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ITU-T�SG 13� TD-PLEN�(2012-06-04)�


Future networks including mobile and NGN

Study Period 2009

Meeting� from 2012-06-04 to 2012-06-15

held in Switzerland [Geneva]

Other Meetings : [ 2012-06-04 ]� 2012-02-172012-02-062011-10-102011-05-202011-01-172010-09-162010-04-192010-01-292009-09-022009-05-222009-01-12

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Temporary Documents �(PLEN) ��Documents / Contributions

Title Source AI/Question
[ 320-PLEN ]
WP 2/13 approved liaisons � Chairman, WP 2/13 Q3/13, Q24/13, Q12/13 2012-06-15
[ 319-PLEN ]
Report of Working Party 2/13 (Service requirements, scenarios and evolution aspects) � Chairman, WP 2/13 Q3/13, Q24/13, Q12/13 2012-06-15
[ 318-PLEN ]
Liaisons from WP 5/13 � Rapporteurs Q21/13 2012-06-15
[ 317-PLEN ]
WP3/13 meeting report � WP3/13 chairman Q9/13, Q5/13, Q22/13 2012-06-15
[ 316-PLEN ]
Draft Recommendation Y.2063 (Y.WoT) - Framework of Web of Things - for consent � Editors Q12/13 2012-06-15
[ 315-PLEN ]
LS on SG 13 Responsibilities, Mandate and Question texts � Chairman SG 13 QALL/13 2012-06-15
[ 314-PLEN ]
SG 13 Responsibilities, Mandate and Question texts � Chairman of SG13 QALL/13 2012-06-15
[ 313-PLEN ]
Draft Recommendation ITU-T Y.2615 (Y.PTDN-routing): The routing mechanisms in Public packet Telecom Data Network (PTDN) - for consent � Editors Q20/13 2012-06-15
[ 312-PLEN ]
Draft Supplement 19 to Y.2200-series (Y.iras) - Risk analysis service over NGN - for approval � Editors Q24/13 2012-06-15
[ 311-PLEN ]
Draft Recommendation Y.2024 (Y.NGN-Web) - Functional requirements and architecture of Web service component in NGN - for consent � Editors Q12/13 2012-06-15
[ 310-PLEN ]
ITU-T Handbook: Multi-connection/Multi Radio Access Technologies (M-RATs) in NGN - Bridging Next Generation Networks and Future Networks with Simultaneous Connectivity - for agreement � Associate Rapporteur Q9/13 2012-06-15
[ 309-PLEN ]
Draft Recommendation ITU-T Y.2622 (Y.iSCP-arch) - Architecture of independent Scalable Control Plane (iSCP) in future packet based network (FPBN) - for consent � Editors Q20/13 2012-06-15
[ 308-PLEN ]
Report of WP5 (Future Networks) � Chairman WP 5/13 Q7/13, Q21/13, Q20/13, Q19/13 2012-06-15
[ 307-PLEN ]
LS on Closing NGN-JCA and NGN-GSI � Chairman, Study Group 13 QALL/13 2012-06-15
[ 306-PLEN ]
LS on Handover of a parent group responsibility on IPTV-JCA � Chairman, Study Group 13 QALL/13 2012-06-15
[ 305-PLEN ]
Outgoing Liaisons from WP6/13 � Chairman WP 6/13 Q28/13, Q27/13, Q26/13 2012-06-15
[ 304-PLEN ]
Question text of WP6/13 Questions for next study period � Chairman WP 6/13 Q28/13, Q27/13, Q26/13 2012-06-15
[ 303-PLEN ]
Liaison response on Quality of Experience aspects of multi-connection � Rapporteur Q9/13 2012-06-15
[ 302-PLEN ]
Draft Recommendation Y.2027 (Y.MC-ARCH) - Functional Architecture of Multi-connection - for consent � Editors Q9/13 2012-06-15
[ 301-PLEN ]
Draft Recommendation Y.2252 (Y.MC-ID) - Identification and configuration of resources for multi-connection - for consent � Editors Q9/13 2012-06-15
[ 300-PLEN ]
Draft Recommendation ITU-T Y.2061 (Y.MOC-reqts) - Requirements for support of machine oriented communication applications in the NGN environment - for approval � Editor Q3/13 2012-06-14
[ 299-PLEN ]
Liaison statement to JCA-AHF � Chairman of WP6/13 Q28/13, Q27/13, Q26/13 2012-06-14
[ 298-PLEN ]
Draft Supplement 20 to Y.1900-series (Y.miptv-scen) - Scenarios and use cases of mobile IPTV - for approval � Editors Q24/13 2012-06-14
[ 297-PLEN ]
Report of Working Party 6/13 (Cloud Computing) � Chairman, WP 6/13 Q28/13, Q27/13, Q26/13 2012-06-14
