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ITU-T�SG 20� TD�(2017-09-04)�


IoT and smart cities

Study Period 2017

Meeting� from 2017-09-04 to 2017-09-15

held in Switzerland [Geneva]

Other Meetings : 2022-02-032021-10-112021-05-172020-12-162020-11-062020-07-062019-11-252019-04-092018-12-032018-05-062018-01-24� [ 2017-09-04 ]� 2017-03-13

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Temporary Documents �(GEN) �[�Source:�ITU�]���Documents / Contributions

Title Source AI/Question
[ 551-GEN ]
Draft LS/o/r on stale work items and SG Reports on lead study group activities (reply to TSAG LS6) [to TSAG] � ITU-T SG20 QALL/20 2017-09-15
[ 549-GEN ]
Draft LS/o on UIIS work items [to IETF] � ITU-T SG20 Q3/20 2017-09-14
[ 548-GEN ]
Draft LS/o/r on clarifying the issue of regulating small UAVs [to International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO)] (reply to ICAO LS1) � ITUT-T SG20 Q2/20 2017-09-14
[ 547-GEN ]
Draft LS/o on automotive emergency response system [to ITU-T SG16] � ITU-T SG20 Q2/20 2017-09-14
[ 546-GEN ]
Draft LS/o on publication of ITU-T Recommendation Y.4114, "Specific requirements and capabilities of the Internet of things for big data" [to W3C, oneM2M, ISO/IEC JTC 1/WG9] � ITU-T SG20 Q2/20 2017-09-14
[ 545-GEN ]
Draft LS/o on consent of Y.IoT-WDS-Reqts, "Requirements and capabilities of Internet of things for support of wearable devices and related services" [to ISO/IEC JTC1/SC41] � ITU-T SG20 Q2/20 2017-09-14
[ 543-GEN ]
Draft LS/o on information about the progress of draft Recommendation Y.Accessibility-IoT and the draft supplement Y.IoT-Use-Cases [to ITU-T SG16 and JCA-AHF] � ITU-T SG20 Q2/20 2017-09-14
[ 541-GEN ]
LS/o/r on ETSI ISG CIM liaison letter to ITU-T Opening Discussions (reply to the ETSI ISG CIM - CIM(17)008006r1) [to ETSI ISG CIM] � ITU-T SG20 Q4/20 2017-09-14
[ 540-GEN ]
LS/o/r on the new work item on "Requirements for Data Management in the TMN" (reply to the SG2 - LS 8) [to ITU-T SG2] � ITU-T SG20 Q4/20 2017-09-14
[ 539-GEN ]
LS/o/r on Invitation to update the information in the IMT2020 roadmap (reply to JCA-IMT2020 - JCA-IMT2020-O-001) [to JCA-IMT 2020] � ITU-T SG20 Q2/20 2017-09-14
[ 509-GEN ]
Draft LS/o on collaboration between SG20 and SG17 [to SG17] � ITU-T SG20 QALL/20 2017-09-13
[ 508-GEN ]
Draft LS/o/r on the first meeting of ITU-T Focus Group on Data Processing and Management to support IoT and Smart Cities & Communities (FG-DPM) (reply to the FG-DPM - LS 3) [to ITU-T FG-DPM] � ITU-T SG20 QALL/20 2017-09-13
[ 505-GEN ]
Draft LS/o/r on request for background information on the implementation of the 2012 International Telecommunication Regulations (reply to TSAG - LS 8) [to TSAG] � ITU-T SG20 QALL/20 2017-09-13
[ 504-GEN ]
