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Economic and policy issues

Study Period 2017

Results:4 total items.
Contributions �[�Source:�Cabo Verde�]���Documents / Contributions

Title Source AI/Question
[ 79 ]
New work item for the Economic Impact of Convergence � Cabo Verde Q9/3 2017-02-22
[ 72 ]
Customer Redress Mechanisms and Consumer Protection for OTTs � Botswana , Burkina Faso , Cabo Verde , Cameroon , Central African Rep. , C�te d'Ivoire , Dem. Rep. of the Congo , Ecole Sup�rieure Multinationale des T�l�communications , Gambia , Guinea , Lesotho , Madagascar , Malawi , Mali , Mozambique , Rwanda , Senegal , Sierra Leone , Swaziland , Telkom SA Ltd. , Togo , Uganda , Zambia , Zimbabwe Q9/3 2017-02-17
[ 70 ]
Draft Recommendation on Costs, Charges and Competition for Mobile Financial Services (MFS) � African Telecommunications Union , Botswana , Burkina Faso , Burundi , Cabo Verde , Cameroon , Central African Rep. , C�te d'Ivoire , Dem. Rep. of the Congo , Ecole Sup�rieure Multinationale des T�l�communications , Gambia , Guinea , Lesotho , Madagascar , Malawi , Mali , Mozambique , Rwanda , Senegal , Sierra Leone , Swaziland , Togo , Uganda , Zambia , Zimbabwe Q12/3 2017-02-17
[ 63 ]
Mobile Money Cross-Border Remittances: Transaction Costs and Interoperability � Burkina Faso , Cabo Verde , Central African Rep. , C�te d'Ivoire , Dem. Rep. of the Congo , Ecole Sup�rieure Multinationale des T�l�communications , Gambia , Guinea , Madagascar , Malawi , Mali , Mozambique , Rwanda , Senegal , Sierra Leone , Swaziland , Togo , Uganda , Zimbabwe Q12/3 2017-02-17
Results:4 total items.
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