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ITU-T�SG15� TD-PLEN�(2023-11-20)�


Transport, access and home

Study Period 2022

Meeting� from 2023-11-20 to 2023-12-01

held in Switzerland [Geneva]

Other Meetings : 2024-07-01� [ 2023-11-20 ]� 2023-04-172022-09-19

Results:68 total items.
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Temporary Documents �(PLEN) �[�Source:�Editor�]���Documents / Contributions

Title Source AI/Question
[ 297-PLEN ]
Draft Recommendation G.fin-DLL (G.9942) for consent � Editor of G.fin-DLL Q3/15 2023-11-30
[ 296-PLEN ]
A.5 justification information for draft G.9804.3 (2021) Amd 2 "50-Gigabit-capable passive optical networks (50G-PON): Physical media dependent (PMD) layer specification Amendment 1" � Editor G.9804.3 (2021) Amd 2 Q2/15 2023-11-30
[ 295-PLEN ]
A.5 justification information for draft new G.p2pf "Point-to-Point Fibre in the Premises" � Editor G.p2pf Q3/15 2023-11-30
[ 294-PLEN ]
A.5 justification information for draft new G.fin-DLL "High speed fibre-based in-premises transceivers - data link layer" � Editor G.fin-DLL Q3/15 2023-11-30
[ 292-PLEN ]
A.5 justification information for draft G.876 (2021) Amd.1 "Management Requirement and Information Model for the optical media network - Amendment 1" � Editor of G.876 (2021) Amd.1 Q14/15 2023-11-29
[ 290-PLEN ]
A.5 justification information for draft G.8021/Y.1341 (2022) Amd.1 "Characteristics of Ethernet transport network equipment functional blocks - Amendment 1" � Editor G.8021/Y.1341 (2022) Amd.1 Q10/15 2023-11-29
[ 289-PLEN ]
A.5 justification information for draft G.8312 (2020) Amd.2 "Interfaces for metro transport networks" � Editor G.8312 (2020) Amd.2 Q11/15 2023-11-29
[ 288-PLEN ]
A.5 justification information for draft revised G.959.1 "Add application codes for 100G per lane OTN equivalents of 100GBASE-FR1 and 100GBASE-LR1" � Editor G.959.1 Q6/15 2023-11-29
[ 287-PLEN ]
A.5 justification information for draft revised G.709.3 "Flexible OTN B100G long reach interfaces" � Editor G.709.3 Q11/15 2023-11-28
[ 286-PLEN ]
A.5 justification information for draft new G.709.6 "Flexible OTN B400G long reach interfaces" � Editors G.709.b400glr Q11/15 2023-11-28
[ 285-PLEN ]
A.5 justification information for draft G.709.5 "Flexible OTN short reach interfaces" � Editors of Q11/15 2023-11-28
[ 284-PLEN ]
A.5 justification information for draft revised G.709.1 "Flexible OTN interface common elements" � Editor G.709.1 Q11/15 2023-11-28
[ 282-PLEN ]
A.5 justification information for draft G.8310 (2020) Amd.1 "Architecture of the metro transport network" � Editor G.8310 (2020) Amd.1 Q12/15 2023-11-27
[ 281-PLEN ]
A.5 justification information for draft revised G.8052/Y.1346 "Protocol-neutral management information model for the Ethernet Transport capable network element" � Editor G.8052/Y.1346 Q14/15 2023-11-27
[ 278-PLEN ]
A.5 justification information for draft G.8264/Y.1364 (2017) Amd. 2 "Distribution of timing information through packet networks - Amendment 2" � Editor of G.8264/Y.1364 (2017) Amd. 2 Q13/15 2023-11-24
[ 277-PLEN ]
Draft Corrigendum 1 to G.8013/Y.1731 (for consent) � Editor G.8013/Y.1381 Q10/15 2023-11-24
[ 276-PLEN ]
Draft G.p2pf Recommendation (for consent) � Editor G.p2pf Q3/15 2023-11-08
[ 275-PLEN ]
Draft G.798 Amendment 1 (for consent) � Editor G.798 Amd 1 Q11/15 2023-11-08
[ 274-PLEN ]
G.9804.3 Amendment 2: Draft (for consent) � Editors G.9804.3 Amd 2 Q2/15 2023-11-08
[ 273-PLEN ]
