Temporary Documents
�[�Source:�Rapporteur�]��� |
[ 2272-GEN ]
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Updated Q2/20 Living List - output of Q2/20 meeting, Virtual, 17-27 May 2021
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Rapporteur Q2/20
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� |
2021-05-24 |
[ 2258-GEN ]
� |
Initial baseline text of draft new Recommendation ITU-T Y.FIMON-req - "Requirements of IoT-based management system for firefighting infrastructure"
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Rapporteur Q2/20
� |
� |
2021-05-24 |
[ 2257-GEN ]
(Rev.1)� |
A.1 justification for draft Recommendation ITU-T Y.FIMON-req "Requirements of IoT-based management system for firefighting infrastructure"
� |
Rapporteur Q2/20
� |
� |
2021-05-24 |
[ 2256-GEN ]
(Rev.1)� |
A.1 Justification for a new work item on draft Recommendation ITU-T Y.DT-interop "Interoperability framework of digital twin systems in smart cities and communities"
� |
Rapporteur Q1/20
� |
� |
2021-05-24 |
[ 2252-GEN ]
� |
Proposed comments for improvement of daft Recommendation ITU Y.IoT-AR "Framework for AR and VR based control in IoT"
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Rapporteurs Q2/20 and Q4/20
� |
Q4/20, Q2/20
� |
2021-05-24 |
[ 2251-GEN ]
� |
Initial text of proposed new work item on draft Recommendation ITU-T Y.energy-data "Framework of city-level energy data sharing and analytics among buildings"
� |
Rapporteur Q4/20
� |
� |
2021-05-24 |
[ 2250-GEN ]
(Rev.1)� |
A.1 Justification form for a new work item on draft Recommendation ITU-T Y.energy-data "Framework of city-level energy data sharing and analytics among buildings"
� |
Rapporteur Q4/20
� |
� |
2021-05-24 |
[ 2234-GEN ]
� |
Initial text of proposed new work item on draft Recommendation ITU-T Y.ACC-UI-req - "Accessibility requirements for user interface of smart applications supporting IoT"
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Rapporteur Q2/20
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� |
2021-05-22 |
[ 2233-GEN ]
� |
A.1 Justification for a new work item on draft Recommendation ITU-T Y.ACC-UI-req - "Accessibility requirements for user interface of smart applications supporting IoT"
� |
Rapporteur Q2/20
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� |
2021-05-22 |
[ 2228-GEN ]
(Rev.1)� |
Initial text of proposed new work item draft Recommendation ITU-T Y.IoT-SPWE "Framework of IoT service for safety protection of working environment"
� |
Rapporteur Q4/20
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� |
2021-05-21 |
[ 2227-GEN ]
(Rev.1-2)� |
A.1 Justification form for a new work item on draft Recommendation ITU-T Y.IoT-SPWE "Framework of IoT services for safety protection of working environment"
� |
Rapporteur Q4/20
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� |
2021-05-21 |
[ 2220-GEN ]
� |
Initial text of proposed new work item on Draft Recommendation ITU-T Y.UIM-cs-framework "Framework of urban infrastructure monitoring based on crowdsourcing"
� |
Rapporteur Q4/20
� |
� |
2021-05-21 |
[ 2219-GEN ]
(Rev.1)� |
A.1 Justification for draft new Recommendation ITU-T Y.UIM-cs-framework "Framework of urban infrastructure monitoring based on crowdsourcing"
� |
Rapporteur Q4/20
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� |
2021-05-21 |
[ 2218-GEN ]
(Rev.1-3)� |
Additional info on C855 for discussion
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Rapporteur Q1/20
