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ITU-T�SG 12� TD�(2016-06-07)�


Performance, QoS and QoE

Study Period 2013

Meeting� from 2016-06-07 to 2016-06-16

held in Switzerland [Geneva]

Other Meetings : 2016-10-20� [ 2016-06-07 ]� 2016-01-122015-05-052014-12-122014-09-022014-03-252013-12-032013-03-19

Results:22 total items.
Temporary Documents �(GEN) �[�Source:�Editor�]���Documents / Contributions

Title Source AI/Question
[ 1039-GEN ]
A.5 justification information for draft revised P.381 � Acting Editor P.381 Q3/12 2016-06-15
[ 1037-GEN ]
A.5 justification information for draft new G.102y � Editor G.102y Q17/12 2016-06-15
[ 1036-GEN ]
Draft new Recommendation "CEM Index for services in operators' network used in a high volume" (E.CEMI) � Editor E.CEMI Q12/12 2016-06-15
[ 1032-GEN ]
Improved text of E.QMME � Editors E.QMME Q12/12 2016-06-14
[ 1031-GEN ]
Proposal for the revised definition of Quality of Experience (QoE) in Rec. P.10/G.100 � Acting Editor for P.10/G.100 Q2/12 2016-06-14
[ 1030-GEN ]
A.5 justification information for draft new P.MMIC � Editor P.MMIC Q3/12 2016-06-14
[ 1028-GEN ]
Draft revised Recommendation "Mean opinion score interpretation and reporting" (P.800.2) (for consent) � Editor P.800.2 Q2/12 2016-06-14
[ 1025-GEN ]
Draft revised Recommendation "Mean opinion score (MOS) terminology" (P.800.1) (for consent) � Editor P.800.1 Q2/12 2016-06-14
[ 1021-GEN ]
Draft revised Recommendation "Technical requirements and test methods for the universal wired headset or headphone interface of digital mobile terminals" (P.381) � Acting Editor P.381 Q3/12 2016-06-14
[ 1020-GEN ]
Draft new Recommendation "Technical requirements and test methods for multi-microphone wired headset or headphone interfaces of digital wireless terminals" (P.MMIC) (for consent) � Editor P.MMIC Q3/12 2016-06-13
[ 1019-GEN ]
Current status of P.CROWD � Editor P.CROWD Q7/12 2016-06-13
[ 1015-GEN ]
G.OM_HEVC Requirement Specification � Editor G.OM_HEVC Q13/12 2016-06-13
[ 1004-GEN ]
Comments on Draft New Recommendation: Framework for Monitoring the QoS of IP network services � Acting Editor, Y.FMIPQoS Q17/12, Q12/12 2016-06-12
[ 1003-GEN ]
Draft revised Recommendation "Reference guide to quality of experience assessment methodologies" (G.1011) (for consent) � Editor, G.1011 Q13/12 2016-06-12
[ 999-GEN ]
Proposed Implementers' guide for G.1028 � Editor of G.1028 Q11/12 2016-06-10
[ 997-GEN ]
Draft Recommendation G.MFWT "The measurement framework for the statistical indicators of website traffic" � Editor G.MFWT Q13/12 2016-06-10
[ 995-GEN ]
G.OM_HEVC Test Plan � Editor, G.OM_HEVC Q13/12 2016-06-09
[ 994-GEN ]
G.OM_HEVC PCAP Parser � Editor, G.OM_HEVC Q13/12 2016-06-09
[ 976-GEN ]
Draft Annex to Recommendation ITU-T E.802 � Editors E.802 Q12/12 2016-06-06
[ 939-GEN ]
Draft revised Recommendation "Internet protocol data communication service - IP packet transfer and availability performance parameters" (Y.1540) (for consent) � Rapporteur Q17/12, Editor Y.1540 Q17/12 2016-05-25
[ 938-GEN ]
Draft new Recommendation "Buffer Models for Media Streams on TCP Transport" (G.102y) (for consent) � Rapporteur Q17/12, Editor G.102y Q17/12 2016-05-25
[ 937-GEN ]
Draft text for Recommendation "QoS norms for TDM Interconnection between Telecom Networks" (G.PoiCong) � Editor G.PoiCong Q11/12 2016-05-24
Results:22 total items.
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