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ITU-T�SG 16� TD-WP2�(2009-10-26)�


Multimedia coding, systems and applications

Study Period 2009

Meeting� from 2009-10-26 to 2009-11-06

held in Switzerland [Geneva]

Other Meetings : 2012-04-302011-11-212011-03-142010-07-19� [ 2009-10-26 ]� 2009-07-102009-06-262009-01-27

Results:72 total items.
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Temporary Documents �(WP2) �[�Source:�Editor�]���Documents / Contributions

Title Source AI/Question
[ 292-WP2 ]
Initial draft of new H.248.ALG "Bearer-level Application Level Gateway" � Editor H.248.ALG Q3/16 2009-11-05
[ 282-WP2 ]
AMS Requirements � Editor AMS Requirements Q12/16 2009-11-04
[ 280-WP2 ]
Revised draft of new Rec. ITU-T H.codec.qoe "A framework for adaptive end-to-end QoS control based on variable bit-rate codec in wireless networks" � Editor H.codec.qoe Q4/16 2009-11-04
[ 269-WP2 ]
Updated draft of F.USN-MW "Service description and requirements for USN middleware" � Editor F.USN-MW Q25/16 2009-11-04
[ 268-WP2 ]
Initial draft of new F.MOCC "Scenarios and requirements of multimedia optimization control components" � Editor F.MOCC Q24/16 2009-11-04
[ 266-WP2 ]
Initial draft of new ITU-T H.248.SRTP "Gateway Control Protocol: SRTP package and procedures" � Editor H.248.SRTP Q3/16 2009-11-04
[ 265-WP2 ]
Initial draft of new ITU-T H.248.Filter "Gateway Control Protocol: Filter group package and guidelines" � Editor H.248.Filter Q3/16 2009-11-04
[ 261-WP2 ]
Updated draft of new ITU-T Rec. H.VSarch "Architectural requirements for visual surveillance" � Editor H.VSarch Q21/16 2009-11-03
[ 259-WP2 ]
Initial text of draft new Recommendation F.USNCC "Deployment guidance on USN applications and services for mitigating climate change" � Editor F.USNCC Q25/16 2009-11-03
[ 258-WP2 ]
Draft new Technical Paper HSTP.EHMSI "Multimedia service and interfaces for e health" � Editor HSTP.EHMSI Q28/16 2009-11-03
[ 257-WP2 ]
Updated draft of new Recommendation of H.IPTV-NGN-HN "NGN-based home networks supporting IPTV service capabilities" � Editor H.IPTV-NGN-HN Q21/16 2009-11-03
[ 254-WP2 ]
Updated draft of new ITU-T H.VHN "Service capabilities and framework for virtual home network" � Editor H.VHN Q21/16 2009-11-02
[ 253-WP2 ]
Initial draft new Technical Paper HSTP.IPTV-RIA, "Guideline of Richer Interactive Application for IPTV Services" � Editor HSTP.IPTV-RIA Q13/16 2009-11-02
[ 252-WP2 ]
Initial draft of new Recommendation ITU-T H.snmf, "SNMP-based sensor network management framework" � Editor H.snmf Q25/16 2009-11-02
[ 248-WP2 ]
Draft new Rec. H.323 Annex I "Communication over error-prone channels" � Editor H.323 Annex I Q2/16 2009-11-02
[ 247-WP2 ]
Initial draft of new Technical Paper HSTP.IPTV-Widget "Widgets for IPTV services" � Editor HSTP.IPTV-Widget Q13/16 2009-11-01
[ 246-WP2 ]
Initial draft of new Technical Paper HSTP.IPTV-SACII "Studies and actions on conformance and interoperability issues among IPTV Recommendations" � Editor HSTP.IPTV-SACII Q13/16 2009-11-01
[ 245-WP2 ]
Updated draft of new Recommendation H.IPTV-MAFR.5 "Document object model for IPTV services" � Editor H.IPTV-MAFR.5 Q13/16 2009-11-01
[ 244-WP2 ]
Updated draft of new Recommendation H.IPTV-DSMW "Distributed service middleware for IPTV services" � Editor IPTV-DSMW a.i. Q13/16 2009-11-01
[ 243-WP2 ]
Initial draft of new Recommendation H.IPTV-CPMD "Content provisioning metadata" � Editor H.IPTV-CPMD Q13/16 2009-11-01
[ 242-WP2 ]
Initial draft of new Recommendation H.IPTV-AM.2 "IPTV application event handling: Audience measurement for IPTV interactive services" � Editor H.IPTV-AM.2 Q13/16 2009-11-01
[ 241-WP2 ]
Initial draft of new Recommendation H.IPTV-AM.1 "IPTV application event handling: Audience measurement for IPTV distributed content services" � Editor H.IPTV-AM.1 Q13/16 2009-11-01
[ 240-WP2 ]
Initial draft of new Recommendation H.IPTV-AM.0 "IPTV application event handling: Overall aspects of audience measurement for IPTV services" (formerly H.IPTV-AM) � Editor H.IPTV-AM.0 Q13/16 2009-11-01
