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EMF, environment, climate action, sustainable digitalization, and circular economy

Study Period 2022

Results:5 total items.
Contributions �[�Source:�University of Thessaly (Greece)�]���Documents / Contributions

Title Source AI/Question
[ 175 ]
Draft Supplement ITU T L.Suppl.ConnectSDG "Guidelines for connecting cities and communities with the Sustainable Development Goal" � University of Thessaly (Greece) Q13/5 2022-10-04
[ 74 ]
Proposed baseline text for ITU-T L.Suppl.CSAF_Case Studies to ITU-T L.CSAF on Case studies on city science application framework � University of Thessaly (Greece) Q13/5 2022-06-08
[ 73 ]
Proposed baseline text for ITU-T L.Suppl.CaseStudies_Circular "Case Studies on Implementation of Cities' circular actions" � University of Thessaly (Greece) Q13/5 2022-06-08
[ 72 ]
Proposed A.13 justification for ITU-T L.Suppl.CaseStudies_Circular "Case Studies on Implementation of Cities' circular actions" � University of Thessaly (Greece) Q13/5 2022-06-08
[ 50 ]
Draft Recommendation ITU-T L.FUB on Development framework for bioeconomy for cities and communities � University of Thessaly (Greece) Q13/5 2022-06-07
Results:5 total items.
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