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ITU-T�SG 13� C�(2018-07-16)�


Future networks

Study Period 2017

Meeting� from 2018-07-16 to 2018-07-27

held in Switzerland [Geneva]

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Contributions �[�Source:�China�]���Documents / Contributions

Title Source AI/Question
[ 537 ]
Propose to update the functional description of Y.NSOM � China Mobile Communications Corporation Q21/13 2018-07-03
[ 536 ]
Propose to add the information flows of Y.SFCM � China Mobile Communications Corporation Q21/13 2018-07-03
[ 529 ]
Update draft Y.ccm.reqts for a use case of capacity management � China Mobile Communications Corporation Q19/13 2018-07-03
[ 528 ]
Update draft Y.ccm.reqts of Cloud Computing maturity model and levels � China Mobile Communications Corporation Q19/13 2018-07-03
[ 527 ]
Update draft Y.ccm.reqts of Cloud Computing management Lifecycle � China Mobile Communications Corporation Q19/13 2018-07-03
[ 526 ]
Proposal for additions and modifications in Y.cslm-metadata � China Unicom Q19/13 2018-07-03
[ 525 ]
Proposal for additions and modifications in Y.CCICDM-Req � China Unicom Q19/13 2018-07-03
[ 518 ]
Proposal to delete functional architecture of big data driven mobile network traffic management and planning in Y-bDDN-MNTMP � China Unicom Q7/13 2018-07-03
[ 516 ]
Proposal to complete requirements of big data driven mobile network planning in Y-bDDN-MNTMP � China Unicom Q7/13 2018-07-03
[ 514 ]
Proposal to complete performance considerations in Y-bDDN-MNTMP � China Unicom Q7/13 2018-07-03
[ 513 ]
Proposal to complete Framework in Y-bDDN-MNTMP � China Unicom Q7/13 2018-07-03
[ 512 ]
Proposal to adding abbreviations and acronyms in Y.sfcm � China Unicom Q21/13 2018-07-03
[ 511 ]
Proposal to add requirements of information illustration in Y-bDDN-MNTMP � China Unicom Q7/13 2018-07-03
[ 506 ]
Propose to add the requirements of Y.IMT2020-CE-req � China Mobile Communications Corporation Q20/13 2018-07-03
[ 505 ]
Propose to update the descriptions of Y.IMT2020-BM � China Mobile Communications Corporation Q20/13 2018-07-03
[ 504 ]
Proposal to modify evaluating the effect of newly-built base stations in Y-bDDN-MNTMP � China Unicom Q7/13 2018-07-03
[ 503 ]
Proposal to adding reference point and interface in Y.sfcm � China Unicom Q21/13 2018-07-03
[ 489 ]
Proposal to adding introduction of Y.sfcm � China Unicom Q21/13 2018-07-03
[ 478 ]
Y.BDaaS-arch: Revising figure and text of clause 8 and text of Appendix I � China Telecommunications Corporation Q18/13 2018-07-02
[ 477 ]
Y.BDaaS-arch: Revising function descriptions of clause 7 � China Telecommunications Corporation Q18/13 2018-07-02
[ 476 ]
Y.NGN-PLA-reqts: Verifying the matching relationship between capabilities defined in clause 8 and requirements defined in clause 7 � China Telecommunications Corporation Q2/13 2018-07-02
[ 475 ]
Y.NGN-PLA-reqts: Developing the use cases of programmable log analysis in next generation networks in Appendix I � China Telecommunications Corporation Q2/13 2018-07-02
[ 474 ]
Y.NGN-PLA-reqts: Enhancing on overview of Programmable log analysis in next generation networks in clause 6 � China Telecommunications Corporation Q2/13 2018-07-02
[ 473 ]
Y.cccm-reqts: Revising the use case I.5 in Appendix I � China Telecommunications Corporation Q17/13 2018-07-02
[ 472 ]
Y.BaaS-reqts: Developing the use cases in Appendix � China Telecommunications Corporation Q17/13 2018-07-02
[ 464 ]
Y.ccpm-reqts: Proposal on use cases and derived requirements of draft Y.ccpm-reqts � China Telecommunications Corporation , Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) (China) Q17/13 2018-07-02