[ 239-WP2 ]
Updated draft of new ITU-T H.IRP, "ID resolution protocols for multimedia information access triggered by tag-based identification" � Editor H.IRP Q22/16 2009-10-29
[ 238-WP2 ]
Updated draft of new ITU-T H.IDscheme, "ID schemes for multimedia information access triggered by tag-based identification" � Editor H.IDscheme Q22/16 2009-10-29
[ 234-WP2 ]
Editor's input of draft new H.248.48 (ex H.248.QHR), "Gateway Control Protocol: RTCP XR Block Reporting Package" � Editor H.248.48 Q3/16 2009-10-26
[ 233-WP2 ]
Draft new F.VSreqs "Requirements and service description for visual surveillance" (for Consent) � Editor F.VSreqs Q22/16 2009-10-26
[ 230-WP2 ]
Input Draft of H.248.PIPA "Gateway control protocol: Package Identifier Publishing and Application Package" � Editor H.248.PIPA Q3/16 2009-10-19
[ 229-WP2 ]
Input Draft of H.248.74 (ex H.248.MRCP) "Gateway control protocol: Media Resource Control enhancement Packages" � Editor H.248.74 Q3/16 2009-10-19
[ 228-WP2 ]
Input Draft of H.248.73 (ex H.248.MSCML) "Gateway control protocol: Packages for MSCML and H.248 interworking" � Editor H.248.73 Q3/16 2009-10-19
[ 227-WP2 ]
Input Draft of H.248.66 (ex H.248.RTSP) "Gateway control protocol: Packages for RTSP and H.248 interworking" � Editor H.248.66 Q3/16 2009-10-19
[ 226-WP2 ]
Input draft of H.248.50 (ex H.248.NATTT) "Gateway Control Protocol: NAT Traversal Toolkit Packages" � Editor H.248.50 Q3/16 2009-10-19
[ 225-WP2 ]
Input draft of revised H.248.9 "Gateway control protocol: Advanced media server packages" � Editor H.248.9 Q3/16 2009-10-19
[ 224-WP2 ]
Editor's input, H.248.Packets, "Gateway Control Protocol: Guidelines for Packet-Based Streams" � Editor H.248.Packets Q3/16 2009-10-19
[ 223-WP2 ]
Editor's Input, H.248.71 (ex. H.248.RECRTCP) "Gateway Control Protocol: RTCP Support Packages" � Editor H.248.71 Q3/16 2009-10-19
[ 222-WP2 ]
Input Draft H.248.x Sub Series Implementors' Guide � Editor H.248.x IG Q3/16 2009-10-14
[ 221-WP2 ]
Input draft for revised H-Series Supplement 2: "H.248.x sub-series packages guide - Release 13" � Editor H.248 Sup.2 Q3/16 2009-10-14
[ 220-WP2 ]
Input H.248.1v4 Living List � Editor H.248.1 Q3/16 2009-10-14
[ 219-WP2 ]
Input Draft for H.248.1v3 Amendment 2 "Gateway control protocol: Version 3: Corrections and clarifications" � Editor H.248.1 Q3/16 2009-10-14
[ 218-WP2 ]
Updated draft of new ITU-T Rec. H.248.72 (ex H.248.MONA) "H.248 support for MONA" � Editor H.248.72 Q3/16 2009-10-14
[ 217-WP2 ]
Latest draft of revised H.248.5 "Gateway control protocol: Transport over ATM" � Editor H.248.5 Q3/16 2009-10-14
[ 216-WP2 ]
Latest draft of revised H.248.4 "Gateway control protocol: Transport over Stream Control Transmission Protocol (SCTP)" � Editor H.248.4 Q3/16 2009-10-14
[ 215-WP2 ]
Draft new ITU-T Rec. H.460.24 "Point to point media through network address translators and firewalls within H.323 systems" (for Consent) � Editor H.460.24 Q2/16 2009-10-12
[ 214-WP2 ]
Draft new ITU-T Rec. H.460.23 "Network address translator and firewall device determination in H.323 systems" (for Consent) � Editor H.460.23 Q2/16 2009-10-12
[ 213-WP2 ]
Draft revised H.323 Implementors' Guide � Editor H.323 IG Q2/16 2009-10-08
[ 212-WP2 ]
Updated draft of new H.AMS "AMS: Advanced multimedia systems for next generation and other packet-switched networks" � Editor H.AMS Q12/16 2009-10-08
[ 211-WP2 ]
AMS Catalogue (Applications/services, scenarios and devices) � Editor AMS Catalogue Q12/16 2009-10-08
[ 210-WP2 ]
Draft New Recommendation H.NSF "Network services and facilities" � Editor H.NSF Q12/16 2009-10-08
[ 209-WP2 ]
AMS Working Assumptions � Editor AMS Working Assumptions Q12/16 2009-10-08
[ 208-WP2 ]
Input Draft ITU-T Rec. H.248.67 (ex H.248.TrM) "Gateway control protocol: GCP transport mode indication package" (Ed. 0.10) � Editor H.248.67 (ex H.248.TrM) Q3/16 2009-10-06
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