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ITU-T�SG 17� TD-PLEN�(2016-03-14)�



Study Period 2013

Meeting� from 2016-03-14 to 2016-03-23

held in Switzerland [Geneva]

Other Meetings : 2016-08-29� [ 2016-03-14 ]� 2015-09-082015-04-082014-09-172014-01-152013-08-262013-04-17

Results:127 total items.
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Temporary Documents �(PLEN) �[�Source:�Rapporteur�]���Documents / Contributions

Title Source AI/Question
[ 2624-PLEN ]
Base text for "Information technology - ASN.1 encoding rules: Specification of Javascript Object Notation Encoding Rules (JSON/ER)" � Associate Rapporteur Q11/17 Q11/17 2016-03-22
[ 2622-PLEN ]
New work item "JSON Encoding Rules for ASN.1" � Associate Rapporteur Q11/17 Q11/17 2016-03-21
[ 2621-PLEN ]
Potential New WI - Security consideration of migration to IPv6 with NAT (Network Address Translation) methods � Acting Rapporteurs Q2/17 , Rapporteur Q3/17 Q3/17, Q2/17 2016-03-21
[ 2614-PLEN ]
Seventh draft of a guideline to technical and operational countermeasure for telebiometric applications using mobile devices � Rapporteur Q9/17 Q9/17 2016-03-21
[ 2612-PLEN ]
Highlights of Question 2/17 � Rapporteur Q2/17 Q2/17 2016-03-21
[ 2605-PLEN ]
LS/o on Creation of a TSAG Rapporteur Group on Standardization Strategy (RG-SS) [to TSAG] � Rapporteur Q1/17 Q1/17 2016-03-21
[ 2604-PLEN ]
Proposal for revised draft text of X.1085: Telebiometric authentication framework using biometric hardware security module � Rapporteur Q9/17 Q9/17 2016-03-21
[ 2603-PLEN ]
Template for new work item X.salcm on "Security reference architecture for lifecycle management of e-commerce business data" � Acting Rapporteur Q2/17 Q3/17, Q2/17 2016-03-21
[ 2599-PLEN ]
Q11/17 suggested updates to C 517, Proposal for revised draft text of X.1085: Telebiometrics authentication framework using biometric hardware security module � Rapporteur Q11/17 Q11/17 2016-03-21
[ 2597-PLEN ]
Gap analysis for NWIP : C504, Guidelines on hybrid authentication and key management mechanisms with unbalanced computational capability � Rapporteur Q7/17 Q7/17 2016-03-21
[ 2593-PLEN ]
LS/o/r on PKIs and RPKIs for developing countries [from ITU-D Study Group 2 Question 3/2] [to ITU-D SG2] � Rapporteur Q11/17 Q11/17 2016-03-20
[ 2590-PLEN ]
Highlights of Question 8/17 - Cloud Computing Security � Rapporteur Q8/17 Q8/17 2016-03-20
[ 2588-PLEN ]
New WI template- Security reference architecture for lifecycle management of e-commerce business data � Rapporteur Q3/17 , Acting Rapporteur Q2/17 Q3/17, Q2/17 2016-03-20
[ 2587-PLEN ]
Text for Cor2 for Rec. X.509 (2012) | ISO/IEC 9594:8 for consent � Rapporteur Q11/17 Q11/17 2016-03-20
[ 2578-PLEN ]
LS/r/o on green ICT standards landscape questionnaire (reply to COM5 - LS 139 (our TD 2398)) [to ITU-T SG5] � Rapporteur Q1/17 Q1/17 2016-03-18
[ 2577-PLEN ]
LS/o/r on SG17 comments on TSB Director's slides on WTSA-16 preparation [to TSAG] � Rapporteur Q1/17 Q1/17 2016-03-18
[ 2576-PLEN ]
LS/o SG17 comments on to RevCom on reduction in number of groups [to RevCom] � Rapporteur Q1/17 Q1/17 2016-03-18
[ 2574-PLEN ]
Using mailing list of Q1/17 in investigating new topics for SG17 � Rapporteur Q1/17 PLEN/17 2016-03-18
[ 2569-PLEN ]
Draft new Supplement "Guidelines for using object identifiers (OID) for the Internet of Things" � Rapporteur Q11/17 Q11/17 2016-03-18
[ 2566-PLEN ]
Keywords for Recommendation ITU-T X.1256 (X.authi), Guidelines and framework for sharing network authentication results with service applications � Rapporteur Q10/17 Q10/17 2016-03-18
[ 2564-PLEN ]
Updates to the Network Forensic and Vulnerability Organizations web page � Rapporteur Q4/17 Q4/17 2016-03-18
[ 2561-PLEN ]
NWI proposal of X.metric, Metrics for Evaluating Threat and Resilience in Cyberspace � Rapporteur Q4/17 Q4/17 2016-03-18