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� |
2021-05-21 |
[ 2205-GEN ]
(Rev.1)� |
Initial text for proposed draft new Recommendation ITU-T Y.IIoT-infra-SM-fr "Requirements and framework of IIoT infrastructure for smart manufacturing"
� |
Rapporteur Q2/20
� |
� |
2021-05-21 |
[ 2204-GEN ]
(Rev.1)� |
Proposed A.1 Justification for a new work item on draft Recommendation ITU-T Y.IIoT-infra-SM-fr "Requirements and framework of IIoT infrastructure for smart manufacturing"
� |
Rapporteur Q2/20
� |
� |
2021-05-21 |
[ 2203-GEN ]
� |
Initial text of proposed draft new Recommendation ITU-T Y.EMM-Reqts "Requirements for Real-Time Event Monitoring and Integrated Management Platforms in Smart Cities"
� |
Rapporteur Q2/20
� |
� |
2021-05-21 |
[ 2202-GEN ]
� |
Proposed A.1 Justification for a new work item on Draft new Recommendation ITU-T Y.EMM-Reqts "Requirements for Real-Time Event Monitoring and Integrated Management Platforms in Smart Cities"
� |
Rapporteur Q2/20
� |
� |
2021-05-21 |
[ 2201-GEN ]
(Rev.1)� |
Initial text for draft Recommendation on "Requirements and capability framework of digital twin for intelligent transportation system"
� |
Rapporteur Q2/20
� |
� |
2021-05-21 |
[ 2200-GEN ]
(Rev.1)� |
Proposed A.1 Justification for a new work item on "Requirements and capability framework of digital twin for intelligent transport system"
� |
Rapporteur Q2/20
� |
� |
2021-05-21 |
[ 2199-GEN ]
� |
Initial text for draft Recommendation ITU-T Y.EV-charging "Requirements and functional architecture of smart charging service for electric vehicles", Q2/20 meeting (Virtual, 17-27 May 2021)
� |
Rapporteur Q2/20
� |
� |
2021-05-21 |
[ 2198-GEN ]
� |
Proposed A.1 Justification for new work item on Draft Recommendation ITU-T Y.EV-charging "Requirements and functional architecture of smart charging service for electric vehicles", Q2/20 meeting (Virtual, 17-27 May 2021)
� |
Rapporteur Q2/20
� |
� |
2021-05-21 |
[ 2183-GEN ]
(Rev.1)� |
Draft revised Supplement ITU-T Y.Suppl.58 "Internet of things and smart cities and communities standards roadmap", for agreement (Virtual, 17-27 May 2021)
� |
Rapporteur Q1/20
� |
� |
2021-05-20 |
[ 2175-GEN ]
(Rev.1-2)� |
Initial text of proposed draft new Recommendation ITU-T Y.RMDFS-arch "Functional architecture of roadside multi-sensor data fusion systems for autonomous vehicles"
� |
Rapporteur Q3/20
� |
� |
2021-05-20 |
[ 2174-GEN ]
(Rev.1)� |
Proposed A.1 Justification for a new work item on draft Recommendation ITU-T Y.RMDFS-arch "Functional architecture of roadside multi-sensor data fusion systems for autonomous vehicles"
� |
Rapporteur Q3/20
� |
� |
2021-05-20 |
[ 2172-GEN ]
(Rev.1-3)� |
Proposed A.13 justification form for a new work item on draft Technical Report ITU-T YSTR.P2P-CC "Current state of P2P crowd charging platforms and corresponding market needs"
� |
Rapporteur Q5/20
� |
� |
2021-05-20 |
[ 2171-GEN ]
(Rev.1)� |
Baseline text of proposed new draft Supplement ITU-T Y.Sup.DTransf "Digital transformation in the context of IoT, smart cities and communities"
� |
Rapporteur Q5/20
� |
� |
2021-05-20 |
[ 2170-GEN ]
(Rev.1-2)� |
A.13 justification form of proposed new work item Supplement ITU-T Y.Sup.DTransf on "Digital transformation in the context of IoT, smart cities and communities"
� |
Rapporteur Q5/20
� |
� |
2021-05-20 |
[ 2164-GEN ]
(Rev.1-2)� |
Updated baseline text of draft Recommendation ITU-T Y.FW.IC.MDSC "Framework of identification and connectivity of moving devices in smart city"
� |
