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ITU-T�SG 3� C�


Economic and policy issues

Study Period 2013

Results:6 total items.
Contributions �[�Source:�United Arab Emirates�]���Documents / Contributions

Title Source AI/Question
[ 147 ]
Draft ITU-T Recommendation "Costs, Charges and Competition for Mobile Financial Services (MFS)" � Bahrain , Egypt , Jordan , Kuwait , Mauritania , Sudan , United Arab Emirates Q2/3 2015-12-24
[ 112 ]
Draft Recommendation on IMR (annexed to Report of Mobile Roaming Rapporteur Meeting of 16-17 September 2015) � Bahrain , Egypt , Jordan , Kuwait , Mauritania , Sudan , United Arab Emirates Q7/3 2015-12-17
[ 54 ]
Amendments to Recommendation ITU-T D98 � Algeria , Bahrain , Egypt , Jordan , Kuwait , Mauritania , Oman , Qatar , Saudi Arabia , Sudan , Tunisia , United Arab Emirates , Yemen Q2/3 2015-02-12
[ 48 ]
Proposal on Studying the Economic Impact of OTTs with a view to developing a Recommendation � Algeria , Bahrain , Egypt , Jordan , Kuwait , Mauritania , Saudi Arabia , Somalia , Sudan , United Arab Emirates , Yemen Q3/3 2015-02-11
[ 47 ]
Proposal regarding ITU Cost Methodology on Mobile Roaming � Algeria , Bahrain , Egypt , Jordan , Kuwait , Mauritania , Saudi Arabia , Somalia , Sudan , United Arab Emirates , Yemen Q2/3 2015-02-11
[ 46 ]
The impact of technological progress on competition policy and the identification of market features � Algeria , Bahrain , Egypt , Jordan , Kuwait , Mauritania , Saudi Arabia , Somalia , Sudan , United Arab Emirates , Yemen Q3/3 2015-02-11
Results:6 total items.
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