 1 QALL, LS, CG 2012-09-28
[ 212 ]
Liaison Statement from ITU-D Study Group 1 Question 20-1/1 to ITU-T Focus Group on Audio Visual Media Access (FG-AVA) and ITU-T Focus Group on Disaster Relief Systems, Network Resilience and Recovery (FG-DR&NRR) � Acting Rapporteur for Question 20-1/1 Q20-1/1, LS 2012-09-14
[ 211 ]
ITU-D Study Groups Innovation Challenge - June 2012 � Telecommunication Development Bureau SG2-QALL, SG1-QALL, QALL 2012-09-24
[ 209 ]
Liaison Statement from ITU-D Study Group 1 Question 12-3/1 to ITU-T Study Group 3 (ITU-T SG3) � Rapporteur for Question 12-3/1 Q12-3/1, LS 2012-09-17
[ 208 ]
Presentation on Affordable Broadband � Microsoft Corporation QALL 2012-09-14
[ 207 ]
Final List of Participants of ITU-D Study Group 1 Meeting, Geneva, 10-14 September 2012 � Telecommunication Development Bureau QALL 2012-09-19
[ 206 ]
Draft report/guidelines for developing countries on the management of WEEE from ICTs � Rapporteur for Question 24/1 Q24/1 2012-09-08
[ 205 ]
ITU Activities in the Area of e-Waste � BDT Focal Point for Question 24/1 Q24/1 2012-09-06
[ 204 ]
Lista de documentos de informaci�n � Telecommunication Development Bureau QALL, Q22-1/1, Q19-2/1, Q12-3/1 2012-09-06
[ 203 ]
Prevention of cyber crime in Bangladesh � Bangladesh (People's Republic of) Q22-1/1 2012-09-06
[ 202 ]
"MyNumber, MyIdentity" Awareness campaign for mobile users � Oman (Sultanate of) Q18-2/1 2012-09-05
[ 201 ]
Regulation of Internet Service Provision � Oman (Sultanate of) Q22-1/1 2012-09-05
[ 200 ]
Electronic waste - mobile phones � Brazil (Federative Republic of) Q24/1 2012-09-04
[ 199 ]
Compendium Draft � Brazil (Federative Republic of) Q22-1/1 2012-09-04
[ 198 ]
Performance Index in Customer Attendance: the Brazilian National Telecommunications Agency - ANATEL's experience � Brazil (Federative Republic of) Q18-2/1 2012-09-04
[ 197 ]
Liaison Statement from Convener, ITU-T JCA-AHF, to ITU-D Question 20-1/1, containing the JCA-AHF report of 9 May 2012 meeting � Convener, ITU-T JCA-AHF Q20-1/1, LS 2012-09-04
[ 196 ]
A research on web privacy policies in China � China Unicom Q22-1/1 2012-09-01
[ 195 ]
Draft practices to reduce spam � AT&T Corp. Q22-1/1 2012-08-31
[ 194 ]
Elaboration of a working definition of the term "ICT" � Russian Federation SG1-QALL, QALL 2012-08-31
[ 193 ]
Building a training course on building and managing a CIRT � United States of America Q22-1/1 2012-08-31
[ 192 ]
SITS Intensified to Protect Consumer's Benefits � China (People's Republic of) Q18-2/1 2012-08-31
[ 191 ]
A report on China's Broadband Development � China (People's Republic of) Q07-3/1 2012-08-31
[ 190 ]
Electromagnetic Fields (EMF) Analysis Simulations and Measurements for Public Safety � LS telcom AG Q23/1 2012-08-29
[ 189 ]
Practice of the United States in Reviews of Corporate Mergers by the Federal Communications Commission � United States of America Q10-3/1 2012-08-29
[ 188 ]
Education Transformation - Investment for the future of children and countries � Intel Corporation Q25/2, Q07-3/1 2012-08-27
[ 187 ]
Las radiaciones no ionizantes y el despliegue de redes inal�mbricas. Una problem�tica latinoamericana � Argentine Republic Q23/1 2012-08-22
