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Future networks

Study Period 2017

Results:39 total items.
Contributions �[�Source:�KT Corporation�]���Documents / Contributions

Title Source AI/Question
[ 1399 ]
Y.QKDN_QoS_pa: Proposal for editorial modifications - for consent � KT Corporation (Korea (Rep. of)) Q6/13 2021-11-16
[ 1398 ]
Proposal for initiating a New Work Item for a Technical Report "Overview of Quantum Internet" for the future networks study � KT Corporation (Korea (Rep. of)) Q16/13 2021-11-16
[ 1261 ]
Proposed security consideration in the Draft Recommendation ITU-T Y.QKDN_QOS_ml_req:"Requirements of machine learning based QoS assurance for the quantum key distribution networks" � Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI) (Korea (Rep. of)) , KT Corporation (Korea (Rep. of)) Q6/13, Q16/13 2021-11-14
[ 1260 ]
Proposed abbreviations in the Draft Recommendation ITU-T Y.QKDN_QOS_ml_req:"Requirements of machine learning based QoS assurance for the quantum key distribution networks" � Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI) (Korea (Rep. of)) , KT Corporation (Korea (Rep. of)) Q6/13, Q16/13 2021-11-14
[ 1259 ]
Proposed QKDN QoS assurance procedure description in the Draft Recommendation ITU-T Y.QKDN_QOS_fa: "Functional architecture of QoS assurance for quantum key distribution networks" � Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI) (Korea (Rep. of)) , KT Corporation (Korea (Rep. of)) Q6/13, Q16/13 2021-11-14
[ 1258 ]
Proposed abbreviations in the Draft Recommendation ITU-T Y.QKDN_QOS_fa: "Functional architecture of QoS assurance for quantum key distribution networks" � Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI) (Korea (Rep. of)) , KT Corporation (Korea (Rep. of)) Q6/13, Q16/13 2021-11-14
[ 1257 ]
Proposed modification of the title and scope in the Draft Recommendation IMT-2020 Network QoS Monitoring Architectural Framework (version 0.2) � Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI) (Korea (Rep. of)) , KT Corporation (Korea (Rep. of)) Q6/13 2021-11-14
[ 1254 ]
Y.QKDN_BM: proposal for editorial modifications - for consent � Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI) (Korea (Rep. of)) , Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) (Korea (Rep. of)) , KT Corporation (Korea (Rep. of)) Q16/13 2021-11-12
[ 1190 ]
Proposed functional requirements in the Draft Recommendation ITU-T Y.QKDN_QOS_ml_req: "Requirements of machine learning based QoS assurance for the quantum key distribution networks" � Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI) (Korea (Rep. of)) , KT Corporation (Korea (Rep. of)) Q6/13, Q16/13 2021-02-16
[ 1168 ]
Proposed key management layer functional entity descriptions in the Draft Recommendation ITU-T Y.QKDN_QOS_fa: "Functional architecture of QoS assurance for quantum key distribution networks" � Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI) (Korea (Rep. of)) , KT Corporation (Korea (Rep. of)) Q6/13, Q16/13 2021-02-15
[ 1167 ]
Proposed QKDN quantum layer functional entity descriptions in the Draft Recommendation ITU-T Y.QKDN_QOS_fa: "Functional architecture of QoS assurance for quantum key distribution networks" � Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI) (Korea (Rep. of)) , KT Corporation (Korea (Rep. of)) Q6/13, Q16/13 2021-02-15
[ 1166 ]
Proposed editorial modifications in the Draft Recommendation ITU-T Y.QKDN_QOS_req: "Requirements of QoS assurance for quantum key distribution networks" � Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI) (Korea (Rep. of)) , KT Corporation (Korea (Rep. of)) Q6/13, Q16/13 2021-02-15
[ 1165 ]
Proposed security consideration in the Draft Recommendation ITU-T Y.QKDN_QOS_req: "Requirements of QoS assurance for quantum key distribution networks" � Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI) (Korea (Rep. of)) , KT Corporation (Korea (Rep. of)) Q6/13, Q16/13 2021-02-15
[ 1164 ]
Proposed references, definitions, abbreviations and acronyms, and conventions in the Draft Recommendation ITU-T Y.QKDN_QOS_req: "Requirements of QoS assurance for quantum key distribution networks" � Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI) (Korea (Rep. of)) , KT Corporation (Korea (Rep. of)) Q6/13, Q16/13 2021-02-15
[ 1163 ]
Proposed summary and keywords in the Draft Recommendation ITU-T Y.QKDN_QOS_req: "Requirements of QoS assurance for quantum key distribution networks" � Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI) (Korea (Rep. of)) , KT Corporation (Korea (Rep. of)) Q6/13, Q16/13 2021-02-15
[ 1025 ]
Proposal of a new work item of "Requirements of machine learning based QoS assurance for quantum key distribution networks" � Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI) (Korea (Rep. of)) , KT Corporation (Korea (Rep. of)) Q6/13, Q16/13 2020-07-07
