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SG3 Regional Group for Africa

Study Period 2017

Results:5 total items.
Contributions �[�Source:�Madagascar (Republic of)�]���Documents / Contributions

Title Source AI/Question
[ 110 ]
Support for draft Recommendation D.OTTMNO: Guidelines on OTT-MNO partnership � Madagascar (Republic of) Q9/3 2019-02-06
[ 105 ]
Contribution on study item "D.MFScoop": Cooperation between NRA and central banks in order to ensure the widespread availability of mobile credit, mobile saving and mobile insurance offers in order to promote financial inclusion � Madagascar (Republic of) Q12/3 2019-02-06
[ 102 ]
R�sultat de la r�union du Groupe du Rapporteur sur le projet de Recommandation D.ConsumerMFS: Principes pour une utilisation accrue des SFM gr�ce � des m�canismes efficaces de protection des consommateurs � Madagascar (Republic of) Q12/3 2019-02-06
[ 97 ]
Request for guidelines on regional traffic exchange via Internet exchange points (IXPs) � Madagascar (Republic of) Q6/3 2019-02-06
[ 94 ]
Une connectivit� internationale comp�titive et une tarification des services de donn�es au profit des pays en d�veloppement et PMA � Madagascar (Republic of) Q6/3, Q3/3 2019-02-06
Results:5 total items.
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