Temporary Documents
�[�AI/Question:�Q9/5�]��� |
[ 1437-GEN ]
� |
Working methods for the collaboration between ETSI TC EE and ITU-T Study Group 5
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Chairman WP2/5
� |
Q9/5, Q7/5, Q6/5
� |
2020-05-19 |
[ 1436-GEN ]
� |
Draft LS/o on ITU-T SG5 Liaison officer to JCA-AHF [to JCA-AHF]
� |
ITU-T Study Group 5
� |
QALL/5, Q9/5, Q7/5, Q6/5
� |
2020-05-19 |
[ 1435-GEN ]
� |
Presentation on a study conducted for the consortium of the mobile phone value chain in France
� |
Chairman WP2/5
� |
Q9/5, Q7/5, Q6/5
� |
2020-05-19 |
[ 1433-GEN ]
� |
ITU-SG5 technically equivalent deliverables with ETSI TC EE and their list as of 20 May 2020
� |
ITU-T Study Group 5
� |
Q9/5, Q7/5, Q6/5
� |
2020-05-19 |
[ 1402-GEN ]
(Rev.1-2)� |
New work item for the creation of a Supplement on the GHG emissions reductions enabled by actual implementation of ICT projects
� |
Co-rapporteurs Q9/5
� |
� |
2020-05-15 |
[ 1398-GEN ]
(Rev.1)� |
New work item for the creation of Suppl.L.Decarbonisation : "Supplement on decarbonisation strategies to implement Recommendation ITU-T L.1470 trajectories
� |
Co-rapporteurs Q9/5
� |
� |
2020-05-15 |
[ 1379-GEN ]
(Rev.1)� |
Proposed revised terms of reference for Q9/5 continuation
� |
Co-Rapporteurs Q9/5
� |
� |
2020-05-14 |
[ 1370-GEN ]
(Rev.1)� |
For Agreement- Draft Supplement of L.Sup.Orgtrajectories - output of meeting 11-20 May 2020
� |
Co-rapporteur Q9/5
� |
� |
2020-05-14 |
[ 1358-GEN ]
(Rev.1-3)� |
A.13 justification for new Suppl.L.TrajectoriesManSupp : "Supplement giving Guidance to ICT manufacturers on setting 1.5�C aligned targets compliant with Recommendation ITU-T L.1470
� |
Co-rapporteurs Q9/5
� |
� |
2020-05-13 |
[ 1356-GEN ]
� |
Draft text for L.TCFD on Application of the activities of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures in the ICT sector
� |
Co-rapporteurs Q9/5
� |
� |
2020-05-13 |
[ 1344-GEN ]
� |
Q9/5 progress report
� |
Co-rapporteurs Q9/5
� |
� |
2020-05-12 |
[ 1336-GEN ]
� |
Presentation on Opening remarks for WP2/5 plenary
� |
Chairman WP2/5
� |
Q9/5, Q7/5, Q6/5
� |
2020-05-10 |
[ 1328-GEN ]
� |
Report of Q9/5 Rapporteurs e-meeting held on 23 April 2020
� |
Associate Rapporteur
� |
� |
2020-05-05 |
[ 1324-GEN ]
� |
Update on activities in IEC TC111 and ISO/IEC JTC1 SC39
� |
Liaison rapporteur
� |
Q9/5, Q7/5, Q6/5
� |
2020-05-04 |
[ 1315-GEN ]
� |
Draft Supplement of L.Sup.Orgtrajectories - output of Q9/5 e-meeting held on 23 April 2020
� |
Co-rapporteur Q9/5
� |
� |
2020-04-24 |
[ 1314-GEN ]
� |
Draft L.Sup OrgTrajectories - version aligned with company guidance from ITU/GSMA/GESI/SBTi published February 2020
� |
Co-rapporteur Q9/5
� |
� |
2020-04-23 |
