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ITU-T�SG 13� TD-WP3�(2021-11-29)�


Future networks

Study Period 2017

Meeting� from 2021-11-29 to 2021-12-10

held in E-Meeting

Other Meetings : [ 2021-11-29 ]� 2021-07-162021-03-012020-12-172020-12-072020-07-202020-03-132019-10-142019-06-282019-03-042018-11-022018-07-162018-04-182017-11-062017-07-142017-02-06

Results:43 total items.
Temporary Documents �(WP3) �[�AI/Question:�6/13�]���Documents / Contributions

Title Source AI/Question
[ 702-WP3 ]
Living list of ITU-T Y.TRUST-TLA: "Framework of trust-level assessment for trustworthy networking" � Rapporteur Q16/13 2021-12-08
[ 701-WP3 ]
Draft Supplement ITU-T "Standardization roadmap on trustworthy networking and services � Rapporteur Q16/13 2021-12-08
[ 690-WP3 ]
Meeting report of Q16/13 (Virtual, 29 November - 10 December 2021) � Rapporteur Q16/13 2021-12-07
[ 689-WP3 ]
Living list - Synchronization function and implementation in interworking QKDNs � Rapporteur Q16/13 2021-12-07
[ 688-WP3 ]
LS/o on consideration of a new work on ITU-T "Framework of trust-level assessment for trustworthy networking" [from ITU-T SG13] � Rapporteur Q16/13 2021-12-07
[ 687-WP3 ]
LS/o/r on request to provide an update on Recommendations related to WTSA-16 Resolution 73 (reply to TSAG-LS45] � Rapporteur Q16/13, Q1/13 2021-12-07
[ 686-WP3 ]
LS/o on work progress on Quantum Key Distribution (QKD) network in SG13 (as of December 2021) [from ITU-T SG13] � Rapporteur Q16/13 2021-12-07
[ 685-WP3 ]
Initial draft new Technical Report ITU-T TR-QEFN: "ITU-T's views for Quantum-Enabled Future Networks" � Editors Q16/13 2021-12-07
[ 684-WP3 ]
Draft new Recommendation ITU-T Y.QKDN-iwrq:"Quantum key distribution networks - interworking requirements" � Editors Q16/13 2021-12-07
[ 683-WP3 ]
Initial draft new Technical Report ITU-T TR-trust-an-cpr: "Concepts and principles of trust for autonomous networks including IMT-2020 and beyond" � N/A � Q16/13 2021-12-07
[ 682-WP3 ]
Draft Recommendation ITU-T "Functional architecture for trust enabled service provisioning" � Editors Q16/13 2021-12-07
[ 681-WP3 ]
Draft new Recommendation ITU-T "Framework of trusted electricity brokerage for distributed energy resources" � Editors Q16/13 2021-12-07
[ 680-WP3 ]
Draft new Recommendation ITU- T Y.dv-ess: "Framework of distributed and virtualized energy storage systems" � Editors Q16/13 2021-12-07
[ 679-WP3 ]
Draft new Supplement to ITU-T Y-series Recommendations: "Standardization roadmap on Quantum Key Distribution Networks" � Editors Q16/13 2021-12-07
[ 678-WP3 ]
Draft Recommendation ITU-T Y.QKDN-rsfr: "Quantum key distribution networks - resilience framework" � Editors Q16/13 2021-12-07
[ 677-WP3 ]
Draft Recommendation ITU-T Y.QKDN-ml-fra: "Quantum key distribution networks - functional requirements and architecture to enable machine learning" � Editors Q16/13 2021-12-07
[ 676-WP3 ]
Draft Recommendation ITU-T Y.QKDN-iwfr "Quantum key distribution networks - interworking framework" � Editors Q16/13 2021-12-07
[ 675-WP3 ]
Draft Recommendation ITU T Y.QKDN_frint: "Framework for integration of QKDN and secure network infrastructures" � Editors Q16/13 2021-12-07
[ 674-WP3 ]
Draft new Recommendation ITU-T Y.QKDN_BM: "Quantum Key Distribution Networks - Business role-based models" � Editors Q16/13 2021-12-07
[ 666-WP3 ]
Revised text for Y.3057 ( "A trust index model for ICT infrastructures and services" for approval � Editors Q16/13 2021-12-03
[ 665-WP3 ]
Revised text for Y.3805 (Y.QKDN_SDNC) "Quantum Key Distribution Networks - Software Defined Networking Control" - output of December meeting � Editors Q16/13 2021-12-03
[ 662-WP3 ]
Agenda of WP3/13 Closing Plenary meeting (Virtual, 29 November - 10 December 2021) � WP3/13 Co-Chairmen Q5/13, Q2/13, Q16/13, Q1/13 2021-11-26
