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Economic and policy issues

Study Period 2017

Results:37 total items.
Contributions �[�AI/Question:�Q3/3�]���Documents / Contributions

Title Source AI/Question
[ 410 ]
Studies of economic and political factors relevant to the efficient delivery of telecommunication services � Minist�re des Postes, T�l�communications et Nouvelles Technologies de l'Information et de la Communication (Dem. Rep. of the Congo) Q3/3 2021-11-26
[ 405 ]
Proposed guidelines for determining the size of fees associated with licences/authorizations � Cameroon , C�te d'Ivoire , Soci�t� Nationale des T�l�communications du S�n�gal (SONATEL) (Senegal) , Zimbabwe Q3/3 2021-10-26
[ 367 ]
MVNOs and 5G under the circumstances of developing network virtualisation � India , Internet Initiative Japan Inc. , Korea (Rep. of) , Sri Lanka Q3/3 2020-08-07
[ 362 ]
Support for draft new Recommendation ITU-T D.264 (D.SpectrumShare) "Shared use of spectrum and telecommunication infrastructure as possible methods for enhancing the efficiency of telecommunications" � Rostelecom, SPbSUT, Republic of Belarus, Beltelecom, Kyrgyz Republic, Republic of Uzbekistan Q3/3 2020-03-19
[ 350 ]
The major levers for the independence of telecommunications regulators � Minist�re des Postes et T�l�communications (Cameroon) , Autorit� de R�gulation des T�l�communications/TIC de C�te d'Ivoire (ARTCI) Q3/3 2020-03-18
[ 337 ]
Proposed outline and text for the technical report on the work item "IMT2020-related policy considering MVNOs"(STUDY_IMT2020MVNOs) � Internet Initiative Japan Inc. Q3/3 2020-03-17
[ 326 ]
Proposal to start a new Technical report "Economic aspects of the deployment of 5G/IMT-2020 networks" � Belarus , BELTELECOM (RUE) (Belarus) , Kyrgyzstan , PJSC �Rostelecom� (Russian Federation) , The Bonch-Bruevich Saint-Petersburg State University of Telecommunications (Russian Federation) Q3/3 2020-01-30
[ 316 ]
Proposal to start the new technical report "Economic implications of connecting mobile devices and IoT to 5G/IMT-2020 networks and beyond" � Belarus , BELTELECOM (RUE) (Belarus) , Kyrgyzstan , PJSC �Rostelecom� (Russian Federation) , The Bonch-Bruevich Saint-Petersburg State University of Telecommunications (Russian Federation) Q3/3 2020-01-15
[ 313 ]
Draft new ITU-T Recommendation Shared use of spectrum and telecommunication infrastructure as possible methods for enhancing the efficiency of telecommunications � Russian Federation Q3/3 2019-04-10
[ 311 ]
Support to the contribution C 250 on developing a Technical Paper for examining the requirements for future regulatory tools to accelerate the digital transformation. � India Q3/3 2019-04-10
[ 300 ]
Proposed edits to D.SpectrumShare � United States Q3/3 2019-04-09
[ 296 ]
Proposed edits for the Draft Recommendation "Shared use of spectrum and telecommunication infrastructure as a regulatory method for lowering the telecommunication tariffs" � Brazil Q3/3 2019-04-09
[ 288 ]
Proposed amendments to the draft recommendation on shared use of spectrum and infrastructure � Nicaragua , Paraguay Q3/3 2019-04-08
[ 271 ]
Promoting Data services and OTT applications � Dem. Rep. of the Congo , Tanzania Q3/3 2019-03-01
[ 250 ]
Future of Regulation for Digital Transformation � Bahrain , Comoros , Egypt , Emirates Telecommunication Corporation - Etisalat (United Arab Emirates) , Jordan , Kuwait , Morocco , Oman , Saudi Arabia , State of Palestine , Sudan , Tunisia , United Arab Emirates Q3/3 2019-02-28
[ 249 ]
5G related policy considering MVNOs � Bahrain , Comoros , Egypt , Emirates Telecommunication Corporation - Etisalat (United Arab Emirates) , Jordan , Kuwait , Morocco , Oman , Saudi Arabia , State of Palestine , Sudan , Tunisia , United Arab Emirates Q3/3 2019-02-28
[ 246 ]
Capturing the economic value and impact of the Internet � Bahrain , Comoros , Egypt , Emirates Telecommunication Corporation - Etisalat (United Arab Emirates) , Jordan , Kuwait , Morocco , Oman , Saudi Arabia , State of Palestine , Sudan , Tunisia , United Arab Emirates Q3/3 2019-02-28
[ 234 ]
