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ITU-T�SG 17� TD-PLEN�(2014-09-17)�



Study Period 2013

Meeting� from 2014-09-17 to 2014-09-26

held in Switzerland [Geneva]

Other Meetings : 2016-08-292016-03-142015-09-082015-04-08� [ 2014-09-17 ]� 2014-01-152013-08-262013-04-17

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Temporary Documents �(PLEN) �[�AI/Question:�Q11/17�]���Documents / Contributions

Title Source AI/Question
[ 1451-PLEN ]
Agenda of collaborative meeting ITU-T Q11/17 ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 6/ WG 10 London 20-24 October 2014 � Associate Rapporteur Q11/17 2014-09-26
[ 1450-PLEN ]
Establishment of a national OID Registration Authority for Algeria � OID project leader Q11/17 2014-09-26
[ 1447-PLEN ]
LS/o on collaboration on certified mail [to UPU] � ITU-T SG17 Q11/17 2014-09-25
[ 1435-PLEN ]
LS/o/r on ITU-T X.cms [to ISO/IEC/JTC 1/ SC 27] � Rapporteurs Q11/17 2014-09-24
[ 1434-PLEN ]
Working draft for amendment 2 to Rec. ITU-T X.509 (2012) | ISO/IEC 9594-8:2014 � Rapporteur Q11/17 Q11/17 2014-09-24
[ 1427-PLEN ]
A.1 justification for Recommendation X.oiddev � Associate Rapporteur Q11/17 2014-09-24
[ 1404-PLEN ]
Q11/17 comments on TD 1182 - Revised draft text of X.bhsm: Telebiometric authentication framework using biometric hardware security module � Rapporteur Q11/17 Q9/17, Q11/17 2014-09-24
[ 1370-PLEN ]
X.orf, "OID-based resolution framework for heterogeneous identifiers and locators" (new): Output draft � Editor X.orf Q11/17 2014-09-23
[ 1363-PLEN ]
X.oiddev "Information technology - Use of object identifiers to identify devices in the Internet of Things" (New): Initial output draft (Geneva, 17 - 26 September 2014) � Editor Q11/17 2014-09-23
[ 1347-PLEN ]
Text for Technical Corrigendum 4 on Rec. ITU-T X.691 | ISO/IEC 8825-2:2008 (for consent) � Associate Rapporteur Q11/17 Q11/17 2014-09-22
[ 1346-PLEN ]
Text for Technical Corrigendum 3 on Rec. ITU-T X.691 | ISO/IEC 8825-2:2008 (for consent) � Associate Rapporteur Q11/17 Q11/17 2014-09-22
[ 1336-PLEN ]
New Technical Report on "Current and new challenges for public key infrastructure standardization" for (agreement) � Rapporteur Q11/17 Q11/17 2014-09-22
[ 1333-PLEN ]
Summary of Voting on 6N15965, DCOR 4 to ISO/IEC 8825-2:2008 � Associate Rapporteur Q11/17 Q11/17 2014-09-22
[ 1318-PLEN ]
A.5 justification information for draft new X.cmail � Editors Q11/17 2014-09-21
[ 1306-PLEN ]
Baseline document towards proposed draft new ITU-T Recommendation X.iirm "Requirements for interoperability of identifier resolution mechanisms" � Rapporteur Q10/17 Q10/17, (Q11/17) 2014-09-19
[ 1292-PLEN ]
China Input to 6N15863 (2nd draft amendment 2 for ISO/IEC 9594-8/Rec. ITU-T X.509) � Rapporteur Q11/17 Q11/17 2014-09-11
[ 1290-PLEN ]
LS/i on Text for ISO/IEC 1st WD TR 14516-3, Guidelines for the use and management of Trust Service Providers - Part 3: Guidelines on provision of services by PKI Trust Service Providers [N14230 from ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 27/WG 4] � ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 27/WG 4 Q7/17, Q11/17 2014-09-10
[ 1288-PLEN ]
Draft technical corrigendum to Rec. ITU-T X.509 (2012) | ISO/IEC 9594-8:2014 for ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 6 ballot � Rapporteur Q11/17 Q11/17 2014-09-08
[ 1287-PLEN ]
Draft technical corrigendum to Rec. ITU-T X.520 | ISO/IEC 9594-6 for consent � Rapporteur Q11/17 Q11/17 2014-09-08
[ 1277-PLEN ]
LS/i on ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 27 Study Group on a Framework for PKI Policy/Practices/Audit [N14241 N 544, N14118, from ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 27] � ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 27 Q7/17, Q3/17, Q2/17, Q11/17 2014-09-03
[ 1275-PLEN ]
Revised draft of X.cms Recommendation � Editor Q11/17 2014-09-01
[ 1272-PLEN ]
Summary of Votings on 6N15957, DCOR 1 to ISO/IEC 9594-6:2014 -- Information technology -- Open Systems Interconnection -- The Directory -- Part 6: Selected attribute types -- Technical Corrigendum � TSB Q11/17 2014-08-19
[ 1271-PLEN ]