[ 463 ]
Y.sup.ccsr: Update deliverables information in Y.sup.ccsr � China Telecommunications Corporation Q17/13 2018-07-02
[ 461 ]
Y.NGNe-O-arch:adding descriptions for functional entities � China Telecommunications Corporation Q2/13 2018-07-02
[ 455 ]
Some proposed text for Y. BaaS-reqt � China Mobile Communications Corporation Q17/13 2018-07-02
[ 451 ]
Y.FMC-arch: update the overview and framework � China Mobile Communications Corporation Q23/13 2018-07-02
[ 450 ]
Y.NGNe-O-reqts: modification of orchestration capabilities � China Telecommunications Corporation Q2/13 2018-07-02
[ 446 ]
Y.ccpm-reqts: Proposal on abbreviations, acronyms and bibliography of draft Y.ccpm-reqts � China Telecommunications Corporation Q17/13 2018-07-02
[ 444 ]
Y.NGNe-O-reqts: adding background and interface requirements � China Telecommunications Corporation Q2/13 2018-07-02
[ 443 ]
Y.ccdc-reqts: Proposal for arrangement of high-level requirements of distributed cloud � China Telecommunications Corporation Q17/13 2018-07-02
[ 442 ]
Y.FMC-arch: reorganize the skeleton � China Mobile Communications Corporation Q23/13 2018-07-02
[ 441 ]
Y.ccpm-reqts: Proposal on introduction to power supply, cooling component and management component � China Telecommunications Corporation Q17/13 2018-07-02
[ 440 ]
Proposal for initiating a new work item on "Overview and Functional requirements of DevOps " � China Mobile Communications Corporation , China Unicom , Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) Q19/13 2018-07-02
[ 439 ]
Propose to clean up Y.IMT2020-BM for consent � China Telecommunications Corporation Q20/13 2018-07-02
[ 436 ]
Propose to add FMC related capability exposure requirements in Y.IMT2020-CE-req � China Telecommunications Corporation Q20/13 2018-07-02
[ 435 ]
Y.ccdc-reqts: Proposal of use cases for configuration of distributed cloud � China Telecommunications Corporation Q17/13 2018-07-02
[ 424 ]
Y. IMT2020-qos-fr : Modification proposals for the QoS support framework architecture for IMT-2020 networks � Hubei University , Hubei University (China) Q6/13 2018-06-30
[ 423 ]
Y.qos-ml: Modification proposals for the requirements of machine learning based QoS assurance for IMT-2020 � Hubei University , Hubei University (China) Q6/13 2018-06-30
[ 422 ]
Proposal of a new work item for "ITU-T Y.IMT-2020-qos-mec: QoS requirements and mechanisms for IMT-2020 network" � Hubei University , Hubei University (China) Q6/13 2018-06-30
[ 420 ]
Proposed a new use case for Y.BDDP-reqts � DaTang Telecommunication Technology & Industry Holding Co. Ltd (China) Q19/13 2018-06-29
[ 419 ]
Proposed modifications for clause 7 of Y.BDDP-reqts � DaTang Telecommunication Technology & Industry Holding Co. Ltd (China) Q19/13 2018-06-29
[ 418 ]
Proposed some requirements and use cases for Y.CCICTM � DaTang Telecommunication Technology & Industry Holding Co. Ltd (China) Q19/13 2018-06-29
[ 417 ]
Proposed modification for clause 7 and 8 of Y.CCICTM � DaTang Telecommunication Technology & Industry Holding Co. Ltd (China) Q19/13 2018-06-29
[ 416 ]
Proposed modifications for clause 6.1 of Y.CCICTM � DaTang Telecommunication Technology & Industry Holding Co. Ltd (China) Q19/13 2018-06-29
[ 411 ]
Proposal for initiating a new work item on edge computing for fixed mobile convergence in IMT-2020 network � China Unicom Q23/13 2018-06-29
[ 406 ]
Proposal for adding requirements of service during scheduling to Y. FMC-SS � China Telecommunications Corporation Q23/13 2018-06-25
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