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Home : ITU-T : SG 16 : Meeting�2020-06-22�: Temporary Documents� Recently posted�-� Search Meeting Documents
ITU-T�SG 16� TD-WP3�(2020-06-22)�



Study Period 2017

Meeting� from 2020-06-22 to 2020-07-03

held in Switzerland [Geneva]

Other Meetings : 2022-01-172021-09-272021-04-19� [ 2020-06-22 ]� 2019-10-072019-06-142019-03-192018-10-262018-07-092018-02-162017-10-162017-01-16

Results:16 total items.
Temporary Documents �(WP3) �[�Source:�Editor�]���Documents / Contributions

Title Source AI/Question
[ 151-WP3 ]
F.AI-DLFE "Deep Learning Software Framework Evaluation Methodology" (Rev.) Output draft (Virtual meeting, 22 June - 3 July 2020) � Editor F.AI-DLFE Q5/16 2020-07-02
[ 146-WP3 ]
H.430.5 (ex H.ILE-PE) "Reference models for ILE presentation environments" (New): Output draft (for Consent) � Editor H.ILE-PE Q8/16 2020-07-01
[ 141-WP3 ]
F.AI-SCS "Use cases and requirements for speech interaction of intelligent customer services" (New): Output text (Virtual meeting, 22 June-3 July 2020) � Editors F.AI-SCS Q5/16 2020-07-01
[ 140-WP3 ]
F.SCAI "Requirements for smart class based on artificial intelligence" (New): Output draft (Virtual meeting, 22 June - 3 July 2020) � Editor F.SCAI Q5/16 2020-06-30
[ 139-WP3 ]
F.748.11 (ex F.AI-DLPB) "Metrics and evaluation methods for deep neural network processor benchmark" (New): Output draft (for Consent) � Editor F.AI-DLPB Q5/16 2020-06-30
[ 138-WP3 ]
F.REAIOCR "Requirements and evaluation methods for AI-based optical character recognition service" (New): Initial draft (Virtual Geneva, 22 June - 3 July 2020) � Editor F.REAIOCR Q5/16 2020-06-30
[ 137-WP3 ]
F.AI-ILICSS "Technical requirements and evaluation methods of intelligent levels of intelligent customer service system" (New): Initial draft (Virtual meeting, 22 June - 3 July 2020) � Editors F.AI-ILICSS Q5/16 2020-06-30
[ 136-WP3 ]
F.AI-FASD "Framework for audio structuralizing based on deep neural network" (New): Initial draft (Virtual meeting, 22 June - 3 July 2020) � Editors F.AI-FASD Q5/16 2020-06-30
[ 135-WP3 ]
F.AI-MKGDS "Requirements for the construction of multimedia knowledge graph database structure based on Artificial Intelligence" (New): Initial draft (Virtual meeting, 22 June - 3 July 2020) � Editor F.AI-MKGDS Q5/16 2020-06-30
[ 134-WP3 ]
F.AI-RMCDP: "Requirements of multimedia composite data preprocessing" (New): Initial draft (Virtual meeting, 22 June - 3 July 2020) � Editors F.AI-RMCDP Q5/16 2020-06-30
[ 133-WP3 ]
F.AI-DMPC "Technical framework for deep neural network model partition and collaborative execution" (New): Initial draft (Virtual meeting, 22 June - 3 July 2020) � Editor F.AI-DMPC Q5/16 2020-06-30
[ 129-WP3 ]
F.AI-SF "Requirements for smart factory based on artificial intelligence" (New): Initial draft (Virtual meeting, 22 June-3 July 2020) � Editors F.AI-SF Q5/16 2020-06-30
[ 128-WP3 ]
F.SBNG "Requirements for smart BNG in multimedia content transmission" (New): Output draft (Virtual meeting, 22 June - 3 July 2020) � Editor F.SBNG Q5/16 2020-06-30
[ 127-WP3 ]
F.Supp-OCAIB "Overview of convergence of artificial intelligence and blockchain" (New): Initial draft (Virtual meeting, 22 June - 3 July 2020) � Editors F.Supp-OCAIB Q5/16 2020-06-30
[ 121-WP3 ]
F.AI-MLTF "Technical framework for shared machine learning" (New): Output draft (Virtual meeting, 22 June - 3 July 2020) � Editor F.AI-MLTF Q5/16 2020-02-26
[ 119-WP3 ]
F.IMCS "Requirements for smart speaker based Intelligent Multimedia Communication System" (New): Initial draft (Virtual meeting, 22 June-3 July 2020) � Editor F.IMCS Q5/16 2020-02-26
Results:16 total items.
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