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Environment and climate change

Study Period 2013

Results:6 total items.
Contributions �[�AI/Question:�Q8/5�]���Documents / Contributions

Title Source AI/Question
[ 450 ]
Draft Recommendation ITU-T K.mhn - "Techniques to mitigate interference between radio devices and cable or equipment connected to wired broadband networks and cable television networks" � Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation (NTT) Q8/5 2014-11-25
[ 449 ]
Draft Revision of Recommendation ITU-T K.74 for consent � Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation (NTT) Q8/5 2014-11-25
[ 332 ]
Emission from coaxial cables and connectors � Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation (NTT) Q8/5 2014-07-09
[ 141 ]
Example of disturbance to radio services caused by broadband transmission and proposal for the study of K.mhn � Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation (NTT) Q8/5 2013-11-18
[ 77 ]
Impact of LTE signals on cable-TV reception � Deutsche Welle Q8/5 2013-01-18
[ 3 ]
Proposals for the drafting of K,mhn - Chapter 7 Guidance to identify and address interference � Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) Q8/5 2013-01-14
Results:6 total items.
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