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ITU-T�SG 16� TD-WP2�(2009-01-27)�


Multimedia terminals, systems and applications

Study Period 2009

Meeting� from 2009-01-27 to 2009-02-06

held in Switzerland [Geneva]

Other Meetings : 2012-04-302011-11-212011-03-142010-07-192009-10-262009-07-102009-06-26� [ 2009-01-27 ]�

Results:73 total items.
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Temporary Documents �(WP2) �[�Source:�Editor�]���Documents / Contributions

Title Source AI/Question
[ 147-WP2 ]
Updated draft new Technical Paper HSTP.IPTV-CMA "Content and metadata adaptation for IPTV" � Editor HSTP.IPTV-CMA Q13/16 2009-02-09
[ 146-WP2 ]
Draft new Technical Paper HSTP.IPTV-WBSD "Web-based Service Discovery" � Editor HSTP.WBSD Q13/16 2009-02-09
[ 145-WP2 ]
Draft new Technical Paper HSTP.IPTV-SNV "IPTV Service Navigation System" � Editor HSTP.IPTV-SNV Q13/16 2009-02-09
[ 144-WP2 ]
Revised draft new Recommendation H.IPTV-WBTM, "Web-based Terminal Middleware for IPTV" � Editor H.iptv-WBTM Q13/16 2009-02-09
[ 143-WP2 ]
Updated draft new ITU-T Recommendation H.IPTV-TDES.3 "IPTV Terminal Device and End System (Full-fledged)" � Editor H.IPTV-TDES.3 Q13/16 2009-02-06
[ 142-WP2 ]
Updated draft of new ITU-T Recommendation H-IPTV-MAFR.6 "ECMAScript for IPTV" � Editors H.IPTV-MAFR.6 Q13/16 2009-02-06
[ 141-WP2 ]
Revised draft new ITU-T Recommendation, H.IPTV-MAFR.2 "Broadcasting Markup Language for IPTV" � Editors H.IPTV-MAFR.2 Q13/16 2009-02-06
[ 140-WP2 ]
Initial draft of new ITU-T Recommendation H.IPTV-MAFR.14 "Lua for IPTV" � Editors H.IPTV-MAFR.14 Q13/16 2009-02-06
[ 139-WP2 ]
Revised draft new ITU-T Recommendation H.IPTV-AM, "IPTV application event handling: audience measurement" � Editor H.IPTV-AM Q13/16 2009-02-06
[ 138-WP2 ]
Updated draft of new ITU-T Recommendation H.IPTV-AEH "Application Event Handling for IPTV" � Editor H.IPTV-AEH Q13/16 2009-02-06
[ 137-WP2 ]
Draft new Technical Paper HSTP.IMFR "Interoperability of Multimedia Application Frameworks" � Editor HSTP.IMFR Q13/16 2009-02-06
[ 136-WP2 ]
Draft new Technical Paper HSTP.TDPower: "Terminal Device Power Management" � Editor HSTP.TDPower Q13/16 2009-02-06
[ 135-WP2 ]
Draft new Technical Paper HSTP.RIM, "Rights Information and Metadata for IPTV" � Editor HSTP.RIM Q13/16 2009-02-06
[ 134-WP2 ]
Revised draft new Recommendation H.iptv-map, "Multimedia application platforms and end systems for IPTV" � Editor H.iptv-map Q13/16 2009-02-06
[ 133-WP2 ]
Draft new Technical Paper HSTP.ISPF "IPTV Service Platform" � Editor HSTP.ISPF Q13/16 2009-02-06
[ 127-WP2 ]
Updated draft of new Recommendation H.IPTV-MAFR.2 "Broadcasting markup language for IPTV" � Editor H.IPTV-MAFR.2 Q13/16 2009-02-05
[ 117-WP2 ]
Draft new Supplement H.hnqos.analysis "Analysis of Class-based Home Network QoS Solutions" (for Approval) � Editor H.hnqos.analysis Q4/16 2009-02-04
[ 116-WP2 ]
Revised draft of new Rec. ITU-T H.codec.qoe "A framework for adaptive end-to-end QoS control based on variable bit-rate codec in wireless networks" � Editor H.codec.qoe Q4/16 2009-02-04
[ 115-WP2 ]
Revised text of H.IRP "ID resolution protocols for multimedia information access triggered by tag-based identification" � Editor H.IRP Q22/16, Q21/16 2009-02-04
[ 114-WP2 ]
Revised text of H.IDscheme "ID schemes for multimedia information access triggered by tag-based identification" � Editor H.IDscheme Q22/16, Q21/16 2009-02-04
[ 107-WP2 ]
Initial draft of new ITU-T Rec. H.248.MRCP "Media Resource Control enhancement Packages" � Editor H.248.MRCP Q3/16 2009-02-04
[ 104-WP2 ]
Revised draft of new Recommendation F.usn-mw "Service description and requirements for USN middleware" � Editor F.usn-mw Q25/16 2009-02-04
[ 96-WP2 ]
Draft revised H.248.5 "Gateway control protocol: Transport over ATM" � Editor H.248.5 Q3/16 2009-02-03
