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ITU-T�SG20� TD�(2025-01-15)�


IoT and smart cities

Study Period 2025

Meeting� from 2025-01-15 to 2025-01-24

held in Switzerland [Geneva]

Other Meetings : [ 2025-01-15 ]�

Results:106 total items.
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Temporary Documents �(GEN) �[�Source:�Editors�]���Documents / Contributions

Title Source AI/Question
[ 360-GEN ]
Output text for draft Recommendation ITU-T Y.EDSS "Framework and requirements of electricity data sharing system", Q4/20 meeting (Geneva, 15-24 January 2025) � Editors Q4/20 2025-01-22
[ 357-GEN ]
Output text of draft Recommendation ITU-T Y.SCGMS "Requirements and capabilities of IoT-based smart crop growth monitoring system", Q2/20 meeting (Geneva, 15-24 January 2025) � Editors Q2/20 2025-01-21
[ 356-GEN ]
Output text of draft Recommendation ITU-T "Requirements and capability framework of energy storage service for residential community in smart city", Q2/20 meeting (Geneva, 15-24 January 2025) � Editors Q2/20 2025-01-21
[ 354-GEN ]
Output text of draft Recommendation ITU-T Y.EV-PUD "Requirements of electric vehicle power usage data acquisition and management for smart city", Q2/20 meeting (Geneva, 15-24 January 2025) � Editors Q2/20 2025-01-21
[ 349-GEN ]
Output text of draft Recommendation ITU-T Y.MIMbased-arch - "MIM-based Architectural framework for interoperability in support of data sharing ecosystems" Q4/20 meeting (Geneva, 15-24 January 2025) � Editors Q4/20 2025-01-21
[ 348-GEN ]
Output text of draft Recommendation ITU-T Y.Interop-DPM on "Integrated Interoperability framework for Data Processing and Management", Q4/20 meeting (Geneva, 15-24 January 2025) � Editors Q4/20 2025-01-21
[ 347-GEN ]
Output text for draft Recommendation ITU-T Y.IoT-IIEC "Framework of the integrated intelligent IoT service based on multi edge computing", Q4/20 meeting (Geneva, 15-24 January 2025) � Editors Q4/20 2025-01-21
[ 346-GEN ]
Output text for draft Recommendation ITU-T Y.IoT-IWAT "Framework of interworking with agent-based transportation for intelligent IoT services ", Q4/20 meeting (Geneva, 15-24 January 2025) � Editors Q4/20 2025-01-21
[ 336-GEN ]
Output text of draft Recommendation ITU-T Y.SNPG-ref "Reliability evaluation framework of sensing network in power grid", Q7/20 meeting (Geneva, 15-24 January 2025) � Editors Q7/20 2025-01-21
[ 330-GEN ]
Output text of draft Recommendation ITU-T Y.SPDM-reqts "Requirements and a reference model of data for Smart Pest and Disease Management (SPDM) service", Q4/20 meeting (Geneva, 15-24 January 2025) � Editors Q4/20 2025-01-21
[ 329-GEN ]
Output text of draft Recommendation ITU-T Y.DSE-LISF "Reference architecture of data sharing and exchange based on lightweight intelligent software framework for Internet of things devices," Q4/20 meeting (Geneva, 15-24 January 2025) � Editors Q4/20 2025-01-21
[ 328-GEN ]
Output text for draft Recommendation ITU-T Y.CL-EDM on "Energy data model for city-level energy management platform", Q4/20 meeting (Geneva, 15-24 January 2025) � Editors Q4/20 2025-01-21
[ 327-GEN ]
Output text of proposed draft Technical Report ITU-T YSTR.GenAI-Sem-Interop "Implications of Generative Artificial Intelligence on Semantic Interoperability for Data Use", Q4/20 meeting (Geneva, 15-24 January 2025) � Editors Q4/20 2025-01-21
[ 326-GEN ]
Output text of draft Recommendation ITU-T Y.DM-SLF "Conceptual data model of smart livestock farming service", Q4/20 meeting (15-24 January 2025) � Editors Q4/20 2025-01-21
[ 319-GEN ]
Output of draft Recommendation ITU-T Y.IoT-PDP "Requirements of electric power data perception based on the Internet of Things", Q2/20 meeting (Geneva, 15-24 January 2025) � Editors Q2/20 2025-01-21
[ 315-GEN ]
Output text for draft Supplement ITU-T Y.Sup.EdgeIoT-usecases on "Supplement to ITU-T Y.4208 - Use cases of edge computing based Internet of Things", Q2/20 meeting (Geneva, 15-24 January 2025) � Editors Q2/20 2025-01-21
