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Telecomunicaciones para la cibersalud

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Contribuciones �[�AI/Cuesti�n:�Q14-2/2�]���Documents / Contributions

T�tulo Origen AI/Cuesti�n
[ 83 ]
Structure for e-Health Master Plan � Rapporteur for Question 14-2/2 Q14-2/2 2009-04-01
[ 82 ]
Report of the Rapporteur's Group Meeting on Question 14-2/2, Geneva, 11-12 February 2009 � Rapporteur for Question 14-2/2 Q14-2/2 2009-04-17
[ 81 ]
3G Technology Provides Wireless Services to Provincial Public Health Centers in Rural Thailand � Thailand Q14-2/2 2009-02-12
[ 80 ]
Liaison Statement on activities of ITU-T Q28/16 on e-health � ITU-T Study Group 16 Q14-2/2 2009-02-11
[ 79 ]
Avian Influenza and expected telecommunication technical development � Rapporteur for Question 14-2/2 Q14-2/2 2009-02-04
[ 78 ]
Basic Requirements of Mobile Device Assistance with GIS/GPS to Improve the Quality of Life for the Disabled Toward Society that Supports the Potential of Ostomates � Japan Q14-2/2 2009-02-02
[ 77 ]
Les t�l�communications au service de la Cybersant� � Democratic Republic of the Congo Q14-2/2 2009-01-16
[ 76 ]
Apport de la cybers�curit� dans le syst�me sanitaire de la RDC � Democratic Republic of the Congo Q14-2/2 2009-01-14
[ 74 ]
Status of e-health in Armenia � Armenia (Republic of) Q14-2/2 2009-01-19
[ 73 ]
Distribution of Regional Commonwealth of the CIS Countries experience in the field of a telemedicine � Azerbaijani Republic , Armenia (Republic of) , Belarus (Republic of) , Kazakhstan (Republic of) , Kyrgyz Republic , Moldova (Republic of) , Russian Federation , Tajikistan (Republic of) , Ukraine , Uzbekistan (Republic of) Q14-2/2 2009-01-19
[ 72 ]
Virtual Health Care Center in Georgia � Georgia Telemedicine Union (Association) Q14-2/2 2009-01-11
[ 71 ]
Liaison Statement Reply to a liaison statement from ITU-D Study Group 2 regarding and ITU-D Study Group Question: Proposal on the role of Telecommunication/ICT to be used for an integrated ICT network to monitor avian influenza � ITU-R Working Party 7B and 7C Q14-2/2 2008-09-29
[ 70 ]
Note to the Director of the BDT Proposal for an integrated ICT network to monitor the avian influrenza � Chairman of ITU-D Study Group 2 Q14-2/2 2008-10-02
[ 69 ]
Liaison Statement - Proposal on the role of telecommunication/ICT to be used for an integrated ICT network to monitor the avian influenza � ITU-D Study Group 2, Geneva, 15-19 September 2008 Q14-2/2 2008-09-29
[ 68 ]
Draft Agenda of the Meeting of Rapporteur's Group on Question 14-2/2, Geneva, 11-12 am February 2009, 09:30 hours, Room K2 � Rapporteur for Question 14-2/2 Q14-2/2 2008-11-28
[ 67 ]
Draft Report of the Rapporteur's Group Meeting on Question 14-2/2, Tokyo, Japan, 3-4 July 2008 � Rapporteur for Question 14-2/2 Q14-2/2 2008-09-26
[ 66 ]
"Telemedicine Network for Elderly-Care and Wellness Membership Program in Thailand" � Institute of Modern Medicine, Thailand Q14-2/2 2008-06-26
[ 65 ]
Outline of activity of the Study Group on Telemedicine Promotion Measures � Japan Q14-2/2 2008-07-02
[ 64 ]
Cancer Telemedicine Network for remote population in India - A successful Case Study under National roll-out � Center for Development of Advanced Computing Q14-2/2 2008-06-30
[ 63 ]
Implementation of e-Health Information System in the City of Banjar, West Java � Universitas Jenderel Achmad Yani (UNJANI) Q14-2/2 2008-06-27
[ 62 ]
