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ITU-T�TSAG� C�(2012-07-02)�


Telecommunication Standardization Advisory Group

Study Period 2009

Meeting� from 2012-07-02 to 2012-07-04

held in Switzerland [Geneva]

Other Meetings : 2012-01-102011-02-082010-02-082009-04-28

Results:34 total items.
Contributions �[�AI/Question:�QALL/TSAG�]���Documents / Contributions

Title Source AI/Question
[ 123 ]
Concerns regarding a needed C&I business plan and the need to respond to concerns related to interoperability and counterfeit equipment � Canada QALL/TSAG 2012-06-20
[ 122 ]
Simplification of ITU's GSI support role � Canada QALL/TSAG 2012-06-20
[ 121 ]
Proposed incremental modifications to ITU-T Recommendation A.1 � Canada QALL/TSAG 2012-06-20
[ 120 ]
Expression of concern in Recommendations � Canada QALL/TSAG 2012-06-20
[ 119 ]
The need for an official mechanism for Intersector Joint Rapporteur Groups (IRGs) �
Rev.1 - Formatting changes only
United States QALL/TSAG 2012-06-19
[ 118 ]
Regarding Germany's Contribution C72 to TSAG, "Proposal for working methods of correspondence groups" �
Rev.1 - Formatting changes only
United States QALL/TSAG 2012-06-19
[ 117 ]
Regarding Russian Federation Contribution C87, "Proposals to clarify the status of Liaisons in the Recommendation A.1 ITU-T" �
Rev.1 - Formatting changes only
United States QALL/TSAG 2012-06-19
[ 116 ]
Position of the United States on revisions to Recommendation A.5 �
Rev.1 - Formatting changes only
United States QALL/TSAG 2012-06-19
[ 115 ]
Comments and Proposal to a Revised Recommendation ITU-T A.7 on focus groups � Germany QALL/TSAG 2012-06-19
[ 114 ]
Germany's suggestions relating to the considered revision of Supplement 3 to ITU-T A-series Recommendations � Germany QALL/TSAG 2012-06-19
[ 113 ]
Overlap with SG 13 for a new Question in SG 11 on cloud interoperability testing � France QALL/TSAG 2012-06-19
[ 112 ]
Comments on the KPMG study report �
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France QALL/TSAG 2012-06-19
[ 111 ]
Contribution to Agenda Item 17 in Response to TSAG TD 303 Study Item for Academia: Proposal for a New Focus Group Standards in Education � Center for Teleinfrastruktur - Aalborg university QALL/TSAG 2012-06-19
[ 110 ]
Contribution to Agenda Item 17 of TSAG SB Collective letter 5/TSAG: Collaboration and Cooperation with the Global ICT Standardization Forum for India � Global ICT Standardization Forum for India (GISFI) QALL/TSAG 2012-06-19
[ 109 ]
On the proposed revisions to Resolution ITU-R 6 and ITU-T 18 to include procedures for setting up Intersector Rapporteur Groups � Italy QALL/TSAG 2012-06-19
[ 108 ]
A Proposal to Make a Resolution for the Update of ITU-T Recommendation E.161 � Korea (Rep. of) QALL/TSAG 2012-06-19
[ 107 ]
(Rev.1) +Add.1
A Proposal to Further Update the WTSA Resolution 73(Information and communication technologies and climate change) �
Rev.1 - Formatting changes only
Korea (Rep. of) QALL/TSAG 2012-06-19
[ 106 ]
ITU-T SG Structure Proposal � Korea (Rep. of) QALL/TSAG 2012-06-19
[ 105 ]
On the equal use of the six official languages of the Union in ITU-T � Russian Federation QALL/TSAG 2012-06-19
[ 104 ]
ITU-T Security standardization activity for the next study period � Russian Federation QALL/TSAG 2012-06-19
[ 103 ]
Deadlines for the submission of Contributions to WTSA and the ITU-T SG and TSAG meetings � Russian Federation QALL/TSAG 2012-06-19
[ 102 ]
Appointment and maximum term of office of vice-chairmen of the study groups and of the Telecommunication Standardization Advisory Group � Russian Federation QALL/TSAG 2012-06-19
[ 101 ]
Proposal of SG restructure based on principles discussed at APT meeting � Japan QALL/TSAG 2012-06-19
[ 100 ]
Proposed restructuring of questions for testing � Japan QALL/TSAG 2012-06-19
[ 99 ]
Proposal of modification on ITU-T Recommendation A.7 � Japan QALL/TSAG 2012-06-19
[ 98 ]
Proposal for the modification of ITU-T meeting registration procedure � Japan QALL/TSAG 2012-06-19
[ 97 ]
Proposal about evaluating the candidates of the ITU-T meeting hosts �
Rev.1 - Formatting changes only
China Unicom QALL/TSAG 2012-06-19
[ 96 ]
Proposal about the release time of Collective letter and information of rapporteur and interim meeting of Questions �
Rev.1 - Formatting changes only
China Unicom QALL/TSAG 2012-06-19
[ 95 ]
Proposal on modification to ITU-T Recommendation A.7 �
Rev.1 - Formatting changes only
Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) QALL/TSAG 2012-06-19
[ 94 ]
Proposal on the ITU-T standardization research of Cloud Computing �
Rev.1 - Formatting changes only
Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) QALL/TSAG 2012-06-19
[ 93 ]
Proposal on the transition of the parent group of JCA-CIT �
Rev.1 - Formatting changes only
Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) QALL/TSAG 2012-06-19
[ 92 ]
Principles on the restructure of ITU-T SGs �
Rev.1 - Formatting changes only
Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) QALL/TSAG 2012-06-19
[ 91 ]
Position on Proposals for review of Author's Guide for drafting ITU-T Recommendations for the Article 1 "Scope" �
Rev.1 - Formatting changes only
United States QALL/TSAG 2012-06-18
[ 89 ]
IEEE Contribution in response to Contribution 74 to the Telecommunication Standardisation Advisory Group from Germany �
Rev.1 - Formatting changes only
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc. QALL/TSAG 2012-05-31
Results:34 total items.
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