Rapporteur Q6/20
� |
� |
2021-05-18 |
[ 2163-GEN ]
(Rev.1)� |
Updated baseline text for draft Recommendation ITU-T Y.IoT-CSIADE-fw "Reference framework of converged service for identification and authentication for IoT devices in decentralized environment"
� |
Rapporteur Q6/20
� |
� |
2021-05-18 |
[ 2162-GEN ]
(Rev.1-2)� |
Updated baseline text of draft Technical Report ITU-T YSTR-IADIoT on Intelligent Anomaly Detection System for IoT
� |
Rapporteur Q6/20
� |
� |
2021-05-18 |
[ 2161-GEN ]
(Rev.1-2)� |
Updated baseline text for draft Recommendation ITU-T Y.IoT-ITS-ID "Unified IoT Identifiers for Intelligent Transport Systems" - for determination
� |
Rapporteur Q6/20
� |
� |
2021-05-18 |
[ 2160-GEN ]
(Rev.1)� |
Updated baseline text for draft Recommendation ITU-T Y.Data.Sec.IoT-Dev "Requirements of data security for the heterogeneous IoT devices"
� |
Rapporteur Q6/20
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� |
2021-05-18 |
[ 2157-GEN ]
� |
Drafting guidelines for Q4/20
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Rapporteur Q4/20
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� |
2021-05-17 |
[ 2128-GEN ]
(Rev.1-2)� |
Revised baseline text for draft Recommendation ITU-T Y.4471 (ex. Y.NDA-arch) "Functional architecture of network-based driving assistance for autonomous vehicles" (Including the comments from Qatar, FG-AI4AD and Egypt) - discussed and approved during the SG20 Opening Plenary
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Rapporteur Q3/20
� |
QALL/20, Q3/20
� |
2021-04-16 |
[ 2103-GEN ]
� |
Report of Q4/20 Rapporteur e-meeting, 23-25 February 2021
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Rapporteur Q4/20
� |
� |
2021-03-22 |
[ 2088-GEN ]
� |
Report of Q2/20 Rapporteur e-meeting, 22-25 February 2021
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Rapporteur Q2/20
� |
� |
2021-03-18 |
[ 2076-GEN ]
� |
Report of Q3/20 Rapporteur e-meeting, 1-3 February 2021
� |
Rapporteur Q3/20
� |
� |
2021-02-05 |
[ 2073-GEN ]
� |
Report of Q1/20 Rapporteur e-meeting, 2-4 February 2021
� |
Rapporteur Q1/20
� |
� |
2021-02-05 |
[ 2056-GEN ]
(Rev.1-3)� |
Draft Report of Question 6/20 (Virtual, 17-27 May 2021)
� |
Rapporteur Q6/20
� |
� |
2021-01-27 |
[ 2054-GEN ]
(Rev.1-2)� |
Draft Report of Question 4/20 (Virtual, 17-27 May 2021)
� |
Rapporteur Q4/20
� |
� |
2021-01-27 |
[ 2053-GEN ]
(Rev.1-4)� |
Draft Report of Question 3/20 (Virtual, 17-27 May 2021)
� |
Rapporteur Q3/20
� |
� |
2021-01-27 |
[ 2052-GEN ]
(Rev.1-3)� |
Draft Report of Question 2/20 (Virtual, 17-27 May 2021)
� |
Rapporteur Q2/20
� |
� |
2021-01-27 |
[ 2051-GEN ]
(Rev.1-2)� |
Draft Report of Question 1/20 (Virtual, 17-27 May 2021)
� |
Rapporteur Q1/20
� |
� |
2021-01-27 |
[ 2046-GEN ]
(Rev.1-5)� |
Draft agenda for Question 6/20 meeting (Virtual, 17-27 May 2021)
� |
Rapporteur Q6/20
� |
� |
2021-01-27 |
[ 2044-GEN ]
(Rev.1-6)� |
Draft agenda for Question 4/20 (Virtual, 17-27 May 2021)
� |
Rapporteur Q4/20
� |
� |
2021-01-27 |
[ 2043-GEN ]
(Rev.1-6)� |
Draft agenda for Question 3/20 (Virtual, 17-27 May 2021)
� |
Rapporteur Q3/20
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� |
2021-01-27 |
[ 2042-GEN ]
(Rev.1-7)� |
Draft agenda for Question 2/20 (Virtual, 17-27 May 2021)
� |
Rapporteur Q2/20
� |
� |
2021-01-27 |
[ 2041-GEN ]
(Rev.1-9)� |
Draft agenda for Question 1/20 meeting (Virtual, 17-27 May 2021)
� |
Rapporteur Q1/20
� |
� |
2021-01-27 |
Results:49 total items.
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