Draft Amendment 1 to G.8275.1 (for consent) � Editor, Co-editor G.8275.1 Q13/15 2023-11-07
[ 272-PLEN ]
Draft Revision of G.8275 (for consent) � Editor/co-editor G.8275 Q13/15 2023-11-07
[ 271-PLEN ]
A.5 justification information for draft G.8275.1/Y.1369.1 (2022) Amd.1 "Precision time protocol telecom profile for phase/time synchronization with full timing support from the network - Amendment 1" � Editor of G.8275.1/Y.1369.1 (2022) Amd.1 Q13/15 2023-11-07
[ 270-PLEN ]
A.5 justification information for draft G.8023 (2018) Amd.2 "Characteristics of equipment functional blocks supporting Ethernet physical layer and Flex Ethernet interfaces" � Editor of G.8023 (2018) Amd.2 Q11/15 2023-11-07
[ 269-PLEN ]
A.5 justification information for draft G.709 (2020) Amd.3 "Interfaces for the optical transport network" � Editor G.709 (2020) Amd.3 Q11/15 2023-11-07
[ 267-PLEN ]
G Suppl.55Rev.2 Draft.ver.0.6 (for agreement) � Editor G Suppl. 55 Q2/15 2023-11-06
[ 266-PLEN ]
Draft of revised G.959.1 (for consent) � Editor G.959.1 Q6/15 2023-11-06
[ 265-PLEN ]
Draft of revised L.312 (for consent) � Editor L.312 Q7/15 2023-11-06
[ 263-PLEN ]
Draft of G.fin-PHY (for consent) � Editors G.FIN-PHY Q3/15 2023-11-05
[ 262-PLEN ]
G.sup.PONLatency Draft (for agreement) � Editors G.sup.PONLatency Q2/15 2023-11-02
[ 261-PLEN ]
Draft G.9804.1 Amd.2 (for consent) � Editor G.9804.1 Amd.2 Q2/15 2023-11-02
[ 260-PLEN ]
Draft revision to ITU-T Supplement G.Supp68 (for agreement) � Editors G.Supp68 Q13/15 2023-11-02
[ 259-PLEN ]
Draft Amendment 2 of ITU-T Recommendation G.8264 (for consent) � Editor G.8264 Q13/15 2023-11-01
[ 258-PLEN ]
Draft Revision of ITU-T Recommendation G.781 (for consent) � Editor G.781 Q13/15 2023-11-01
[ 257-PLEN ]
Draft of revised G.650.1 (for consent) � Editor G.650.1 Q5/15 2023-11-01
[ 256-PLEN ]
G.988 (2022) Amendment 1 (for consent) � Editors G.988 Q2/15 2023-11-01
[ 255-PLEN ]
Draft Amendment 1 to G.8275.2 (for consent) � Editors G.8275.2/Y.1369.2 Q13/15 2023-10-31
[ 254-PLEN ]
Draft G.8272.2 (for consent) � Editor G.8272.2/Y.1367.2 Q13/15 2023-10-31
[ 253-PLEN ]
Draft Revision to G.8272.1 (for consent) � Editor G.8272.1/Y.1367.1 Q13/15 2023-10-31
[ 252-PLEN ]
Draft Amendment 1 to G.8260 (for consent) � Editor G.8260 Q13/15 2023-10-31
[ 251-PLEN ]
Draft new ITU-T G.8312.20 (for consent) � Editor Q11/15 2023-10-31
[ 250-PLEN ]
Draft new supplement L Suppl.fttx (for agreement) � Editor L.Suppl.fttx Q7/15 2023-10-30
[ 249-PLEN ]
Draft revised Recommendation L.250 (ex L.90): "Topologies for optical access network" (for consent) � Editor L.250/L.90 Q7/15 2023-10-30
[ 248-PLEN ]
Draft Amendment 1 to G.8121/Y.1381 (for consent) � Editor G.8121/Y.1381 Q10/15 2023-10-30
[ 247-PLEN ]
Draft corrigendum 1 to G.8051/Y.1345 (2020) "Management aspects of the Ethernet transport (ET) capable network element" (for consent) � Editors G.8051/Y.1345 Q14/15 2023-10-30
[ 246-PLEN ]
Draft Amendment 2 to Recommendation G.8271.1 (for consent) � Editor G.8271.1 Q13/15 2023-10-30
[ 245-PLEN ]
Draft of Recommendation G.owdm2 (for consent) � Editor G.owdm2 Q6/15 2023-10-30
[ 244-PLEN ]
Draft of Recommendation G.owdm (for consent) � Editor G.owdm Q6/15 2023-10-30
[ 243-PLEN ]
2nd Draft of L.109 (for consent) � Editor L.109 Q5/15 2023-10-27
[ 242-PLEN ]
Draft of L.100 Amd.1 (for consent) � Editor L.100 Amd.1 Q5/15 2023-10-27
[ 241-PLEN ]
Draft G.9806 Amd.3 (for consent) � Editors G.9806 Q2/15 2023-10-25
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