[ 314-GEN ]
Output text of draft Recommendation ITU-T Y.LASS-fra "Requirements and capability framework of IoT-based low-altitude sensing system", Q2/20 meeting (Geneva, 15-24 January 2025) � Editors Q2/20 2025-01-21
[ 313-GEN ]
Output text of draft Recommendation ITU-T Y.4420-rev "Framework of Internet of things based monitoring and management for Lift", Q2/20 meeting (Geneva, 15-24 January 2025) � Editors Q2/20 2025-01-21
[ 308-GEN ]
Output text of draft Supplement Y.Sup-SCC-AI: "Suppplement to ITU-T Y.4223 - Use cases of smart cities and communities supported by AI", Q2/20 meeting (Geneva, 15-24 January 2025) � Editors Q2/20 2025-01-21
[ 307-GEN ]
Output text of draft Recommendation ITU-T Y.SCCNS-Reqts "Requirements of smart city communication network system", Q2/20 meeting (Geneva, 15-24 January 2025) � Editors Q2/20 2025-01-21
[ 306-GEN ]
Output of draft Recommendation ITU-T Y.IoT-smartschool "Requirements of IoT-based smart school management system", Q2/20 meeting (Geneva, 15-24 January 2025) � Editors Q2/20 2025-01-21
[ 305-GEN ]
Output of draft Recommendation ITU-T Y.IoT-soil "Requirements of IoT-based soil environmental protection and remediation", Q2/20 meeting (Geneva, 15-24 January 2025) � Editors Q2/20 2025-01-21
[ 302-GEN ]
Output text of draft new Recommendation ITU-T Y.AIoT-FRA: "Functional requirements and architecture for Artificial Intelligence of Things", Q4/20 meeting (Geneva, 15-24 January 2025) � Editors Q4/20 2025-01-21
[ 301-GEN ]
Output text of draft Recommendation ITU-T Y.AIoT-fr: "Framework of Artificial Intelligence of Things", Q4/20 meeting (Geneva, 15-24 January 2025) � Editors Q4/20 2025-01-21
[ 291-GEN ]
Output text of draft Recommendation ITU-T Y.Highway-KPI "Key performance indicators of ICT based highway traffic safety assessment", Q7/20 meeting (Geneva, 15-24 January 2025) � Editors Q7/20 2025-01-20
[ 290-GEN ]
Output text for draft Recommendation ITU-T Y.AIoT-dfs-arc on "Reference architecture of data fusion service in artificial intelligence of things", Q4/20 meeting (Geneva, 15-24 January 2025) � Editors Q4/20 2025-01-20
[ 278-GEN ]
Output text of draft Technical Report ITU-T YSTR.Ambient-IoT, "Analysis on requirements and use cases of ambient power-enabled IoT", Q2/20 meeting (Geneva, 15-24 January 2025) � Editors Q2/20 2025-01-20
[ 277-GEN ]
Output of draft Recommendation ITU-T Y.PGComNet-Reqts "Requirements of IoT-based power grid communication network", Q2/20 meeting (Geneva, 15-24 January 2025) � Editors Q2/20 2025-01-20
[ 276-GEN ]
Output text of draft Supplement ITU-T Y.Sup.SmartAqua-usecases "ITU-T Y.4000-series - Use cases of IoT-based smart aquaculture", Q2/20 meeting (Geneva, 15-24 January 2025) - for agreement � Editors Q2/20 2025-01-20
[ 275-GEN ]
Output text of draft Recommendation ITU-T Y.EMM-Reqts "Requirements for Real-Time Event Monitoring and Integrated Management in Smart City Platforms", Q2/20 meeting (Geneva, 15-24 January 2025) - for determination � Editors Q2/20 2025-01-20
[ 273-GEN ]
Output text of draft Recommendation ITU-T Y.dt-IWCS "Requirements and capability framework of digital twin for intelligent water conservancy system", Q2/20 meeting (Geneva, 15-24, January 2025) � Editors Q2/20 2025-01-20
[ 271-GEN ]
Output text of draft Recommendation ITU-T Y.cii (ex Y.rrm-data) "Requirements and reference model of data collected from city infrastructure", Q4/20 meeting (Geneva,15-24 January 2025) � Editors Q4/20 2025-01-20
[ 268-GEN ]
Output text of draft Recommendation ITU-T Y.4496 (ex Y.RA-PHE) "Requirements and reference architecture of smart public health emergency information system" - for determination � Editors Q3/20 2025-01-19
[ 267-GEN ]
