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Economic and policy issues

Study Period 2017

Results:40 total items.
Contributions �[�Source:�Korea (Rep. of)�]���Documents / Contributions

Title Source AI/Question
[ 411 ]
Revised base text for TR_IoTM2M_roaming � Korea (Rep. of) Q7/3 2021-11-29
[ 394 ]
Revised text for the consolidated document for TR_IoTM2M_roaming � Korea (Rep. of) , Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) Q7/3 2021-04-29
[ 378 ]
Accounting & Billing aspects in IoT ecosystem and integrated approach to IoT using Blockchain � India , Korea (Rep. of) , Sri Lanka Q2/3 2020-08-07
[ 370 ]
Revised Text for D.InteropCompetition � India , Korea (Rep. of) , Sri Lanka Q12/3 2020-08-07
[ 367 ]
MVNOs and 5G under the circumstances of developing network virtualisation � India , Internet Initiative Japan Inc. , Korea (Rep. of) , Sri Lanka Q3/3 2020-08-07
[ 363 ]
Revised Text of Draft Question J/3 of TD239/PLEN to include Distributed Ledger Technology for Accounting/Settlement and Economic and Policy aspects of Distributed Ledger Technology � India , Korea (Rep. of) Q11/3 2020-08-07
[ 327 ]
Inputs to STUDY_ROAMREG work item � Korea (Rep. of) Q4/3 2020-01-30
[ 303 ]
Proposal on ITU-T Draft Recommendation D.OTTMNO � Korea (Rep. of) Q9/3 2019-04-10
[ 302 ]
Proposal on the review of MFS market condition � Korea (Rep. of) Q12/3 2019-04-10
[ 301 ]
Proposal on the study of MFS providers' roles and responsibilities � Korea (Rep. of) Q12/3 2019-04-10
[ 206 ]
Consideration on the scope of OTT � Korea (Rep. of) Q9/3 2018-03-27
[ 205 ]
Proposal on future work of OTT � Korea (Rep. of) Q9/3 2018-03-27
[ 204 ]
A proposal on mobile financial services guidelines for market participants � Korea (Rep. of) Q12/3 2018-03-27
[ 203 ]
Mobile financial services security and consumer protection guidelines � Korea (Rep. of) Q12/3 2018-03-27
[ 202 ]
Policy framework including principles for digital identity infrastructure � Korea (Rep. of) Q11/3 2018-03-27
[ 201 ]
Future work of Study_bigdata � Korea (Rep. of) Q11/3 2018-03-27
[ 200 ]
Global mobile remittance interoperability guidelines � Korea (Rep. of) Q12/3 2018-03-27
[ 151 ]
Proposal for Draft recommendation on the "Use of the 'Digital Identity (DI)' for digital financial transactions and e-KYC (Know Your Customer) for the purpose of financial inclusion" � Bangladesh , Bhutan , China , India , Korea (Rep. of) , Papua New Guinea , Sri Lanka Q12/3 2018-01-16
[ 150 ]
Mobile as channel for financial inclusion � Bangladesh , Bhutan , India , Korea (Rep. of) , Papua New Guinea , Sri Lanka , Viet Nam Q12/3 2018-01-16
[ 149 ]
Proposed texts to be included in the draft Recommendation on Principles for Increased Adoption and Use of MFS through Effective Consumer Protection Mechanisms � Bangladesh , Bhutan , India , Korea (Rep. of) , Papua New Guinea , Sri Lanka , Viet Nam Q12/3 2018-01-16
[ 147 ]
Guidelines on M2M international roaming � Bangladesh , Bhutan , India , Korea (Rep. of) , Papua New Guinea , Sri Lanka Q7/3 2018-01-16
[ 146 ]
Guiding Principles for 'Transparency' in tariffs offered by Telecom Service Providers (TSPs) particularly in case of converged services � Bangladesh , Bhutan , India , Korea (Rep. of) , Papua New Guinea , Sri Lanka , Viet Nam Q3/3 2018-01-16
[ 145 ]
Principles for Tariff Regulation of Data Services � Bangladesh , Bhutan , India , Korea (Rep. of) , Papua New Guinea , Sri Lanka , Viet Nam Q3/3 2018-01-16
[ 120 ]
Future Work of NGN related Recommendation, IMT-2020 � Korea (Rep. of) Q1/3 2017-03-23
