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Performance, QoS and QoE

Study Period 2017

Results:11 total items.
Contributions �[�AI/Question:�Q1/12�]���Documents / Contributions

Title Source AI/Question
[ 506 ]
Considerations for the development of new QoS and QoE related objective models to be embedded in Recommendations prepared by Study Group 12 � Opticom GmbH (Germany) Q1/12 2020-08-25
[ 490 ]
Artificial Intelligence Quotient (AI-Q) for Indexing and Rating AI Algorithm �
Ministry of Communications (India) Q12/12, Q1/12 2020-07-28
[ 462 ]
On the importance of harmonizing the handling of QoS as perceived by customers � Orange (France) Q1/12 2020-03-30
[ 448 ]
Proposed NEW Question for the 2021-2024 Study Period: "Perceptual and field assessment principles for Qos and QoE of DFS" � Focus Infocom Ges. F. Informatik u. Telekomm. mbH (Germany) , Opticom GmbH (Germany) , Senegal Q1/12 2020-03-10
[ 333 ]
Proposed text for new ITU-T Suppl. ML "Considerations for the development of new Recommendations in Study Group 12" � Opticom GmbH (Germany) Q1/12 2019-04-16
[ 313 ]
A Machine Learning Approach in SG12 � InfoVista SAS (France) Q16/12, Q15/12, Q1/12 2018-11-14
[ 240 ]
Proposal for a New Recommendation on the Applicability of Machine Learning in the Context of ITU-T SG12's mandate � Opticom GmbH (Germany) Q1/12 2018-11-07
[ 207 ]
Considerations on the use of algorithms based on machine learning and artificial intelligence for quality of service and quality of experience purposes � Deutsche Telekom AG Q9/12, Q1/12 2018-04-18
[ 147 ]
Update on the Operational Plan for implementation of the WTSA Res. 95 (Hammamet, 2016) � Brazil Q1/12 2017-09-06
[ 62 ]
Operational plan for implementation of WTSA-16 Resolution 95 (Hammamet, 2016) � Brazil Q1/12 2016-12-22
[ 54 ]
Caution and proposals regarding the C&I testing � Sony Corporation Q1/12 2016-12-22
Results:11 total items.
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