[ 296-PLEN ]
Draft Recommendation ITU-T Y.2080 (Y.dsnarch)- Functional architecture of distributed service networking - for approval � Editor Q19/13 2012-06-14
[ 295-PLEN ]
Draft Recommendation Y.2059 (Y.ipv6na) - Functional requirements for accessing to IPv6-based next generation networks - for consent � Editor Q7/13 2012-06-14
[ 294-PLEN ]
Draft Recommendation Y.2025 (Y.NGN-SIDE-Arch) - Functional architecture of NGN service integration and delivery environment - for consent � Editors Q5/13 2012-06-14
[ 293-PLEN ]
Draft - Terms of Reference of the Collaborative Team for Cloud Computing Reference Architecture (CT-CCRA) � Chairman, WP 6/13 Q28/13, Q27/13, Q26/13 2012-06-14
[ 292-PLEN ]
Draft - Terms of Reference of the Collaborative Team for Cloud Computing Overview and Vocabulary (CT-CCVOCAB) � Chairman, WP 6/13 Q28/13, Q27/13, Q26/13 2012-06-14
[ 291-PLEN ]
Draft Recommendation ITU-T Y.2060 (ex Y.IoT-overview) - Overview of Internet of Things - for approval � Editors Q3/13 2012-06-14
[ 290-PLEN ]
Draft Recommendation Y.MM-WAU (Y.2812) - Mobility Management for Interworking between WiMAX and UMTS - for consent � Editors Q22/13 2012-06-14
[ 289-PLEN ]
Draft Recommendation Y.MM-VPN (Y.2811) - Framework of Mobile Virtual Private Network in NGN - for consent � Editors Q22/13 2012-06-14
[ 288-PLEN ]
WP 1/13 meeting report � Chairman, WP 1/13 Q25/13, Q15/13, Q10/13 2012-06-14
[ 287-PLEN ]
Draft Recommendation Y.2026 (Y.USN-arch) - Functional requirements and architecture of the NGN for support of ubiquitous sensor network (USN) applications and services - for consent � Editors Q5/13 2012-06-14
[ 286-PLEN ]
Recommendation Y.2081 (Y.dsntocf) - DSN Traffic Optimization Control Functions - for consent � Editors Q19/13 2012-06-14
[ 285-PLEN ]
Recommendation Y.2069 (Y.Terms-IoT) - Terms and definitions for Internet of Things - for consent � Editors Q25/13 2012-06-14
[ 284-PLEN ]
Outgoing Liaisons from WP1/13 � WP1/13 Chairman Q25/13, Q15/13, Q10/13 2012-06-14
[ 283-PLEN ]
Report of the Meeting of WP 4/13 (QoS and Security) � Chairman, WP 4/13 Q4/13, Q17/13, Q16/13 2012-06-14
[ 282-PLEN ]
WP 4/13 Outgoing Liaison Statements � Chairman, WP 4/13 Q4/13, Q17/13, Q16/13 2012-06-14
[ 281-PLEN ]
Draft Supplement 18 to Y.2700-series - NGN Certificate Management - for approval � Editors Q16/13 2012-06-14
[ 280-PLEN ]
Draft Recommendation ITU-T Y.1920 (Y.IPTV-TM) - Guidelines for the use of traffic management mechanisms in support of IPTV services - for consent � Editors Q4/13 2012-06-14
[ 279-PLEN ]
Draft Recommendation Y.2705 (Y.ETS-Sec), Minimum Security Requirements for Interconnection of Emergency Telecommunications Service (ETS) - for determination � Editors Q16/13 2012-06-14
[ 278-PLEN ]
List of participants � TSB QALL/13 2012-06-04
[ 277-PLEN ]
Issues require decisions of parent Study Group on NGN-JCA and IPTV-JCA � Convener of JCA-NGN and JCA-IPTV QALL/13 2012-06-04
[ 276-PLEN ]
Guidance for the preparation of questions for the next study period � SG13 management team QALL/13 2012-06-04
[ 275-PLEN ]
Meeting facilities and information � TSB QALL/13 2012-06-04
[ 274-PLEN ]
Proposal for replacement of the SG 13 Vice-Chairman � SG13 Chairman QALL/13 2012-06-01
[ 273-PLEN ]
Liaison statement from ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 38 regarding collaboration � ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 38 Q27/13, Q26/13 2012-06-01
[ 272-PLEN ]
Summary results of action taken at and since the February 2012 meetings � TSB QALL/13 2012-06-01
[ 271-PLEN ]
List of contributions � TSB QALL/13 2012-05-31
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