[ 2559-PLEN ]
Report of the Joint session of Q4/17 and Q10/17 on Addressing security challenges through IdM and cybersecurity standardization (16 March 2016) � Rapporteur Q4/17 Q4/17, Q10/17 2016-03-18
[ 2549-PLEN ]
Proposal for new work item on "Security Framework for VoLTE Network Operation" � Acting Rapporteur Q2/17 Q2/17 2016-03-17
[ 2547-PLEN ]
Gap Analysis for Security Framework for VoLTE Network Operation � Acting Rapporteur Q2/17 Q2/17 2016-03-17
[ 2546-PLEN ]
Cybersecurity governance models � Rapporteur Q4/17 Q4/17 2016-03-17
[ 2542-PLEN ]
Keywords for use in the revised X.1521, Common Vulnerability Scoring System 3.0 � Rapporteur Q4/17 Q4/17 2016-03-17
[ 2533-PLEN ]
Revised text of X.nessa, Access control models for incident exchange networks (for determination) � Rapporteur Q4/17 Q4/17 2016-03-16
[ 2532-PLEN ]
LS/o/r about updated information in the cloud computing standards roadmap [to ITU-T SG13 WP2] � Rapporteur Q8/17 Q8/17 2016-03-16
[ 2521-PLEN ]
Cognitive aspects of IdM and cybersecurity � Rapporteur Q4/17 (Cybersecurity) Q4/17, Q10/17 2016-03-16
[ 2520-PLEN ]
OpenID(R) and OAuth and their role in IdM Security � Rapporteur Q10/17 Q4/17, Q10/17 2016-03-15
[ 2519-PLEN ]
Privacy Networks - enabling patient-centric sharing and analysis on a global scale � Rapporteur Q10/17 Q4/17, Q10/17 2016-03-15
[ 2517-PLEN ]
List of Tentative Changes for Z.150 and Z.151 � Associate Rapporteur Q12/17 Q12/17 2016-03-15
[ 2516-PLEN ]
OASIS Electronic Identity Credential Trust Elevation Methods TC � Rapporteur Q10/17 Q4/17, Q10/17 2016-03-15
[ 2515-PLEN ]
Additional consideration for the SG17 report to WTSA-16 � Rapporteur Q11/17 Q11/17 2016-03-15
[ 2512-PLEN ]
Q11 response to C548, Rwanda Initiatives in Cybersecurity � Rapporteur Q11/17 Q11/17 2016-03-15
[ 2510-PLEN ]
Recommendation X.1500 (2011) Amendment 9, Overview of cybersecurity information exchange (CYBEX), (for approval) � Rapporteur Q4/17 Q4/17 2016-03-15
[ 2509-PLEN ]
The LEI: An industry standard providing open and reliable data for unique identification management � Rapporteur Q10/17 Q4/17, Q10/17 2016-03-15
[ 2508-PLEN ]
FIDO - Simple and Strong Authentication � Rapporteur Q10/17 Q4/17, Q10/17 2016-03-14
[ 2504-PLEN ]
Summary of voting for 3 PDAM for AMD2 for Rec. ITU-T X.509 | ISO/IEC 9594-8 � Rapporteur Q11/17 Q11/17 2016-03-11
[ 2497-PLEN ]
Agenda for Q7/17 and Q10/17 joint meeting regarding X.eaaa � Rapporteur Q7/17 , Rapporteur Q10/17 Q7/17, Q10/17 2016-03-08
[ 2496-PLEN ]
Agenda for joint session with Q2/17 and Q6/17 � Rapporteur Q2/17 , Rapporteur Q6/17 Q6/17, Q2/17 2016-03-08
[ 2490-PLEN ]
Agenda for joint session with Q3/17 and Q10/17 � Rapporteur Q3/17 , Rapporteur Q10/17 Q3/17, Q10/17 2016-03-07
[ 2486-PLEN ]
Agenda for joint session with Q2/17 and Q3/17 � Rapporteur Q2/17 , Rapporteur Q3/17 Q3/17, Q2/17 2016-03-07
[ 2483-PLEN ]
Agenda for Joint session of Q4/17 and Q10/17 on Addressing security challenges through IdM and cybersecurity standardization (16 March 2016) � Rapporteur Q10/17 , Associate Rapporteur Q10/17 Q4/17, Q10/17 2016-03-07
[ 2470-PLEN ]
Draft Revised Rec. Z.111 Notations and guidelines for the definition of ITU-T languages (for consent) � Associate Rapporteur Q12/17 Q12/17 2016-02-19
[ 2468-PLEN ]
Comparison of abstract syntax in F2 with abstract syntax in Z.101, Z.102, Z.104 and Z.107 � Associate Rapporteur Q12/17 Q12/17 2016-02-15
[ 2467-PLEN ]
Draft revised Z.100 Annex F.3 � Associate Rapporteur Q12/17 Q12/17 2016-02-15
[ 2466-PLEN ]
Draft revised Z.100 Annex F.2 � Associate Rapporteur Q12/17 Q12/17 2016-02-15
[ 2465-PLEN ]
Draft revised Z.100 Annex F.1 � Associate Rapporteur Q12/17 Q12/17 2016-02-15
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