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Operational aspects

Study Period 2017

Results:21 total items.
Contributions �[�AI/Question:�Q2/2�]���Documents / Contributions

Title Source AI/Question
[ 347 ]
Proposal of addition of Appendix II (IoT/M2M number portability case study) and revision of Appendix I (number portability toward all IP) of E.164 Supplement 2 � Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation (NTT) (Japan) Q2/2, Q1/2 2021-10-26
[ 316 ]
Fraud case due to use of E.164 resources with the OTT services � Telecommunications and Digital Government Regulatory Authority (TDRA) (United Arab Emirates) Q2/2, Q1/2 2021-05-18
[ 315 ]
Fixed Lines as identifiers for OTT services � Telecommunications and Digital Government Regulatory Authority (TDRA) (United Arab Emirates) Q2/2, Q1/2 2021-05-18
[ 266 ]
Proposal of draft revised E.164 supplement 2 � Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation (NTT) (Japan) Q2/2, Q1/2 2020-05-14
[ 247 ]
Impact of SG13's update of mandate on SG2 Q2/2 work item � Voxbone SA (Belgium) Q2/2 2019-11-21
[ 227 ]
Draft answer to action items concerning revision of E.164 supplement 2 � Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation (NTT) (Japan) Q2/2, Q1/2 2019-11-20
[ 183 ]
Alternative Calling Procedures � Egypt Q2/2 2019-02-06
[ 179 ]
Misuse of E.164 resources with the OTT services � Telecommunications Regulatory Authority (TRA) (United Arab Emirates) Q2/2, Q1/2 2019-02-06
[ 178 ]
Misuse of Emergency numbers � Telecommunications Regulatory Authority (TRA) (United Arab Emirates) Q2/2, Q1/2 2019-02-06
[ 172 ]
Proposal for adding several use cases to E.164 supplement 2 � Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation (NTT) (Japan) Q2/2, Q1/2 2019-02-05
[ 139 ]
Consideration of Number Portability for IoT/M2M Numbering Resources � AT&T, Inc. Q2/2, Q1/2 2018-06-21
[ 120 ]
Uganda National Numbering Plan � Uganda Q2/2, Q1/2 2018-06-21
[ 91 ]
Several Use cases of Number Portability toward all IP � Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation (NTT) (Japan) Q2/2, Q1/2 2018-06-20
[ 76 ]
UAE National Numbering Plan � Telecommunications Regulatory Authority (TRA) Q2/2, Q1/2 2018-05-09
[ 73 ]
Sudan Numbering Plan � Telecommunications and Post Regulatory Authority (Sudan) Q2/2, Q1/2 2018-05-01
[ 69 ]
Proposed revision to recommendation ITU-T E.370 � Egypt Q2/2 2017-11-14
[ 55 ]
Discussion of spoofing of E.164 international numbers and solutions under development � Voxbone SA Q2/2 2017-11-13
[ 45 ]
A Proposal for adding Ported Numbers Tone to E.164 supplement 2 � Sudan Q2/2 2017-11-13
[ 33 ]
Consideration for revising E.164 supplement 2" � Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation (NTT) Q2/2, Q1/2 2017-11-08
[ 32 ]
Consideration for Number Portability on IoT/M2M numbering resource � Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation (NTT) Q2/2, Q1/2 2017-11-08
[ 16 ]
Example answer to the draft "Preparatory Questionnaire for revising E.164 supplement 2" � Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation (NTT) Q2/2, Q1/2 2017-03-13
Results:21 total items.
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