[ 119 ]
Current status of NGN evolution in SG 13 that will take the impact to charging and accounting related recommendation � Korea (Rep. of) Q1/3 2017-03-23
[ 118 ]
Future Work of NGN related Recommendation, IoT � Korea (Rep. of) Q1/3 2017-03-23
[ 117 ]
Proposed texts to be included in the draft Recommendation on Costs, Charges and Competition for Mobile Financial Services � Korea (Rep. of) Q12/3 2017-03-23
[ 116 ]
Proposed texts to be included in the draft Recommendation on OTT � Korea (Rep. of) Q9/3 2017-03-23
[ 33 ]
A proposal on the study of developing a guideline for OTT Recommendation � Bangladesh , Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI) , India , ITU-APT Foundation of India , Korea (Rep. of) , Papua New Guinea , Sri Lanka Q9/3 2017-01-18
[ 32 ]
Implementation of an ITU-T Draft Recommendation on OTTs � Bangladesh , India , ITU-APT Foundation of India , Korea (Rep. of) , Papua New Guinea , Sri Lanka Q9/3 2017-01-18
[ 29 ]
SG3 technical paper on transaction costs on mobile financial services � Bangladesh , Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI) , India , ITU-APT Foundation of India , Korea (Rep. of) , Papua New Guinea , Sri Lanka Q12/3 2017-01-18
[ 28 ]
Draft Recommendation on Costs, Charges and Competition for Mobile Financial Services � Bangladesh , Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI) , India , ITU-APT Foundation of India , Korea (Rep. of) , Papua New Guinea , Sri Lanka Q12/3 2017-01-18
[ 25 ]
A proposal on the working methods related to mobile financial services � Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI) , India , ITU-APT Foundation of India , Korea (Rep. of) , Papua New Guinea , Sri Lanka Q12/3 2017-01-18
[ 24 ]
Proposed new work item on the policy and regulatory aspects of the IoT, including tariff issues � Bangladesh , Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI) , India , ITU-APT Foundation of India , Korea (Rep. of) , Papua New Guinea , Sri Lanka Q3/3 2017-01-18
[ 20 ]
International Internet Connections (IIC) Cost � Bangladesh , Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI) , India , ITU-APT Foundation of India , Korea (Rep. of) , Papua New Guinea , Sri Lanka Q6/3 2017-01-18
[ 17 ]
Proposed principles for Tariff Regulation of Data Services � Bangladesh , Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI) , India , ITU-APT Foundation of India , Korea (Rep. of) , Papua New Guinea , Sri Lanka Q3/3 2017-01-18
[ 13 ]
Proposal for a Draft Recommendation on Methodologies for Spectrum Valuation � Bangladesh , Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI) , India , ITU-APT Foundation of India , Korea (Rep. of) , Papua New Guinea , Sri Lanka Q3/3 2017-01-18
[ 12 ]
Policy and ethical framework including principles for AI � Bangladesh , Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI) , India , ITU-APT Foundation of India , Korea (Rep. of) , Papua New Guinea , Sri Lanka Q11/3 2017-01-18
[ 7 ]
Proposed policy framework including principles for digital identity infrastructure � Bangladesh , Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI) , India , ITU-APT Foundation of India , Korea (Rep. of) , Papua New Guinea , Sri Lanka Q11/3 2017-01-18
[ 6 ]
Proposed policy and ethical framework including guiding principles for AI � Bangladesh , Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI) , India , ITU-APT Foundation of India , Korea (Rep. of) , Papua New Guinea , Sri Lanka Q11/3 2017-01-18
Results:40 total items.
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