Outcome of DIS/DAM balloting of ISO/IEC 19793 Amd.1: Information technology -- Open Distributed Processing -- Use of UML for ODP system specifications -- Amendment 1 � TSB Q11/17 2014-08-19
[ 1270-PLEN ]
Review of the established liaison relationships between ISO TCs, SCs and JTC1/SCs, and ITU-T � TSB Q9/17, Q8/17, Q7/17, Q6/17, Q5/17, Q4/17, Q3/17, Q2/17, Q12/17, Q11/17, Q10/17, Q1/17 2014-08-14
[ 1269-PLEN ]
Meeting report form IEC/TC57/WG15 meeting, Fredericia, Denmark 20-22 May 2014. � Rapporteur Q11/17 Q11/17 2014-08-05
[ 1262-PLEN ]
LS/i for adding whitelisting to ITU-T X.509 [from IEC/TC57/WG15] � IEC/TC57/WG15 Q11/17 2014-07-24
[ 1259-PLEN ]
Draft Rec. ITU-T X.1141 (X.cmail). "Certified mail transport and certified post office protocols" for consent � Editors Q11/17 2014-07-29
[ 1256-PLEN ]
LS/o/r on progress of draft New Recommendation H.DS-DISR "Digital signage: Requirements for disaster information services" (reply to COM 16 LS 80) [to Q14/16] � Question 4/17 Q4/17, (Q11/17) 2014-07-18
[ 1252-PLEN ]
Summary of voting on ISO/IEC DIS 8825-7 � TSB Q11/17 2014-07-16
[ 1250-PLEN ]
Establishment of a national OID Registration Authority for Mongolia � OID project leader Q11/17 2014-07-10
[ 1249-PLEN ]
Summary of voting on ISO/IEC FDIS 9834-8 (Ed 3) � TSB Q11/17 2014-07-08
[ 1220-PLEN ]
Information and actions from the Management Group of the MoU on e-business � ITU-T representative to the MoU/MG on e-business Q9/17, Q8/17, Q11/17 2014-05-13
[ 1216-PLEN ]
LS/i on Security (N14245, N14241, N14128, N13961 & N1378) [from ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 27] � ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 27 Q9/17, Q8/17, Q7/17, Q3/17, Q11/17, Q10/17, (QALL/17) 2014-04-25
[ 1215-PLEN ]
LS/i on Overview and Work Plan on Smart Grids - request for feedback [from ITU-T SG15] � ITU-T SG15 Q6/17, Q11/17 2014-04-17
[ 1212-PLEN ]
Highlights of the 9th ETSI security workshop � TSB Q8/17, Q6/17, Q4/17, Q12/17, Q11/17, Q10/17, Q1/17, (QALL/17) 2014-04-15
[ 1210-PLEN ]
LS/i on IoT-Roadmap, IoT-work program, contacts and invitation to participate in IoT-GSI events [from JCA-IoT] � JCA-IoT Q6/17, Q10/17, (Q11/17) 2014-04-10
[ 1209-PLEN ]
Memorandum of Understanding UPU - ITU � TSB QALL/17, (Q11/17), (Q10/17) 2014-04-07
[ 1208-PLEN ]
Meeting report for X.CMAIL e-meeting 16 July 2014 � Rapporteur Q11/17 Q11/17 2014-03-31
[ 1198-PLEN ]
LS/i on "Technical Report on Counterfeit Equipment" [from ITU-T SG11] � ITU-T SG11 Q6/17, Q2/17, Q11/17, Q1/17 2014-03-10
[ 1196-PLEN ]
LS/i on progress of draft New Recommendation H.DS-DISR "Digital signage: Requirements for disaster information services" [from ITU-T SG16] � ITU-T SG16 Q4/17, Q11/17 2014-03-05
[ 1192-PLEN ]
Establishment of a national OID Registration Authority for the Philippines � OID project leader Q11/17 2014-02-13
[ 1187-PLEN ]
TSB edits to: X.cmail: Certified mail transport and certified post office protocols � TSB Q11/17 2014-09-05
[ 1179-PLEN ]
TSB edits to: Report on "Current and new challenges for public key infrastructure standardization within ITU-T" � TSB Q11/17 2014-05-20
[ 1176-PLEN ]
Outcome of CAP Implementation Workshop, 17-18 June 2014, Negombo, Sri Lanka � TSB Q4/17, Q11/17 2014-07-29
[ 1175-PLEN ]
GoToMeetings, Cavoon, AdobeConnect and Audio bridges during the SG17 meeting (17 - 26 September 2014) � TSB Q8/17, Q5/17, Q12/17, Q11/17, Q10/17, (QALL/17) 2014-09-14
[ 1167-PLEN ]
List of proposed new work items for SG17 and list of work items to be deleted/modified � TSB Q8/17, Q7/17, Q6/17, Q5/17, Q4/17, Q3/17, Q2/17, Q11/17, Q10/17, Q1/17, (QALL/17) 2014-09-05
[ 1162-PLEN ]
Highlights of the June 2014 Review Committee meeting of significance to SG17 � TSB Q9/17, Q8/17, Q7/17, Q6/17, Q5/17, Q4/17, Q3/17, Q2/17, Q12/17, Q11/17, Q10/17, Q1/17 2014-07-17
[ 1161-PLEN ]
Highlights of the June 2014 TSAG meeting of significance to SG17 � TSB Q9/17, Q8/17, Q6/17, Q5/17, Q4/17, Q3/17, Q2/17, Q12/17, Q11/17, Q10/17, Q1/17 2014-08-04
[ 1131-PLEN ]
Summary of Recommendations under development � Rapporteurs Q11/17 Q11/17 2014-09-24
[ 1111-PLEN ]
Report Q11/17 � Rapporteur Q11/17 Q11/17 2014-02-21
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