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Economic and policy issues

Study Period 2017

Results:41 total items.
Contributions �[�Source:�Rwanda�]���Documents / Contributions

Title Source AI/Question
[ 371 ]
Measuring the contribution of the digital economy to GDP: the case of C�te d'Ivoire � Cameroon , C�te d'Ivoire , Rwanda , Togo Q9/3 2020-08-07
[ 368 ]
Request the ITU-T Study Group 3 to develop a guideline on the approved (TAP) new ITU-T recommendation ITU-T D.262 (D.OTT), "Collaborative Framework for OTTs" and its attainability � Rwanda Q9/3 2020-08-07
[ 278 ]
Support to the Draft Recommendation on Policy framework and principles for digital identity infrastructure � C�te d'Ivoire , Gambia , Madagascar , Niger , Rwanda , Sudan , Tanzania Q11/3 2019-03-01
[ 277 ]
Impact of Social Networks on Digital Liquidity � Gambia , Rwanda Q12/3 2019-03-01
[ 273 ]
LS on creation, participation and termination of Regional Groups � African Telecommunications Union (Kenya) , Burkina Faso , Cameroon , Chad , C�te d'Ivoire , Dem. Rep. of the Congo , Gambia , Guinea , Kenya , Madagascar , Mali , Mauritania , Niger , Nigeria , Rwanda , Sao Tome and Principe , Soci�t� Nationale des T�l�communications du S�n�gal (SONATEL) (Senegal) , South Sudan , Sudan , Tanzania , Togo , Uganda , Zambia , Zimbabwe QALL/3 2019-03-01
[ 272 ]
Support for a Technical Report on OTT Bypass and proposed edits to the outline of the technical report � C�te d'Ivoire , Guinea , Mali , Rwanda , Tanzania , Zambia , Zimbabwe Q9/3 2019-03-01
[ 270 ]
Draft Recommendation on Framework for the Competitive Provision of International Internet Connectivity (IIC) � Gambia , Rwanda , Zimbabwe Q6/3 2019-03-01
[ 266 ]
Views on Technical Report - The right time for inducing interoperability � Dem. Rep. of the Congo , Gambia , Rwanda , Zambia , Zimbabwe Q12/3 2019-03-01
[ 265 ]
Cooperation between NRA and central banks in order to ensure the widespread availability of Mobile Financial Services � Madagascar , Rwanda , Sudan , Uganda Q12/3 2019-03-01
[ 261 ]
Request for guidelines on regional traffic exchange via Internet exchange points (IXPs) � Chad , Madagascar , Rwanda , Soci�t� Nationale des T�l�communications du S�n�gal (SONATEL) (Senegal) , Zimbabwe Q6/3 2019-03-01
[ 260 ]
ITU-T Recommendation on defining, identifying and assessing cross border market power � Rwanda , Uganda , Zambia Q10/3 2019-02-28
[ 257 ]
Support of the proposal of creating the work item for quantifying the economic value from Internet and develop the related recommendation � Gambia , Rwanda Q9/3 2019-02-28
[ 229 ]
Framework for open data � Rwanda Q11/3 2018-03-28
[ 227 ]
Output of Focus Group on Digital Financial Services � Rwanda Q12/3 2018-03-28
[ 224 ]
Alternative Calling procedures � Rwanda Q8/3 2018-03-28
[ 182 ]
MFS - Technical Paper on Costs of MFS � Cameroon , C�te d'Ivoire , Gambia , Nigeria , Rwanda , Senegal , Sierra Leone , Sudan , Togo , Uganda , Zambia Q12/3 2018-02-23
[ 181 ]
Draft Recommendation on Principles for Tariff Regulation of Data Services � Burkina Faso , Cameroon , C�te d'Ivoire , Dem. Rep. of the Congo , Guinea , Mali , Niger , Nigeria , Rwanda , Sao Tome and Principe , Sierra Leone , Sudan , Togo , Zimbabwe Q3/3 2018-02-23
[ 180 ]
Proposed new ITU T work item on question 13/3 on study of tariff issues of settlement agreements of Trans-multi country terrestrial telecommunication cables � Burkina Faso , Cameroon , C�te d'Ivoire , Gambia , Mali , Niger , Nigeria , Rwanda , Senegal , Soci�t� Nationale des T�l�communications du S�n�gal (SONATEL) , Sudan , Togo , Zambia , Zimbabwe Q13/3 2018-02-23
[ 179 ]