KDDI R&D Laboratories' Activities for e.Health � KDDI R&D Laboratories Q14-2/2 2008-06-26
[ 61 ]
Ministry of IT Health Net Rural Support Program � Telemedicine and E-Health Training Center Q14-2/2 2008-06-26
[ 60 ]
Telemedicine in Pakistan: Country Report 2008 � Telemedicine and eHealth Center, Pakistan Q14-2/2 2008-06-26
[ 59 ]
The Impact of Curriculum on a National Telehelath Program � Holy Family Hospital, Rawalpindi Q14-2/2 2008-06-26
[ 56 ]
Problems and Vision of Ubiquitous Healthcare in Korea � Inje University Q14-2/2 2008-06-18
[ 55 ]
A brief review on Compressive Imaging � Institut Teknologi Bandung Q14-2/2 2008-06-05
[ 54 ]
7 Years activities of the ITU e-Health Expert Training Course � Tokai University, Japan Q14-2/2 2008-06-24
[ 53 ]
Global Monitoring Systems of Migratory Bird Using RFID and Data Collection � Tokai University, Japan Q14-2/2 2008-06-24
[ 52 ]
Structure of e-Health Master Plan � Ukraine Q14-2/2 2008-06-10
[ 51 ]
Turkey's e-Health Project � Turkey Q14-2/2 2008-06-09
[ 50 ]
RED NGN, Caso pr�ctico - COPACO � Paraguay (Republic of) Q14-2/2 2008-06-08
[ 49 ]
Telecommunication for e-Health in the context of Nepal � Nepal Q14-2/2 2008-06-09
[ 48 ]
Multifunctional Mobile Postal Complex "Cybertwin" for rendering social services to the population in the rural area, distant and hard-to-get-to regions � Russian Federation Q14-2/2 2008-06-05
[ 47 ]
Complex Telemedicine System of Disaster Medicine survey for the relief actions in a course of elimination of Emergency situation consequences � Russian Federation Q14-2/2 2008-06-05
[ 46 ]
Psychology and Cyberspace � Bulgaria (Republic of) Q14-2/2 2008-06-05
[ 45 ]
Report on Telemedicine in Cameroon � Cameroon (Republic of) Q14-2/2 2008-06-06
[ 44 ]
A brief review on compressing imaging � Indonesia (Republic of) Q14-2/2 2008-06-05
[ 42 ]
System for monitoring and control of epidemic situation with the use of info-communication technologies � Russian Federation Q14-2/2 2008-06-04
[ 41 ]
e-Salud en Costa Rica � Costa Rica Q14-2/2 2008-06-05
[ 40 ]
Draft detailed feasibility study of Central Africa Backbone (CAB) project � Central African Republic Q14-2/2 2008-06-05
[ 39 ]
Virtual Health Care Center in Georgia � Georgia Q14-2/2 2008-06-03
[ 38 ]
Disaster emergency medicine supported by virtualization hospitals � CHARIT� - UNIVERSITY MEDICINE BERLIN Q14-2/2 2008-05-15
[ 37 ]
Capacity Building in E-Health in a Development Country - Indian Initiatives � India (Republic of) Q14-2/2 2008-05-16
[ 36 ]
E-Health India Country Report � India (Republic of) Q14-2/2 2008-05-22
[ 35 ]
eHealth Infrastructure Masterplan - Case Study: Integrated Medical Record - Recommendation Draft 2008 � Bandug Institute of Technology Q14-2/2 2008-04-25
[ 34 ]
A proposal for low cost teleradiology for remote areas in developing countries using WiMAX � Malaysia Q14-2/2 2008-05-16
[ 33 ]
INTEL Health Activities � INTEL CORPORATION (USA) Q14-2/2 2008-02-07
[ 32 ]
Draft Agenda of the Rapporteur's Group Meeting on Question 14-2/2 Tokyo, Japan, 3-4 July 2008 � Director of the BDT Q14-2/2 2008-06-02
[ 31 ]
Report of the meeting of the Rapporteur's Group on Question 14-2/2, Okinawa, Japan, 17-18 June 2007 � Rapporteur for Question 14-2/2 Q14-2/2 2007-07-10
[ 30 ]
Winds - Telemedicine and disaster mitigation management - country report - Indonesia � Institut Teknologi Bandung (Indonesia) Q14-2/2 2007-06-12
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