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ITU-T�SG 5� TD-GEN�(2015-10-12)�


Environment and climate change

Study Period 2013

Meeting� from 2015-10-12 to 2015-10-23

held in Switzerland [Geneva]

Other Meetings : 2017-11-202017-05-152016-10-102016-04-20� [ 2015-10-12 ]� 2014-12-082014-07-232014-05-192013-12-022013-01-29

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Temporary Documents �(GEN) �[�AI/Question:�ALL/5�]���Documents / Contributions

Title Source AI/Question
[ 1289-GEN ]
Report of SG5 RG-AFR meeting (Geneva, 21 October 2015) � SG5 RG-AFR QALL/5 2015-10-23
[ 1287-GEN ]
Draft LS/o/r on approval of SG11 Guidelines on "Testing Laboratories recognition procedure" (ex. Q.TL-rec-pro) and first meeting of ITU-T CASC (reply to SG11-LS83R1) [to SG11] � Chairman SG5 QALL/5 2015-10-23
[ 1285-GEN ]
Results of the meeting of Study Group 5 (Geneva, 12-23 October 2015) - Posted after SG5 Plenary � TSB QALL/5 2015-10-23
[ 1263-GEN ]
Draft LS/o/r on ITU-T SG5 comments and points of clarifications on Draft Recommendation L.1002 [reply to IEC TC 100 TA14 - 100/AGM(Secr.)/1248] (to IEC TC 100) � Chairman SG5 QALL/5 2015-10-21
[ 1261-GEN ]
Draft LS/o/r on Invitation to update the information in the cloud computing standards roadmap [reply to SG13-LS92] (to ITU-T SG13) � Chairman SG5 QALL/5 2015-10-21
[ 1259-GEN ]
Draft LS/o/r on material on ITU inter-Sector coordination of mutual interest (reply to TSAG-LS10) [to TSAG] � Chairman SG5 QALL/5 2015-10-21
[ 1241-GEN ]
Final Report on the activities of the JCA on ICT and Climate Change � Chairman and Co-Chairman, JCA-ICT&CC QALL/5 2015-10-20
[ 1240-GEN ]
Draft LS/o on Announcement of closure of JCA ICT&CC [to TSAG; All ITU-T Study Groups] � Chairman SG5 QALL/5 2015-10-20
[ 1231-GEN ]
Draft LS/o/r on ITU inter-sector coordination (reply to TSAG-LS13) [to TSAG] � Chairman SG5 QALL/5 2015-10-20
[ 1207-GEN ]
Introductory presentation and Chairman's remarks � Chairman SG5 QALL/5 2015-10-19
[ 1201-GEN ]
Report onf the Seventeenth and Final Meeting of JCA on ICT and Climate Change � Chairman and Co-Chairman, JCA-ICT&CC QALL/5 2015-10-18
[ 1195-GEN ]
List of participants - ITU-T Connect 2020 (15 October 2015) � TSB QALL/5 2015-10-16
[ 1194-GEN ]
List of participants - Joint Coordination Activity on ICT & Climate Change (JCA-ICT&CC) - (14 October 2015) � TSB QALL/5 2015-10-16
[ 1153-GEN ]
List of Representatives and other roles � TSB QALL/5 2015-10-12
[ 1152-GEN ]
List of Rapporteurs and Associate Rapporteurs � TSB QALL/5 2015-10-12
[ 1147-GEN ]
Report of SG5 RG-AFR meeting (Dakar, 26-27 March 2015) � Chairman SG5 RG-AFR QALL/5 2015-10-12
[ 1145-GEN ]
Presentation on the review of the JCA on ICT and Climate Change � Chairmen JCA-ICT&CC QALL/5 2015-10-12
[ 1138-GEN ]
List of participants: ITU-T SG5 meeting (Geneva, 12-23 October 2015) � TSB QALL/5 2015-10-08
[ 1137-GEN ]
List of Contributions to the Study Group 5 meeting (12-23 October 2015) � TSB QALL/5 2015-10-07
[ 1136-GEN ]
Review of the JCA on ICT and climate change (JCA-ICT&CC) � Chairmen JCA-ICT&CC QALL/5 2015-10-07
[ 1109-GEN ]
LS/i to SG20 on the transfer of IoT related work from SG13 [from ITU-T SG13] � ITU-T SG13 QALL/5 2015-07-30
[ 1108-GEN ]
LS/i about ongoing ITU-T Q1/13 work on WPT (Wireless Power Transfer) Service [from WP1/13] � WP1/13 QALL/5 2015-07-30
[ 1107-GEN ]
LS/i on Activities of the Focus Group on Smart Water Management [from FG-SWM] � Chairman FG-SWM QALL/5 2015-07-30
[ 1068-GEN ]
Newcomers' welcome pack for ITU-T SG5 meeting (Geneva, 12-23 October 2015) � TSB QALL/5 2015-07-23
[ 1067-GEN ]