Draft LS/o/r on Telecommunication Management and OAM Project Plan (reply to the SG2 - LS 5) [to ITU-T SG2] � ITU-T SG20 QALL/20 2017-09-13
[ 503-GEN ]
Draft LS/o on New Draft Recommendation ITU-T Y.oneM2M.TF "oneM2M-TS 0015 Testing framework" and New Draft Recommendation "oneM2M-TS 0013 Interoperability Testing" [to ITU-T SG11] � ITU-T SG20 Q3/20 2017-09-13
[ 500-GEN ]
Draft LS/o/r on change requests to oneM2M specifications (reply to the oneM2M - LS 10) [to oneM2M] � ITU-T SG20 QALL/20 2017-09-13
[ 499-GEN ]
Draft LS/o on the progress of draft Recommendation Y.IoT-BoT-fw "Framework of blockchain of things as decentralized service platform" [to SG13, SG16, SG17, FG-DPM, FG-DLT] � ITU-T SG20 Q4/20 2017-09-13
[ 495-GEN ]
Draft LS/o on IPv6 work items [to GSMA, 3GPPP, IPv6 Forum, IETF, ETSI IP6] � ITU-T SG20 Q3/20 2017-09-13
[ 494-GEN ]
Draft LS/o/r on framework of blockchain of things as decentralized service platform (reply to ITU-T SG16 - LS 38) [to ITU-T SG16] � ITU-T SG20 QALL/20 2017-09-13
[ 493-GEN ]
Draft LS/o/r on JCA-IdM (reply to ITU-T SG17 - LS 15) [to ITU-T SG17] � ITU-T SG20 QALL/20 2017-09-13
[ 481-GEN ]
LS/i/r on request for background information on the implementation of the 2012 International Telecommunication Regulations (reply to TSAG LS8) [from ITU-T SG11] � ITU-T SG11 QALL/20 2017-09-13
[ 476-GEN ]
LS/o on new work item Y.SSC.IA "Smart and Sustainable City Impact Assessment" [to ITU-T SG5] � ITU-T SG20 Q7/20 2017-09-12
[ 475-GEN ]
Draft LS/o/r on Final Report for ITU-D SG2 Q1/2 (smart society) (reply to ITU-D Q1/2 - Document 2/468-E) [from ITU-D SG2 Q1/2] � ITU-T SG20 Q7/20 2017-09-12
[ 474-GEN ]
Draft LS/o/r on the Final Report for ITU-D SG2 Q2/2 (e-health) (reply to ITU-D Q2/2 - Document 2/470-E) [to ITU-D SG2 Q2/2] � ITU-T SG20 Q7/20 2017-09-12
[ 473-GEN ]
Draft LS/o/r on the new structure of ITU-T SG5 and revised text of Questions 6, 7 and 9 (reply to SG5 LS25)[to ITU-T SG5] � ITU-T SG20 Q7/20 2017-09-12
[ 472-GEN ]
Draft LS/o/r on ITU-T Study Group 5 lead study group activities (reply to SG5 LS22) [to ITU-T SG5] � ITU-T SG20 Q7/20 2017-09-12
[ 441-GEN ]
Draft LS/o/r on the IAB statement on IPv6 (reply to TSAG - LS 3 -E) [to IAB] � ITU-T SG20 Q3/20 2017-09-11
[ 440-GEN ]
Draft LS/o/r on SDN standardization activity roadmap (reply to JCA-SDN-O-19R1) [to JCA-SDN] � ITU-T SG20 Q3/20 2017-09-11
[ 439-GEN ]
Draft LS/o/r on Open Source (reply to TSAG - LS 4 -E) [to TSAG] � ITU-T SG20 Q3/20, Q2/20 2017-09-11
[ 438-GEN ]
Draft LS/o/r on Evolution of IMSI format and E.212 Recommendation (reply to SG2 LS27) [to ITU-T SG2] � ITU-T SG20 Q3/20 2017-09-11
[ 437-GEN ]
Draft LS/o/r on appointment of ITU technical experts (reply to SG11 LS18) [to ITU-T SG11] � ITU-T SG20 Q3/20 2017-09-11