[ 1313-GEN ]
� |
Report of Q9/5 Rapporteurs e-meeting held on 5 May 2020
� |
� |
� |
2020-04-23 |
[ 1312-GEN ]
� |
Report of Q9/5 e-meeting held on 19 February 2020
� |
Associate Rapporteur Q9/5
� |
� |
2020-04-23 |
[ 1310-GEN ]
� |
Draft supplement of L.Sup.Orgtrajectories - output of Q9/5 e-meeting held on 19 February 2020
� |
Co-rapporteurs Q9/5
� |
� |
2020-04-20 |
[ 1302-GEN ]
� |
Report of Q9/5 e-meeting held on 12 March 2020
� |
Associate Rapporteur Q9/5
� |
� |
2020-04-09 |
[ 1301-GEN ]
� |
Report of Q9/5 e-meeting held on 6 April 2020
� |
Associate Rapporteur Q9/5
� |
� |
2020-04-09 |
[ 1285-GEN ]
� |
Report of Q9/5 meeting (Paris, 5-6 February 2020)
� |
Associate Rapporteur Q9/5
� |
� |
2020-02-24 |
[ 1274-GEN ]
(Rev.1)� |
Draft supplement giving guidance for organizations interested in complying with the Recommendation ITU-T L.1470 - output of Q9/5 meeting held on 5-6 February 2020, Paris, France
� |
Co-rapporteurs Q9/5
� |
� |
2020-02-12 |
[ 1273-GEN ]
(Rev.1)� |
Report of Q9/5 e-meeting held on 21 January 2020
� |
Associate Rapporteur Q9/5
� |
� |
2020-02-12 |
[ 1272-GEN ]
(Rev.1)� |
Report of Q9/5 e-meeting held on 7 January 2020
� |
Associate Rapporteur Q9/5
� |
� |
2020-02-12 |
[ 1271-GEN ]
(Rev.1)� |
Report of Q9/5 meeting held on 20-21 November 2019 in London, United Kingdom
� |
Associate Rapporteur Q9/5
� |
� |
2020-02-12 |
[ 1269-GEN ]
(Rev.1)� |
Output text for draft Supplement ITU-T L.Sup.Orgtrajectories "Supplement giving guidance for organizations interested in complying with the new L-Trajectories Recommendation", Q9/5 Rapporteur e-meeting, 21 January 2020
� |
Co-rapporteurs Q9/5
� |
� |
2020-02-05 |
[ 1264-GEN ]
(Rev.1)� |
Output of draft Supplement ITU-T L.Sup.Orgtrajectories "Supplement giving guidance for organizations interested in complying with the new L-Trajectories Recommendation", Q9/5 Rapporteur e-meeting, 7 January 2020
� |
Co-rapporteurs Q9/5
� |
� |
2020-01-17 |
[ 1259-GEN ]
(Rev.1-4)� |
Draft Report of Question 9/5 (e-meeting, 11-20 May 2020)
� |
Co-rapporteurs Q9/5
� |
� |
2020-01-16 |
[ 1250-GEN ]
(Rev.1-5)� |
Draft Report of Working Party 2/5 (e-meeting, 11-20 May 2020)
� |
Chairman WP2/5
� |
Q9/5, Q7/5, Q6/5
� |
2020-01-16 |
[ 1239-GEN ]
(Rev.1-4)� |
Draft agenda for Question 9/5 meeting (e-meeting, 11-20 May 2020)
� |
Co-rapporteurs Q9/5
� |
� |
2020-01-16 |
[ 1230-GEN ]
(Rev.1-2)� |
Draft agenda for Working Party 2/5 meeting (e-meeting, 11-20 May 2020)
� |
Chairman WP2/5
� |
Q9/5, Q7/5, Q6/5
� |
2020-01-16 |
[ 1204-GEN ]
(Rev.1)� |
Report of Q9/5 e-meeting held on 11 December 2019
� |
Co-rapporteur Q9/5
� |
� |
2020-01-16 |
Results:33 total items.
� |
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