Responses following Circular 141 on "Questionnaire on Best practices on E-waste management" � TSB QALL/5 2015-07-23
[ 1064-GEN ]
Responses following Circular 126 on "Questionnaire on policy, regulatory and standardization needs in the Asia Pacific region" � TSB QALL/5 2015-07-23
[ 1063-GEN ]
ITU-T Contributions tutorial � TSB QALL/5 2015-07-23
[ 1062-GEN ]
Updated information on ITU 150th anniversary activities � TSB QALL/5 2015-07-23
[ 1061-GEN ]
Preliminary analysis for qualification of UL (Underwriters Laboratories Inc.) according to Recommendations ITU-T A.4 and ITU-T A.5 � TSB Director QALL/5 2015-07-23
[ 1060-GEN ]
Technical report on: "Smart water management - Global initiatives and key stakeholders" � Chairman FG-SWM QALL/5 2015-07-22
[ 1059-GEN ]
Technical report on: "Standardization gap analysis for smart water management" � Chairman FG-SWM QALL/5 2015-07-22
[ 1058-GEN ]
Technical report on: "Requirements for water sensing and early warning systems" � Chairman FG-SWM QALL/5 2015-07-22
[ 1057-GEN ]
Technical report on: "The role of ICTs in water resource management" � Chairman FG-SWM QALL/5 2015-07-22
[ 1056-GEN ]
New version of the Guidelines for Implementation of the Common Patent Policy for ITU-T/ITU-R/ISO/IEC � TSB QALL/5 2015-07-21
[ 1046-GEN ]
LS/i on ITU inter-sector coordination [from TSAG] � TSAG QALL/5 2015-07-17
[ 1044-GEN ]
LS/i on monitoring of study group activities [from ITU-T RevCom] � ITU-T RevCom QALL/5 2015-07-17
[ 1040-GEN ]
LS/i on WTSA Resolution 80 pilot implementation in SG9 [from ITU-T SG9] � ITU-T SG9 QALL/5 2015-07-16
[ 1033-GEN ]
LS/i on Final Deliverables of the Focus Group on Smart Sustainable Cities (FG-SSC) and Proposal of a New Study Group [from ITU-T FG-SSC] � ITU-T FG-SSC QALL/5 2015-07-16
[ 1032-GEN ]
LS/i/r on information about the progress of IoT related activities by ITU-T IoT-GSI (reply to JCA-IoT-LS 24) [from FG-SSC] � ITU-T FG-SSC QALL/5 2015-07-16
[ 1031-GEN ]
LS/i on Establishment of a new Focus Group "IMT-2020" [from ITU-T SG13] � ITU-T SG13 QALL/5 2015-07-15
[ 1030-GEN ]
LS/i on Invitation to update the information in the cloud computing standards roadmap [from ITU-T SG13] � ITU-T SG13 QALL/5 2015-07-15
[ 1029-GEN ]
LS/i on approval of SG11 Guidelines on "Testing Laboratories recognition procedure" (ex. Q.TL-rec-pro) and first meeting of ITU-T CASC [from ITU-T SG11] � ITU-T SG11 QALL/5 2015-07-15
[ 1028-GEN ]
LS/i on Information about the progress of IoT related activities by ITU-T IoT-GSI [from ITU-T JCA-IoT] � ITU-T JCA-IoT QALL/5 2015-07-14
[ 1026-GEN ]
LS/i on Candidate topics on working methods for ITU inter-Sector coordination [from TSAG management team] � TSAG management team QALL/5 2015-07-14
[ 1025-GEN ]
LS/i on material on ITU inter-Sector coordination of mutual interest [from TSAG management team] � TSAG management team QALL/5 2015-07-14
[ 1024-GEN ]
LS/i on Telecommunication Management and OAM Project Plan [from ITU-T SG 2] � ITU-T SG2 QALL/5 2015-07-14
[ 1016-GEN ]
LS/i on SDN standardization activity roadmap [from JCA-SDN] � JCA-SDN QALL/5 2015-07-14
[ 1015-GEN ]
Technical report on: "Setting the stage for stakeholders' engagement in smart sustainable cities" � Chairman FG-SSC QALL/5 2015-07-09
[ 1014-GEN ]
Technical report on: "Key performance indicators definitions for smart sustainable cities" � Chairman FG-SSC QALL/5 2015-07-09
[ 1013-GEN ]
Technical specifications on: "Key performance indicators related to the sustainability impacts of information and communication technology in smart sustainable cities" � Chairman FG-SSC QALL/5 2015-07-09
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