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ITU-T�SG 16� C�(2010-07-19)�


Multimedia coding, systems and applications

Study Period 2009

Meeting� from 2010-07-19 to 2010-07-30

held in Switzerland [Geneva]

Other Meetings : 2012-04-302011-11-212011-03-142009-10-262009-07-102009-06-262009-01-27

Results:17 total items.
Contributions �[�Source:�France�]���Documents / Contributions

Title Source AI/Question
[ 464 ]
G.711.1-SWB: Proposed draft specification for the superwideband embedded extension for ITU-T G.711.1 � Huawei Technologies , ETRI , France Telecom Orange , NTT Q10/16 2010-07-07
[ 463 ]
G.722-SWB: Proposed draft specification for the superwideband embedded extension for ITU-T G.722 � Huawei Technologies , ETRI , France Telecom Orange , NTT Q10/16 2010-07-07
[ 453 ]
G.722: Standardization of jitter buffer management procedure � France Telecom Orange Q10/16 2010-07-07
[ 448 ]
Proposal to add new test to G.168 to control echo issues before hanging off � Alcatel-Lucent France Q16/16 2010-07-07
[ 417 ]
Discussion of "Revised SDP Offer/Answer" support for V.152 VBDoIP and T.38 FoIP � Alcatel-Lucent Deutschland , Alcatel-Lucent France , Alcatel-Lucent Shanghai Bell Q14/16 2010-07-06
[ 416 ]
Draft revised V.152 - Update proposal for clause 10.3, VBD-to-AUDIO transitioning � Alcatel-Lucent Deutschland , Alcatel-Lucent France , Alcatel-Lucent Shanghai Bell Q14/16 2010-07-06
[ 415 ]
Draft revised V.152 - Update proposals for clause 7.1.1, H.248-controlled V.152 � Alcatel-Lucent Deutschland , Alcatel-Lucent France , Alcatel-Lucent Shanghai Bell Q3/16, Q14/16 2010-07-06
[ 414 ]
Draft revised V.152 - Update proposals for clauses and � Alcatel-Lucent Deutschland , Alcatel-Lucent France , Alcatel-Lucent Shanghai Bell Q14/16 2010-07-06
[ 413 ]
Draft revised V.152 - Update proposal for clause � Alcatel-Lucent Deutschland , Alcatel-Lucent France , Alcatel-Lucent Shanghai Bell Q14/16 2010-07-06
[ 412 ]
Draft revised T.38 - Additional example for clause D.2.4.2 � Alcatel-Lucent Deutschland , Alcatel-Lucent France , Alcatel-Lucent Shanghai Bell Q14/16 2010-07-06
[ 411 ]
Draft revised T.38 - Update proposal for clause D.2.2.5 � Alcatel-Lucent Deutschland , Alcatel-Lucent France , Alcatel-Lucent Shanghai Bell Q14/16 2010-07-06
[ 410 ]
Draft revised T.38 - Annex D, SDP parameter syntax (ABNF) � Alcatel-Lucent Deutschland , Alcatel-Lucent France , Alcatel-Lucent Shanghai Bell Q14/16 2010-07-06
[ 409 ]
Draft revised T.38 - T.38 Configurations (clause H.1) � Alcatel-Lucent Deutschland , Alcatel-Lucent France , Alcatel-Lucent Shanghai Bell Q14/16 2010-07-06
[ 408 ]
Draft revised T.38 - Annex D, SDP parameter definitions � Alcatel-Lucent Deutschland , Alcatel-Lucent France , Alcatel-Lucent Shanghai Bell Q14/16 2010-07-06
[ 407 ]
Draft revised T.38 - Update proposal for clause D.2.1.2 � Alcatel-Lucent Deutschland , Alcatel-Lucent France , Alcatel-Lucent Shanghai Bell Q14/16 2010-07-06
[ 406 ]
Draft revised T.38 - Update proposal for clause 4, Abbreviations � Alcatel-Lucent Deutschland , Alcatel-Lucent France , Alcatel-Lucent Shanghai Bell Q14/16 2010-07-06
[ 405 ]
Draft revised T.38 - Update proposal of clause 2, Bibliography and clause 5.1 due to revised SDP offer/answer � Alcatel-Lucent Deutschland , Alcatel-Lucent France , Alcatel-Lucent Shanghai Bell Q14/16 2010-07-06
Results:17 total items.
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