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Performance, QoS and QoE

Study Period 2017

Results:7 total items.
Contributions �[�Source:�Nokia Corporation (Finland)�]���Documents / Contributions

Title Source AI/Question
[ 606 ]
Modified P.800 ACR evaluations of multi-bandwidth and parametric spatial speech � Nokia Corporation (Finland) Q7/12 2021-09-29
[ 604 ]
New draft of P.SUPPL800 including P.800 selection and characterization tests of the 3GPP EVS codec � Dolby Laboratories (United States) , Nokia Corporation (Finland) , Qualcomm, Inc. (United States) , Telefon AB - LM Ericsson (Sweden) Q7/12 2021-09-29
[ 600 ]
Modified P.800 DCR evaluation of parametric spatial speech � Nokia Corporation (Finland) Q7/12 2021-09-29
[ 575 ]
Baseline text for GSTR-5GQoE "QoE requirements for real-time multimedia services over 5G networks" � Nokia Corporation (Finland) Q13/12 2021-09-23
[ 519 ]
Proposal for scope and use cases for G.QoE-5G � Nokia Corporation (Finland) Q13/12 2021-04-15
[ 493 ]
Additional information regarding Video Quality Experts Group proposal for ITU-T P.360-VR � Nokia Corporation (Finland) Q13/12 2020-08-21
[ 492 ]
Proposal for ITU-T P.360-VR "Subjective test methodologies for 360� video on HMD" � Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica (Netherlands) , Ilmenau University of Technology (TU Ilmenau) (Germany) , Nokia Corporation (Finland) , Wuhan University (China) Q13/12 2020-08-21
Results:7 total items.
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