[ 186 ]
Status of Cybersecurity Capacity Building Papers in ITU-D Q22-1/1 � Rapporteur for Question 22-1/1 Q22-1/1 2012-08-24
[ 185 ]
Strategies for Financing Universal Broadband Access � BDT Focal Point for Question 7-3/1 Q07-3/1 2012-08-23
[ 184 ]
Contribuci�n en la que se presenta la habilitaci�n de centros comunitarios polivalentes con destino a las personas con discapacidad. � Mali (Republic of) Q20-1/1 2012-08-16
[ 183 ]
Marco Regulatorio Actual y Compromisos Nacionales de Honduras, en relaci�n al trabajo de la Cuesti�n � Honduras (Republic of) Q12-3/1 2012-08-14
[ 182 ]
Actividades de normalizaci�n del reciclado de metales raros procedentes de los desechos generados por las TIC � Korea (Republic of) Q24/1 2012-08-10
[ 181 ]
Reglamentaci�n y situaci�n de la investigaci�n de los efectos de los CEM para el cuerpo humano en Corea � Korea (Republic of) Q23/1 2012-08-10
[ 180 ]
Overview of the tariff policies updates based on responses to the ITU Tariff Policies Survey, for selected sections of the Draft report on Question 12-3/1 � BDT Focal Point for Question 12-3/1 Q12-3/1 2012-08-13
[ 179 ]
Modificaci�n de la Ley de Redes TIC de Corea para reforzar el sistema de protecci�n de la informaci�n personal en Internet � Korea (Republic of) Q22-1/1 2012-08-10
[ 178 ]
WSIS Stocktaking:Success Stories 2012 � General Secretariat SG2-QALL, SG1-QALL, QALL 2012-08-10
[ 177 ]
Report on the WSIS Stocktaking 2012 � General Secretariat SG2-QALL, SG1-QALL, QALL 2012-08-10
[ 176 ]
WSIS Forum 2012 Outcome Document:Identifying Emerging Trends and a Vision Beyond 2015 � General Secretariat SG2-QALL, SG1-QALL, QALL 2012-08-09
[ 175 ]
Problemas causados por las antenas repetidoras instaladas en zonas habitadas de Madagascar � Madagascar (Republic of) Q23/1 2012-08-08
[ 174 ]
Cuestionario de concienciaci�n sobre ciberseguridad � Oman (Sultanate of) Q22-1/1 2012-08-05
[ 173 ]
Argentina Conectada � Argentine Republic Q07-3/1 2012-08-02
[ 172 ]
Red Federal Troncal y Provincial de Fibra �ptica (FO) � Argentine Republic Q07-3/1 2012-08-02
[ 171 ]
Expanding the Telecom/ICT Regulator's mandate and cooperation among Regulatory Authorities in different sectors � BDT Focal Point for Question 10-3/1 Q10-3/1 2012-08-02
[ 170 ]
Overview of the ICT sector and regulatory updates � BDT Focal Point for Question 10-3/1 Q10-3/1 2012-08-02
[ 169 ]
Descripci�n general del programa de seguridad de la informaci�n nacional: situaci�n actual � Rwanda (Republic of) Q22-1/1 2012-08-01
[ 168 ]
Draft Report for Question 20-1/1 � Acting Rapporteur for Question 20-1/1 Q20-1/1 2012-07-24
[ 167 ]
Contribution to the Introduction of the Draft Report to Question 18-2/1 � BDT Focal Point for Question 18-2/1 Q18-2/1 2012-07-24
[ 166 ]
Proposed revised Draft Guidelines for Question 19-2/1 � Rapporteur and Vice-Rapporteur for Question 19-2/1 Q19-2/1 2012-07-20
[ 165 ]
Revised Draft Report of Question 19-2/1 for the Meeting on 11 September 2012 � Rapporteur and Vice-Rapporteur for Question 19-2/1 Q19-2/1 2012-07-20
[ 164 ]
Point des documents de travail relatifs � la Question 18-2/1 � Rapporteur for Question 18-2/1 Q18-2/1 2012-07-13
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