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Protocols and test specifications

Study Period 2017

Results:14 total items.
Contributions �[�Source:�Japan�]���Documents / Contributions

Title Source AI/Question
[ 655 ]
Proposal for a new Work Item on Ck protocol of QKDN, Q.QKDN_Ck: "Protocols for Ck interface for QKDN" � National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT) (Japan) , NEC Corporation (Japan) , Toshiba Corporation (Japan) Q2/11 2021-11-17
[ 654 ]
Proposal for a new Work Item on Kx protocol of QKDN, Q.QKDN_Kx: "Protocols for Kx interface for QKDN" � National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT) (Japan) , NEC Corporation (Japan) , Toshiba Corporation (Japan) Q2/11 2021-11-17
[ 653 ]
Proposal for a new Work Item on Ak protocol of QKDN, Q.QKDN_Ak: "Protocols for Ak interface for QKDN" � National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT) (Japan) , NEC Corporation (Japan) , Toshiba Corporation (Japan) Q2/11 2021-11-17
[ 652 ]
Proposed modifications to draft Recommendation ITU-T Q.QKDN_profr "QKDN - Protocol framework" � National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT) (Japan) , NEC Corporation (Japan) , Toshiba Corporation (Japan) Q2/11 2021-11-17
[ 558 ]
Comments on the proposed questions for New IP / FVCN � Japan QALL/11 2020-12-04
[ 480 ]
Proposals of editorial modifications on whole document of ITU-T draft Recommendation Q.FW_IoT/Test � Advanced Telecommunications Research Institute International (Japan) Q12/11 2020-07-07
[ 472 ]
Comments on the proposed questions for New IP � Japan QALL/11 2020-07-06
[ 399 ]
Proposed modifications related to scope and document structure of ITU-T draft Recommendation Q.FW_IoT/Test � Advanced Telecommunications Research Institute International (Japan) Q12/11 2020-02-16
[ 398 ]
Proposal of modified texts and figures including latest examination results in Appendix I of ITU-T draft Recommendation Q.FW_IoT/Test � Advanced Telecommunications Research Institute International (Japan) Q12/11 2020-02-16
[ 397 ]
Proposed modifications on sub-clause 8.2, Dividing of target network, of ITU-T draft Recommendation Q.FW_IoT/Test � Advanced Telecommunications Research Institute International (Japan) Q12/11 2020-02-16
[ 359 ]
Support C303 to merge SG11 Questions (Q9, 10 and 11/11) for the new Study Period 2021-2024 � National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT) (Japan) QALL/11 2019-10-02
[ 345 ]
Proposal of appending new Clause 8 "Consideration for test procedure" into ITU-T draft Recommendation Q.39_FW_IoT/Test � Advanced Telecommunications Research Institute International (Japan) Q12/11 2019-09-30
[ 344 ]
Proposal of adding new table for network type classification testing into Annex of ITU-T draft Recommendation Q.39_FW_IoT/Test � Advanced Telecommunications Research Institute International (Japan) Q12/11 2019-09-30
[ 343 ]
Proposal of appending new sub clause 7.9 "network type classification" into ITU-T draft Recommendation Q.39_FW_IoT/Test � Advanced Telecommunications Research Institute International (Japan) Q12/11 2019-09-30
Results:14 total items.
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