Support for the New Work Items under Question 13 - Terrestrial Trans Multi Country Terrestrial Cables � Cameroon , Central African Rep. , Comoros , C�te d'Ivoire , Dem. Rep. of the Congo , Econet Telecom Lesotho , Gambia , Guinea , Niger , Nigeria , Rwanda , Senegal , Soci�t� Nationale des T�l�communications du S�n�gal (SONATEL) , Sudan , Togo , Zambia , Zimbabwe Q13/3 2018-02-23
[ 177 ]
Proposal for a new ITU-T Draft Recommendation under D.OTTMNO � Cameroon , C�te d'Ivoire , Econet Telecom Lesotho , Gambia , Niger , Nigeria , Rwanda , Senegal , Soci�t� Nationale des T�l�communications du S�n�gal (SONATEL) , Sudan , Togo , Zambia , Zimbabwe Q9/3 2018-02-23
[ 176 ]
Proposal for a new ITU-T Draft Recommendation D.OTTMNO � Rwanda Q9/3 2018-02-23
[ 175 ]
Draft new Recommendation OTT Bypass � Cameroon , C�te d'Ivoire , Gambia , Guinea , Madagascar , Mali , Niger , Nigeria , Rwanda , Senegal , Sierra Leone , Soci�t� Nationale des T�l�communications du S�n�gal (SONATEL) , Sudan , Togo , Zambia , Zimbabwe Q9/3 2018-02-23
[ 174 ]
Draft Recommendation ITU-T D.OTT : Economic impact of OTTs � Burkina Faso , Cameroon , Central African Rep. , Comoros , C�te d'Ivoire , Dem. Rep. of the Congo , Gambia , Guinea , Madagascar , Mali , Nigeria , Rwanda , Sao Tome and Principe , Senegal , Sierra Leone , Togo , Uganda , Zambia , Zimbabwe Q9/3 2018-02-23
[ 173 ]
OTT services under D.OTTMNO: an opportunity for the low-income economy � Burkina Faso , Cameroon , Comoros , C�te d'Ivoire , Econet Telecom Lesotho , Gambia , Guinea , Madagascar , Mali , Niger , Nigeria , Rwanda , Senegal , Sierra Leone , Togo , Zambia , Zimbabwe Q9/3 2018-02-23
[ 172 ]
Proposed Title for the draft OTT Recommendation � Burkina Faso , Cameroon , Central African Rep. , Comoros , C�te d'Ivoire , Dem. Rep. of the Congo , Gambia , Guinea , Madagascar , Mali , Nigeria , Rwanda , Sao Tome and Principe , Senegal , Sierra Leone , Soci�t� Nationale des T�l�communications du S�n�gal (SONATEL) , Sudan , Togo , Uganda , Zambia , Zimbabwe Q9/3 2018-02-23
[ 170 ]
Support for the determination of the ITU-T Recommendation on Costs, Charges and Competition for MFS as per outcome of December 2017 RGM Q12/3 meeting � Egypt , Gambia , Nigeria , Rwanda , Sierra Leone , Sudan , Zambia , Zimbabwe Q12/3 2018-02-23
[ 168 ]
Proposed title for Draft recommendation on Principles for increased adoption and use of MFS through effective consumer protection mechanisms (D.ConsumerMFS) � Cameroon , Central African Rep. , C�te d'Ivoire , Gambia , Guinea , Mali , Niger , Nigeria , Rwanda , Senegal , Sierra Leone , Sudan , Togo , Uganda , Zambia , Zimbabwe Q12/3 2018-02-23
[ 167 ]
USSD in relation to mobile payment for D.MFSCM � Cameroon , Comoros , C�te d'Ivoire , Guinea , Nigeria , Rwanda , Sierra Leone , Sudan , Uganda , Zambia , Zimbabwe Q12/3 2018-02-23
[ 166 ]
Application of WTSA Resolution 89, rapid development of mobile financial services (MFS), and support to Draft ITU-T Recommendations on MFS � Burkina Faso , Cameroon , Comoros , C�te d'Ivoire , Dem. Rep. of the Congo , Econet Telecom Lesotho , Gambia , Guinea , Madagascar , Mali , Niger , Nigeria , Rwanda , Senegal , Sierra Leone , Soci�t� Nationale des T�l�communications du S�n�gal (SONATEL) , Togo , Uganda , Zambia , Zimbabwe Q12/3 2018-02-23
[ 165 ]
Guidelines on M2M international roaming under D.M2MRoaming � Burkina Faso , Cameroon , Central African Rep. , C�te d'Ivoire , Dem. Rep. of the Congo , Gambia , Guinea , Madagascar , Niger , Nigeria , Rwanda , Senegal , Sierra Leone , Sudan , Togo , Uganda , Zambia , Zimbabwe Q7/3 2018-02-23
[ 162 ]