Output text of draft Recommendation ITU-T Y.SFPP "Reference framework for the smart farmland production platform", Q3/20 meeting (Geneva, 15-24 January 2025) � Editors Q3/20 2025-01-19
[ 266-GEN ]
Output text of draft Recommendation ITU-T Y.SC-DESMS "Functional architecture of IoT-based distributed energy storage management system in smart cities", Q3/20 meeting (Geneva, 15-24 January 2025) � Editors Q3/20 2025-01-19
[ 265-GEN ]
Output text of draft Recommendation ITU-T Y.IoT-CMP-VR "Functional framework and capabilities of coordination management platform for IoT based vehicle-road", Q3/20 meeting (Geneva, 15-24 January 2025) � Editors Q3/20 2025-01-19
[ 264-GEN ]
Output text for draft Recommendation ITU-T Y.EPWS-fc "Functional capabilities to support IoT-based electric power work site operation services", Q3/20 meeting (Geneva, 15-24 January 2025) � Editors Q3/20 2025-01-19
[ 263-GEN ]
Output text for draft Supplement ITU-T Y.Sup.IoT-SEDR "Supplement to ITU-T Y.4485 - Functional framework and capability for digital resources in smart education based on IoT", Q3/20 meeting (Geneva, 15-24 January 2025) � Editors Q3/20 2025-01-19
[ 261-GEN ]
Output text of draft Recommendation ITU-T Y.SA-DSC-SSC "System architecture of digital supply chain for smart sustainable cities", Q3/20 meeting (Geneva, 15-24 January 2025) � Editors Q3/20 2025-01-19
[ 260-GEN ]
Output text of draft Recommendation ITU-T Y.IoT-CONV-fr, "Convergence framework for enhancement of service intelligence based on Internet of Things" , Q3/20 meeting (Geneva, 15-24 January 2025) � Editors Q3/20 2025-01-19
[ 258-GEN ]
Output text of draft Recommendation ITU-T Y.4477-Rev, "Framework autonomous for service interworking with device discovery and management in heterogeneous Internet of things environments", Q3/20 meeting (Geneva, 15-24 January 2025) � Editors Q3/20 2025-01-19
[ 257-GEN ]
Output text for draft Recommendation ITU-T Y.DTS-arch "Architecture of the digital twin system in power grid", Q3/20 meeting (Geneva, 15-24 January 2025) � Editors Q3/20 2025-01-19
[ 256-GEN ]
Output text of draft Supplement ITU-T Y.Sup-SUPS "ITU-T Y.4456 - Functional architecture of IoT based smart underground parking services", Q3/20 meeting (Geneva, 15-24 January 2025) � Editors Q3/20 2025-01-19
[ 255-GEN ]
Output text for draft Recommendation ITU-T Y.Fram-ssdp "Requirements and framework of metaverse simulation service for disaster prevention in electric power facilities", Q3/20 meeting (Geneva, 15-24 January 2025) � Editors Q3/20 2025-01-19
[ 254-GEN ]
Output text of draft Recommendation ITU-T Y.4417-Rev "Framework of self-organization networking in Internet of things environments", Q3/20 meeting (Geneva, 15-24 January 2025) � Editors Q3/20 2025-01-19
[ 245-GEN ]
Output text of draft Supplement ITU-T Y.Sup.MM-EDMC-SSC " Maturity model of digital management capability of industrial equipment used in smart sustainable cities", Q7/20 meeting (Geneva, 15-24 January 2025) - for agreement � Editors Q7/20 2025-01-19
[ 234-GEN ]
Output text for draft Recommendation ITU-T Y.QE-DMI-SSC "Quality evaluation of digital models in industry for smart sustainable cities", Q7/20 meeting (Geneva, 15-24 January 2025) � Editors Q7/20 2025-01-19
[ 231-GEN ]
Output text for draft Recommendation ITU-T Y.Evaluation-SE "Evaluation of capabilities for IoT-enabled frameworks of smart education", Q7/20 meeting (Geneva, 15-24 January 2025) � Editors Q7/20 2025-01-19
[ 230-GEN ]
Output text of draft Recommendation ITU-T Y.Evaluation-dfp "Quality evaluation framework of data as a factor of production for smart sustainable cities", Q7/20 meeting (Geneva, 15-24 January 2025) � Editors Q7/20 2025-01-19
[ 222-GEN ]
Output text of draft Supplement ITU-T Y.Sup-IoT-BC "Applicability cases of blockchain in the IoT", Q9/20 meeting (Geneva, 15-24 January 2025) - for agreement � Editors Q9/20 2025-01-19
Results:106 total items.
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