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Study Period 2022

Results:22 total items.
Contributions �[�AI/Question:�Q19/12�]���Documents / Contributions

Title Source AI/Question
[ 216 ]
Proposal for a new metric to describe image intelligibility � Focus Infocom Ges. F. Informatik u. Telekomm. mbH (Germany) , Opticom GmbH (Germany) Q19/12 2024-04-01
[ 212 ]
Progress of J.q-uhd and J.src-vq � Korea (Rep. of) Q19/12 2024-04-01
[ 211 ]
Reliability of No-Reference Video Quality Assessment Methods in the Development of J.noref � Korea (Rep. of) Q19/12 2024-04-01
[ 205 ]
P.obj-recog experimental result � Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation (NTT) (Japan) Q19/12 2024-03-29
[ 204 ]
Draft Test plan of P.obj-recog � Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation (NTT) (Japan) Q19/12 2024-03-29
[ 203 ]
Draft Terms of Reference (ToR) P.obj-recog � Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation (NTT) (Japan) Q19/12 2024-03-29
[ 182 ]
HDR WCG subjective test conducted in a remote testing scenario � Dolby Laboratories (United States) , Netflix Inc. (United States) Q7/12, Q19/12 2023-09-06
[ 164 ]
Proposed updates to Draft revised Recommendation ITU-T P.910 � Dolby Laboratories (United States) Q19/12 2023-09-06
[ 144 ]
New work item for studying user experience of multimedia in videotelephony service � China Mobile Communications Co. Ltd. , Orange (France) Q19/12, Q10/12 2023-09-04
[ 136 ]
Development of No-Reference Video Quality Assessment Methods � Korea (Rep. of) Q19/12 2023-08-29
[ 130 ]
Draft Test plan of P.obj-recog � Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation (NTT) (Japan) Q19/12 2023-08-22
[ 129 ]
Draft Terms of Reference (ToR) P.obj-recog � Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation (NTT) (Japan) Q19/12 2023-08-22
[ 85 ]
Adversarial examples of deep learning based NR video quality measurement methods � Korea (Rep. of) Q19/12 2022-12-30
[ 84 ]
Draft New Report: Optimizing Bitrates and Transmission Resolution by Considering Display Characteristics and Available Bandwidth � Korea (Rep. of) , Orange (France) Q19/12 2022-12-30
[ 83 ]
G.CMVTQS: Updated test protocol of subjective tests � China Mobile Communications Co. Ltd. , Ilmenau University of Technology (TU Ilmenau) (Germany) , Orange (France) , Rohde & Schwarz GmbH & Co. KG (Germany) , Wuhan University (China) Q7/12, Q19/12, Q15/12 2022-12-29
[ 81 ]
The estimation techniques of object-recognition rate in surveillance video of autonomous driving � Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation (NTT) (Japan) Q19/12 2022-12-22
[ 77 ]
Proposal to merge P.913, P.911, and P.910 � United States Q19/12 2022-12-20
[ 59 ]
AVrate Voyager: an open source online testing platform � Ilmenau University of Technology (TU Ilmenau) (Germany) Q7/12, Q19/12, Q14/12 2022-05-25
[ 36 ]
On subjective evaluation of video quality with the crowdsourcing approach � TU Berlin (Germany) Q7/12, Q19/12 2022-05-24
[ 28 ]
Proposed contributions to J.noref " Distortion Perceptual Thresholds Measurement for Facial Images based on Electroencephalography" � China Mobile Communications Co. Ltd. , Tsinghua University (China) Q19/12 2022-05-22
[ 19 ]
Performance variation of deep-learning based NR video quality measurement methods due to training data selection � Korea (Rep. of) Q19/12 2022-05-20
[ 11 ]
Proposed Updates to ITU-T Rec. P.910 regarding Spatial and Temporal Information � Ilmenau University of Technology (TU Ilmenau) (Germany) Q19/12 2022-05-16
Results:22 total items.
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