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Review Committee

Study Period 2013

Results:11 total items.
Contributions �[�Source:�Japan�]���Documents / Contributions

Title Source Date
[ 40 ]
Realization of SSF in ITU-T � Japan 2016-01-15
[ 32 ]
Proposal of Continuation and extension of SG activity monitoring � Japan 2015-05-14
[ 31 ]
Proposals to strengthen ITU-T collaboration mechanisms � Japan 2015-05-14
[ 30 ]
Proposed enhancement of Standardization Strategy Function (SSF) role and its suggested ToR �
R1 reintroduces revision marks in the document that were accidentally removed when the Contribution was being checked.
Japan 2015-05-14
[ 23 ]
Proposal of a new strategy management group for ITU-T: Technical Standard Strategy Team � Japan 2015-01-05
[ 20 ]
Principles of standardization activities of ITU-T � Japan 2014-06-03
[ 19 ]
Proposal for the enhancement of ITU-T standardization activities including the collaboration with other bodies � Japan 2014-06-03
[ 18 ]
Proposed action items for ITU-T restructuring � Japan 2014-06-03
[ 12 ]
Consideration of future SG structure including tasks of other groups such as FG � Japan 2013-12-27
[ 3 ]
Proposal of practical investigation ways for standardization organizations � Japan 2013-05-20
[ 2 ]
Proposal of milestones and interim meetings on Review Committee � Japan 2013-05-20
Results:11 total items.
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