[ 95-WP2 ]
Draft revised H.248.4 "Gateway control protocol: Transport over Stream Control Transmission Protocol (SCTP)" � Editor H.248.4 Q3/16 2009-02-03
[ 87-WP2 ]
Editor's Output, H.248.Packets, "Gateway Control Protocol: Guidelines for Packet-Based Streams" � Editor H.248.Packets Q3/16 2009-02-03
[ 86-WP2 ]
Draft new Recommendation H.IPTV-MAFR.9 "Nested Context Language (NCL) and Ginga-NCL for IPTV" � Editor H.IPTV-MAFR.9 Q13/16 2009-02-03
[ 84-WP2 ]
Initial draft of new H.NSF "Network Services and Facilities" � Editor H.NSF Q12/16 2009-02-03
[ 74-WP2 ]
Updated draft of new Recommendation H.IPTV-TDES.4 "IPTV Terminal Device and End System (Mobile Model)" � Editor H.IPTV-TDES.4 Q13/16 2009-01-27
[ 73-WP2 ]
Updated draft new Recommendation H.IPTV-TDES.2 "IPTV Terminal Device (Basic Model)" � Editor H.IPTV-TDES.2 Q13/16 2009-01-27
[ 71-WP2 ]
Updated draft new Recommendation H.IPTV-ProComp "Profiles of IPTV Service and Compliance" � Editor H.IPTV-ProComp Q13/16 2009-01-27
[ 70-WP2 ]
Updated draft Recommendation H.IPTV-MAFR.0 "Overview of Multimedia Application Frameworks for IPTV" � Editor H.IPTV-MAFR.0 Q13/16 2009-01-27
[ 69-WP2 ]
Updated draft new Recommendation H.IPTV-CDER "Content delivery error recovery for IPTV services" � Editors H.IPTV-CDER Q13/16 2009-01-27
[ 66-WP2 ]
Draft revised Recommendation H.242 "System for establishing communication between audiovisual terminals using digital channels up to 2 Mbit/s" � Editor H.242 Q1/16 2009-01-23
[ 65-WP2 ]
Draft revised Recommendation H.230 "Frame-synchronous Control and Indication Signals for Audiovisual Systems" � Editor H.230 Q1/16 2009-01-23
[ 64-WP2 ]
Draft revised Recommendation H.221 "Frame structure for a 64 to 1920 kbit/s channel in audiovisual teleservices" � Editor H.221 Q1/16 2009-01-23
[ 61-WP2 ]
Draft revised H.323 Implementors' Guide � Editor H.323 IG Q2/16 2009-01-23
[ 60-WP2 ]
Draft revised ITU-T Rec. H.225.0 "Call signalling protocols and media stream packetization for packet-based multimedia communication systems" � Editor H.225.0 Q2/16 2009-01-23
[ 59-WP2 ]
Revised draft of new Recommendation H.IPTV-AM "IPTV application event handling: audience measurement" � Editor Q13/16 2009-01-27
[ 58-WP2 ]
Updated draft of new F.VSreqs "Requirements and service description for visual surveillance" � Editor F.VSreqs Q22/16 2009-01-23
[ 55-WP2 ]
H.DMI: New extension packages for Dialling Method Discrimination � Editor H.DMI Q3/16 2009-01-23
[ 54-WP2 ]
H.248.MONA: H.248 Support for MONA � Editor H.248.MONA Q3/16 2009-01-23
[ 53-WP2 ]
Editor's Input, H.248.71 (ex. H.248.RECRTCP) "Gateway Control Protocol: Received RTCP Package" � Editor H.248.71 Q3/16 2009-01-23
[ 52-WP2 ]
Editor's Input, H.248.53 Revision 1 "Gateway Control Protocol: Traffic Management Packages" � Editor H.248.53 Revision 1 Q3/16 2009-01-23
[ 51-WP2 ]
Editor's Input, H.248.52 Amendment 1 "Gateway Control Protocol: QoS Support Packages: Clarifications and updates to the Differentiated Services package" � Editor H.248.52 Amendment 1 Q3/16 2009-01-23
[ 50-WP2 ]
Editor's Input, H.248.1 Appendix IV (ex. H.248.Statistics) "Practices on Statistics - Example Use Cases" � Editor H.248.1 Appendix IV Q3/16 2009-01-23
[ 49-WP2 ]
Editorial proposal for the draft of ITU-T Rec. F.SATC "Scenarios and Requirements for Service Awareness and Traffic Control" � Editor F.MSATC Q24/16, Q22/16 2009-01-23
[ 48-WP2 ]
Updated draft of ITU-T H.248.PIPA � Editor H.248.PIPA Q3/16 2009-01-23
[ 47-WP2 ]
Updated draft of new ITU-T H.248.73 (ex H.248.MSCML) � Editor H.248.73 Q3/16 2009-01-23
[ 46-WP2 ]
Updated draft of new ITU-T H.248.69 (ex H.248.MSRP) � Editor H.248.69 Q3/16 2009-01-23
[ 45-WP2 ]
Updated draft of new ITU-T H.248.68 (ex H.248.RDT) � Editor H.248.68 Q3/16 2009-01-23
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