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Home : ITU-T : SG05 : Meeting�2023-06-13�: Temporary Documents� Recently posted�-� Search Meeting Documents
ITU-T�SG05� TD�(2023-06-13)�


EMF, environment, climate action, sustainable digitalization, and circular economy

Study Period 2022

Meeting� from 2023-06-13 to 2023-06-23

held in France [Sophia Antipolis]

Other Meetings : 2024-06-172023-11-13� [ 2023-06-13 ]� 2023-02-092022-12-052022-10-172022-06-21

Results:11 total items.
Temporary Documents �(GEN) �[�Source:�ITU-T SG13�]���Documents / Contributions

Title Source AI/Question
[ 756-GEN ]
LS/i on Information and request of advice on the SG13 plan to initiate a new work item on "Requirements and framework of network function enhancements of IMT-2020 networks and beyond from the energy efficiency perspective" at its 23 October - 3 November 2023 meeting [from ITU-T SG13] � ITU-T SG13 Q6/5, Q11/5 2023-05-10
[ 726-GEN ]
LS/i on initiation of new work item Y.cdp-reqts "Data handling - Functional requirements of collaborative data processing in data platform" [frOm ITU-T SG13] � ITU-T SG13 QALL/5 2023-04-19
[ 725-GEN ]
LS/i on new Recommendation ITU-T Y.3532: "Cloud computing - Functional requirements of Platform as a Service for cloud native applications" [from ITU-T SG13] � ITU-T SG13 Q9/5, Q6/5, Q11/5 2023-04-19
[ 724-GEN ]
LS/i on continuation of the FG-AN operation [from ITU-T SG13] � ITU-T SG13 QALL/5 2023-04-19
[ 723-GEN ]
LS/i on revision of JCA-IMT2020 terms of reference [from ITU-T SG13] � ITU-T SG13 QALL/5 2023-04-19
[ 705-GEN ]
LS/i on updates on New Joint Coordination Activity on Machine Learning (JCA-ML) [from ITU-T SG13] � ITU-T SG13 QALL/5 2023-04-18
[ 704-GEN ]
LS/i on Continuation of JCA-IMT2020 with revised ToR [from ITU-T SG13] � ITU-T SG13 QALL/5 2023-04-18
[ 703-GEN ]
LS/i on the initiation of the new work item Y.AN-Arch-fw: "Architecture Framework for Autonomous Networks" [from ITU-T SG13] � ITU-T SG13 QALL/5, Q6/5, Q11/5 2023-04-18
[ 702-GEN ]
LS/i on new Focus Group on Metaverse/immersive virtual universe (reply to SG16-LS9) [from ITU-T SG13] � ITU-T SG13 QALL/5 2023-04-18
[ 701-GEN ]
LS/i on announcement of new Supplement 72 to ITU-T Y.3000-series (formerly ITU-T Y.sup.aisr) "Artificial Intelligence standardization roadmap" [from ITU-T SG13] � ITU-T SG13 QALL/5 2023-04-18
[ 700-GEN ]
LS/i/r on information on ongoing work on cloud computing (reply to SG5-LS52) [from ITU-T SG13] � ITU-T SG13 Q6/5 2023-04-18
Results:11 total items.
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