[ 661-WP3 ]
Draft agenda of Q16/13 meeting (Virtual, 29 November -10 December 2021) � Rapporteur Q16/13 2021-11-26
[ 660-WP3 ]
LS/r on the new version of the Home Network Transport (HNT) Standards Overview and Work Plan (reply to SG15-LS299) [from ITU-T SG13] � ITU-T SG9 Q16/13 2021-11-25
[ 657-WP3 ]
Living list of draft Recommendation ITU-T Y.QKDN-iwfr "Quantum key distribution networks - interworking framework" (output of e- meeting, 20-22 October 2021) � Editors Q16/13 2021-11-24
[ 654-WP3 ]
Meeting report of Q16/13 (e-meeting, 20-22 October 2021) � Rapporteur Q16/13 2021-11-12
[ 653-WP3 ]
Draft new Recommendation ITU-T Y.QKDN-rsfr "Quantum key distribution networks - resilience framework" (output of e- meeting, 20-22 October 2021) � Editors Q16/13 2021-11-11
[ 652-WP3 ]
Draft Recommendation ITU-T Y.QKDN-ml-fra "Quantum key distribution networks - functional requirements and architecture for machine learning" (output of e- meeting, 20-22 October 2021) � Editors Q16/13 2021-11-11
[ 651-WP3 ]
Draft Recommendation ITU-T Y.QKDN-iwfr "Quantum key distribution networks - interworking framework"(output of e- meeting, 20-22 October 2021) � Editors Q16/13 2021-11-11
[ 650-WP3 ]
Draft new Recommendation ITU-T Y.QKDN_BM: "Quantum Key Distribution Networks - Business role-based models" (output of e-meeting, 20-22 October 2021) � Editors Q16/13 2021-11-11
[ 649-WP3 ]
Revised text for Y.3805 (Y.QKDN_SDNC) "Quantum Key Distribution Networks - Software Defined Networking Control" based on AAP Last Call comments � Editors Q16/13 2021-11-08
[ 648-WP3 ]
AAP Last Call comments disposition for Y.3805 (Y.QKDN_SDNC): "Quantum Key Distribution Networks - Software Defined Networking Control" � Editors Q16/13 2021-11-08
[ 647-WP3 ]
Revised text for Y.3057 ( "A trust index model for ICT infrastructures and services" based on AAP Last Call comments � Editors Q16/13 2021-11-03
[ 646-WP3 ]
AAP Last Call comments disposition for Y.3057 ( "A trust index model for ICT infrastructures and services" � Editors Q16/13 2021-11-03
[ 645-WP3 ]
LS/i on initiation of new work item Q.QKDN_profr "Quantum key distribution networks - Protocol framework" [from ITU-T SG11] � ITU-T SG11 Q16/13 2021-11-03
[ 644-WP3 ]
AAP Last Call comments for ITU-T Y.3805 (formerly Y.QKDN_SDNC): "Quantum Key Distribution Networks - Software Defined Networking Control" � Editors Q16/13 2021-11-02
[ 643-WP3 ]
AAP Last Call comments for ITU-T Y.3057 (formerly "A trust index model for ICT infrastructures and services" � Editors Q16/13 2021-11-02
[ 640-WP3 ]
Meeting report of Q16/13 (e-meeting, 14-16 September 2021) � Rapporteur Q16/13 2021-09-29
[ 639-WP3 ]
Draft Recommendation ITU-T Y.QKDN-ml-fra: "Quantum key distribution networks - functional requirements and architecture for machine learning" (output of e-meeting, 14-16 September 2021) � Editors Q16/13 2021-09-29
[ 638-WP3 ]
Draft Recommendation ITU-T Y.QKDN-iwfr: "Quantum key distribution networks - interworking framework" (output of e-meeting, 14-16 September 2021) � Editors Q16/13 2021-09-29
[ 637-WP3 ]
Draft new Recommendation ITU-T Y.QKDN_BM: "Quantum Key Distribution Networks - Business role-based models" (output of e-meeting, 14-16 September 2021) � Editors Q16/13 2021-09-29
[ 636-WP3 ]
Draft Recommendation ITU T Y.QKDN_frint "Framework for integration of QKDN and secure network infrastructures" (output of e-meeting, 14-16 September 2021) � Editor Q16/13 2021-09-29
[ 635-WP3 ]
Draft Recommendation ITU-T Y.QKDN-rsfr:"Quantum key distribution networks - resilience framework" (output of e-meeting, 14-16 September 2021) � Editors Q16/13 2021-09-29
Results:43 total items.
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