[ 1024 ]
Proposal of a new work item of "Functional architecture of QoS assurance for quantum key distribution networks" � Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI) (Korea (Rep. of)) , KT Corporation (Korea (Rep. of)) Q6/13, Q16/13 2020-07-07
[ 1023 ]
Editorial modifications in the Draft Recommendation ITU-T Y.QKDN_QOS_req: "Requirements of QoS assurance for quantum key distribution networks" � Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI) (Korea (Rep. of)) , KT Corporation (Korea (Rep. of)) Q6/13 2020-07-07
[ 869 ]
Y.QKDN_QoS_gen: modification for "General Aspects of QoS on the Quantum Key Distribution Network �
Moved to SG13 RGM#5 contributions area (RGM Contribution 173)
KT Corporation (Korea (Rep. of)) Q6/13 2020-02-18
[ 835 ]
Y.3800: Supporting the approval � KT Corporation (Korea (Rep. of)) Q16/13 2019-10-02
[ 834 ]
Initiating a new work item on "General Aspects of QoS (Quality of Service) on the Quantum Key Distribution Network" � KT Corporation (Korea (Rep. of)), ETRI Q6/13, Q16/13 2019-10-02
[ 813 ]
New: proposed a new work item for business role-based model in QKD network � Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) (Korea (Rep. of)) , KT Corporation (Korea (Rep. of)) Q16/13 2019-10-01
[ 784 ]
New: Initiating a new work item on "Requirements for QoS Assurance of the Quantum Key Distribution Network" � Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI) (Korea (Rep. of)) , KT Corporation (Korea (Rep. of)) Q6/13, Q16/13 2019-10-01
[ 783 ]
Y.QKDN-CM: Splitting Y.QKDN-CM into two draft Recommendations: Y.QKDN-func-req and Y.QKDN-CM-fa" � Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI) (Korea (Rep. of)) , KT Corporation (Korea (Rep. of)) Q16/13 2019-10-01
[ 782 ]
Y.QKDN-CM: descriptions of the multi-layer/external management function for "Control and Management for Quantum Key Distribution Network" � Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI) (Korea (Rep. of)) , KT Corporation (Korea (Rep. of)) Q16/13 2019-10-01
[ 781 ]
Y.QKDN-CM: description of control layer management function for "Control and Management for Quantum Key Distribution Network" � Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI) (Korea (Rep. of)) , KT Corporation (Korea (Rep. of)) Q16/13 2019-10-01
[ 780 ]
Y.QKDN-CM: description of the key management layer management function for "Control and Management for Quantum Key Distribution Network" � Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI) (Korea (Rep. of)) , KT Corporation (Korea (Rep. of)) Q16/13 2019-10-01
[ 779 ]
Y.QKDN-CM: descriptions of quantum layer management function for "Control and Management for Quantum Key Distribution Network" � Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI) (Korea (Rep. of)) , KT Corporation (Korea (Rep. of)) Q16/13 2019-10-01
[ 778 ]
Y.QKDN-CM: revised description of the high-level functional architecture for "Control and Management for Quantum Key Distribution Network" � Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI) (Korea (Rep. of)) , KT Corporation (Korea (Rep. of)) Q16/13 2019-10-01
[ 777 ]
Y.QKDN-CM: Additional functional requirements for "Control and Management for Quantum Key Distribution Network" � Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI) (Korea (Rep. of)) , KT Corporation (Korea (Rep. of)) Q16/13 2019-10-01
[ 645 ]
Revised service procedure in section 10 of Y.QKDN_FR � KT Corporation (Korea (Rep. of)) Q16/13 2019-02-19
[ 644 ]
Clarification of possible horizontal connectivity on QKD network in Y.QKDN_FR � KT Corporation (Korea (Rep. of)) Q16/13 2019-02-19
[ 509 ]
Proposal of a new work item on "Framework for Quantum Key Distribution Network" � KT Corporation (Korea (Rep. of)) Q16/13 2018-07-03
[ 508 ]
Propoeal of a new work item on "Framework for Quantum Key Distribution Network" �
Same as C509
KT Corporation (Korea (Rep. of)) Q16/13 2018-07-03
[ 332 ]
Proposal of new focus group on AI/Machine Learning-related study � KT Corporation QALL/13 2017-10-24
[ 212 ]
An Additional Technical Package for IMT-2020 Network Management and Orchestration � KT Corporation Q21/13 2017-10-17
[ 135 ]
Proposed editorial changes of the IMT-2020 network management framework output document � Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI) , KT Corporation Q21/13 2017-01-24
[ 134 ]
Proposed reference points in IMT-2020 Management Framework Draft Recommendation � Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI) , KT Corporation Q21/13 2017-01-24
[ 133 ]
Proposal of new work items on IMT-2020 end-to-end network management requirements and framework based on deliverables from FG-IMT2020 network management group � Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI) , KT Corporation Q21/13 2017-01-24
Results:39 total items.
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