[ 421-GEN ]
Draft LS/o/r on Security Contacts List of ITU-T SG17 lead Study Group on security (reply to ITU-T SG17 LS5) [to ITU-T SG17] � ITU-T SG20 Q6/20 2017-09-09
[ 420-GEN ]
Draft LS/o on Collaboration between ITU-T SG20 and ISO/IEC JTC1/SC27 and ISO/IEC JTC1/SC41 [to ISO/IEC JTC1/SC27 and ISO/IEC JTC1/SC41] � ITU-T SG20 Q6/20 2017-09-08
[ 419-GEN ]
Draft LS/o on Collaboration between ITU-T SG20 and Industrial Internet Consortium (IIC) [to IIC] � ITU-T SG20 Q6/20 2017-09-08
[ 418-GEN ]
Draft LS/o/r on IoT security (reply to SG17 LS39) [to ITU-T SG17] � ITU-T SG20 Q6/20 2017-09-08
[ 417-GEN ]
Draft LS/o/r on response to ITU-T SG2 (reply to SG2 LS3, SG2 LS 25 and SG2 LS6) [to ITU SG2] � ITU-T SG20 Q6/20 2017-09-08
[ 404-GEN ]
LS/i on Distributed Ledger Technologies Security [from ITU-T SG17] � ITU-T SG17 Q6/20 2017-09-07
[ 403-GEN ]
LS/i on IoT Security [from ITU-T SG17] � ITU-T SG17 Q6/20 2017-09-07
[ 370-GEN ]
LS/i on the collaboration for trust standardization in ITU-T [from ITU-T WP3/13] � ITU-T WP3/13 Q6/20 2017-08-30
[ 356-GEN ]
LS/i on Q9/2 Final Report [from ITU-D SG2 Q9/2] � ITU-D SG2 Q9/2 QALL/20 2017-08-24
[ 353-GEN ]
LS/i from ITU-D Study Group 2 Question 1/2 to ITU-T SG20 on Final Report for ITU-D SG2 Q1/2 (smart society) [from ITU-D SG2 Q1/2] � ITU-D SG2 Q1/2 Q7/20, Q4/20 2017-08-22
[ 351-GEN ]
LS/i to SG20 regarding SG2 work on certain aspects of IoT naming, numbering and identification [from ITU-T SG2] � ITU-T SG2 Q6/20, Q4/20 2017-08-21
[ 350-GEN ]
LS/i on Evolution of IMSI format and E.212 Recommendation [from ITU-T SG2] � ITU-T SG2 QALL/20 2017-08-21
[ 341-GEN ]
LS/i from ITU-D Study Group 2 Question 2/2 to ITU-T Study Group 16 and ITU-T Study Group 20 on Final Report for ITU-D SG2 Q2/2 (e-health) [from ITU-D SG2 Q2/2] � ITU-D SG2 Q2/2 Q7/20 2017-08-18
[ 337-GEN ]
LS/i to ITU-R Working Parties 5A and 5D and ITU-T SG20 on work on WRC-19 agenda item 9.1, issue 9.1.8 [from ITU-R WP1B] � ITU-R WP1B QALL/20 2017-08-15
[ 300-GEN ]
LS/i on the progress of draft F.DLS "Requirements and capabilities of decentralized ledger services" [from ITU-T Q21/16] � ITU-T Q21/16 QALL/20 2017-07-18
[ 299-GEN ]
Newcomers' welcome pack for SG20 meeting (Geneva, 4-15 September 2017) � ITU-T SG20 Mentor QALL/20 2017-07-17
[ 298-GEN ]
LS/i on appointment of ITU technical experts [from ITU-T SG11] � ITU-T SG11 QALL/20 2017-07-14
[ 297-GEN ]
LS/i on latest version of the Access Network Transport (ANT), Smart Grid and Home Network Transport (HNT) Standards Overviews and Work Plans [from ITU-T SG15] � ITU-T SG15 QALL/20 2017-07-06
[ 296-GEN ]
LS/i/r on smart energy (reply to SG20 - LS 17 -E) [from ITU-T SG5] � ITU-T SG5 Q4/20 2017-06-26
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