Draft new Recommendation ITU-T D.Unipricelist: Unification of Price/Tariffs/Rates Lists � Burkina Faso , Cameroon , Central African Rep. , Comoros , C�te d'Ivoire , Dem. Rep. of the Congo , Gambia , Guinea , Madagascar , Mali , Niger , Nigeria , Rwanda , Sao Tome and Principe , Senegal , Sierra Leone , Soci�t� Nationale des T�l�communications du S�n�gal (SONATEL) , Sudan , Togo , Zambia , Zimbabwe Q2/3 2018-02-23
[ 161 ]
Draft Recommendation on policy framework including principles for Digital Identity Infrastructure � Burkina Faso , Cameroon , C�te d'Ivoire , Gambia , Mali , Niger , Nigeria , Rwanda , Sao Tome and Principe , Senegal , Sierra Leone , Sudan , Togo , Zambia , Zimbabwe Q11/3 2018-02-23
[ 159 ]
ITU-T Recommendation on big data � Cameroon , C�te d'Ivoire , Gambia , Guinea , Madagascar , Rwanda , Sudan Q11/3 2018-02-23
[ 158 ]
Proposal for new work on the bypass of international calling using SIMBOX � Cameroon , C�te d'Ivoire , Dem. Rep. of the Congo , Econet Telecom Lesotho , Gambia , Guinea , Madagascar , Mali , Niger , Nigeria , Rwanda , Senegal , Sierra Leone , Togo , Zambia , Zimbabwe Q8/3 2018-02-23
[ 78 ]
Proposed amendments to the Draft Terms of Reference for SG3RG-AFR � Botswana , Burkina Faso , Central African Rep. , C�te d'Ivoire , Dem. Rep. of the Congo , Ecole Sup�rieure Multinationale des T�l�communications , Gambia , Guinea , Malawi , Mali , Mozambique , Rwanda , Senegal , Sierra Leone , South Africa , Swaziland , Togo , Uganda , Zambia , Zimbabwe QALL/3 2017-02-17
[ 72 ]
Customer Redress Mechanisms and Consumer Protection for OTTs � Botswana , Burkina Faso , Cabo Verde , Cameroon , Central African Rep. , C�te d'Ivoire , Dem. Rep. of the Congo , Ecole Sup�rieure Multinationale des T�l�communications , Gambia , Guinea , Lesotho , Madagascar , Malawi , Mali , Mozambique , Rwanda , Senegal , Sierra Leone , Swaziland , Telkom SA Ltd. , Togo , Uganda , Zambia , Zimbabwe Q9/3 2017-02-17
[ 70 ]
Draft Recommendation on Costs, Charges and Competition for Mobile Financial Services (MFS) � African Telecommunications Union , Botswana , Burkina Faso , Burundi , Cabo Verde , Cameroon , Central African Rep. , C�te d'Ivoire , Dem. Rep. of the Congo , Ecole Sup�rieure Multinationale des T�l�communications , Gambia , Guinea , Lesotho , Madagascar , Malawi , Mali , Mozambique , Rwanda , Senegal , Sierra Leone , Swaziland , Togo , Uganda , Zambia , Zimbabwe Q12/3 2017-02-17
[ 68 ]
New Question on Tariffs, Economic and Policy Issues Pertaining to Mobile Financial Services � Botswana , Burkina Faso , Burundi , Cameroon , Central African Rep. , C�te d'Ivoire , Dem. Rep. of the Congo , Ecole Sup�rieure Multinationale des T�l�communications , Gambia , Guinea , Madagascar , Malawi , Mali , Rwanda , Senegal , Sierra Leone , Swaziland , Togo , Uganda , Zambia , Zimbabwe QALL/3 2017-02-17
[ 66 ]
Regulation Challenges of Mobile Financial Services � Botswana , Burundi , Ecole Sup�rieure Multinationale des T�l�communications , Gambia , Guinea , Madagascar , Malawi , Mali , Mozambique , Rwanda , Senegal , Sierra Leone , Swaziland Q12/3 2017-02-17
[ 63 ]
Mobile Money Cross-Border Remittances: Transaction Costs and Interoperability � Burkina Faso , Cabo Verde , Central African Rep. , C�te d'Ivoire , Dem. Rep. of the Congo , Ecole Sup�rieure Multinationale des T�l�communications , Gambia , Guinea , Madagascar , Malawi , Mali , Mozambique , Rwanda , Senegal , Sierra Leone , Swaziland , Togo , Uganda , Zimbabwe Q12/3 2017-02-17
[ 62 ]
Mobile financial services � Botswana , Burkina Faso , Burundi , Central African Rep. , Dem. Rep. of the Congo , Guinea , Madagascar , Malawi , Mali , Mozambique , Rwanda , Senegal , Swaziland , Uganda , Zimbabwe Q12/3 2017-02-17
Results:41 total items.
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