Views on Recommendation ITU-T D.10 in the context of the work item D.datatariff � Afghanistan , Bangladesh , China , India , Malaysia , Papua New Guinea , Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) , Viet Nam Q3/3 2019-02-26
[ 215 ]
Additions to ITU-T Draft Recommendation D.IoTpolicy � Brazil Q3/3 2018-03-27
[ 211 ]
Proposals towards Draft new ITU-T Series D Recommendation "Shared use of spectrum and telecommunication infrastructure as a regulatory method for lowering the telecommunication tariffs" � Russian Federation Q3/3 2018-03-27
[ 181 ]
Draft Recommendation on Principles for Tariff Regulation of Data Services � Burkina Faso , Cameroon , C�te d'Ivoire , Dem. Rep. of the Congo , Guinea , Mali , Niger , Nigeria , Rwanda , Sao Tome and Principe , Sierra Leone , Sudan , Togo , Zimbabwe Q3/3 2018-02-23
[ 163 ]
Improved governance of telecommunication regulators � Cameroon , C�te d'Ivoire , Sao Tome and Principe Q3/3 2018-02-23
[ 157 ]
Study of economic and policy factors relevant to the efficient provision of international telecommunication services � Dem. Rep. of the Congo Q3/3 2018-02-14
[ 146 ]
Guiding Principles for 'Transparency' in tariffs offered by Telecom Service Providers (TSPs) particularly in case of converged services � Bangladesh , Bhutan , India , Korea (Rep. of) , Papua New Guinea , Sri Lanka , Viet Nam Q3/3 2018-01-16
[ 145 ]
Principles for Tariff Regulation of Data Services � Bangladesh , Bhutan , India , Korea (Rep. of) , Papua New Guinea , Sri Lanka , Viet Nam Q3/3 2018-01-16
[ 110 ]
LAO PDR telecommunications sector overview � Lao P.D.R. Q3/3 2017-03-22
[ 101 ]
Proposed principles for Tariff Regulation of Data Services � Bahamas , Costa Rica , Cuba , El Salvador , Haiti , Honduras , Trinidad and Tobago Q3/3 2017-03-16
[ 88 ]
Proposal for a Draft Recommendation on Methodologies for Spectrum Valuation � Bahamas , Costa Rica , Cuba , Haiti , Honduras , Nicaragua , Trinidad and Tobago Q3/3 2017-03-16
[ 82 ]
Principles for Tariff Regulation of Data Services � Burkina Faso , Cameroon , C�te d'Ivoire , Gambia , Guinea , Malawi , Mali , Mozambique , Togo , Zambia , Zimbabwe Q3/3 2017-03-06
[ 60 ]
Draft Recommendation ITU-T D.XX on various methodologies for valuation of spectrum � Burkina Faso , Cameroon , Central African Rep. , C�te d'Ivoire , Gambia , Guinea , Mali , Togo , Zambia Q3/3 2017-02-17
[ 51 ]
Proposed new work item on the policy and regulatory aspects of the IoT, including tariff issues � Botswana , Cameroon , C�te d'Ivoire , Ecole Sup�rieure Multinationale des T�l�communications , Gambia , Malawi , Mali , Mozambique , Senegal , Swaziland , Uganda , Zambia , Zimbabwe Q3/3 2017-02-17
[ 50 ]
Draft New Recommendation on "Shared use of spectrum and telecommunication infrastructure as a regulatory method for lowering the telecommunication tariffs � Costa Rica , Honduras , Paraguay Q3/3 2017-02-13
[ 48 ]
Economic conditions in the regarding passive infrastructure sharing in support of public telecommunication networks � Costa Rica , Honduras , Mexico , Paraguay Q3/3 2017-02-13
[ 24 ]
Proposed new work item on the policy and regulatory aspects of the IoT, including tariff issues � Bangladesh , Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI) , India , ITU-APT Foundation of India , Korea (Rep. of) , Papua New Guinea , Sri Lanka Q3/3 2017-01-18
[ 17 ]
Proposed principles for Tariff Regulation of Data Services � Bangladesh , Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI) , India , ITU-APT Foundation of India , Korea (Rep. of) , Papua New Guinea , Sri Lanka Q3/3 2017-01-18
[ 13 ]
Proposal for a Draft Recommendation on Methodologies for Spectrum Valuation � Bangladesh , Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI) , India , ITU-APT Foundation of India , Korea (Rep. of) , Papua New Guinea , Sri Lanka Q3/3 2017-01-18
[ 11 ]
Draft new ITU-T Series D Recommendation "Shared use of spectrum and telecommunication infrastructure as a regulatory method for lowering the telecommunication tariffs" � Azerbaijan , Kazakhstan , OJSC Rostelecom , Russian Federation Q3/3 2017-01-18
Results:37 total items.
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